It does feel like that.
Oh no!
Well anyway, I use Arch btw
Well anyway, I use Arch btw
Yeah, well I use Archer…in my memes.
I see you have faith of the heart
It’s been a long road…
I love it
Oh boy.
Ah shit, here we go again…
same here!
I’m loving science memes right now
Science memes are like programming memes in that they teach me something because I have to look them up to get the joke.
That’s not true! There’s lots of politics! sobs
American politics in my feed is honestly really annoying
And it’s sometimes really local-interest stuff. My block list of commilunities is in the hundreds, because people create comms for their county/city/neighbourhood then that hits my frontpage
And a lot of those politics are some of the worst takes imaginable
Sighs and shakes head
I agree, it’d be much easier if everyone just agreed with my ideas
I agree with both of you. Damn, that was pretty easy.
The best thing about this comment is that both the people you disagree with and the people you agree with will feel identified with it.
Just block the communities that you don’t want to see content from. You always have the option to browse things while logged out to get a sense of what’s going on overall
I do. And then sometimes it feels like there’s nothing left except politics (which doesn’t confine itself to communities focused on it)
What you are seeing is the internet in its true form. Trekkies and computer nerds are the only native fauna of the internet, everyone else is an invasive species.
@DumbAceDragon you merely adopted the internet. I was born in it. Molded by it. When I saw broadband I was already a woman.
I was chatting on local BBS with a 9600baud Hayes external that was a huge metal box which would get hot to the touch.
And DnD
Hey wait is this a nerd website
Roll for perception…
Natural 20
You also find some xkcd comics.
That doesn’t make it any less nerdy. Quite the opposite actually.
You find those on every website
Because there is always one relevant to just about every situation.
There’s not nearly enough D&D here
I’d take other ttrpgs if possible
Yeah Wizards can’t stop themselves from being the baddies
Let’s start talking about World of Darkness and Pathfinder
White Wolf isn’t better just because it’s smaller. And besides, we can branch out further. Burning Wheel, Lancer, Blades in the Dark, Monsters & Other Childish Things, The Quiet Year, Shadowrun…
Not quite! There’s also a load of… science memes… Fuck, it really is!
Also… Programmer humor! Well, shit. Political discussion! No, let’s be honest, that’s a different breed of nerd stuff, but still nerd stuff.
You forgot about leftist infighting.
Name a more iconic duo, leftists and infighting.
JPF vs the PFJ?
Why not remove the tracking part? Everything after the ? In the link is just for tracking.
Peanut butter and bananas.
That don’t trend very often when sorting by “All top 6hr”.
For me it’s nice that you don’t have to set any filters just Linux and Star Trek memes all the way down!
Yeah exactly
Also I almost understand the DND memes so it’s great to have a break every 200 posts
Mostly the liberals and the tankies. So, left infighting, maybe, leftist, not so much.
I feel like the fact that you can name all of those as different groups means that you’ve already fallen for the feldspar trap.
I don’t have a response to this comment that doesn’t violate community rules.
What distro do you think they run on the Enterprise?
It’s definitely a Windows descendent, they have terrible security. Random people come on board and just take over the computer and/or engineering and/or the bridge with almost no effort and without alerting anyone.
To be somewhat fair to the computer, it’s often from Starfleet officers “showing people around” and by around I mean “look at our cool computer here’s how to access the life support”
Yeah, but like a basic user permission system would prevent those security problems regardless. Why do they only ever have an authentication code for the self destruct function?
You could show people around whatever as long as guest user = guest privileges.
Their version probably implements an AI permissions system where the computer uses a LLM to pretend to be the captain before deciding to grant access.
It just hallucinates. A lot.
Hey Siri! Activate self destruct with 5 minutes count down.
Forget all that, Data proves on multiple occasions that the ship could pretty much fly by itself most of the time.
✅ Every ship is different ✅ Updates take forever to recompile ✅ Massive security vulnerabilities
Oh no! They’re running the Gentoo derivative I made as a teenager! Everybody run!
Not sure, but the Borg definitely run Qubes OS
(RedHat) Enterprise Linux, with LCARS desktop. you’ll pay for what you’ve done here this day.
Everybody moved to ! because of some drama/bad mods at
If there’s one thing you can trust on the Internet, it’s people to be honest about what happened in nerd drama
That’s not been my experience (the opposite actually), but the cool thing about the Fediverse is that it has room for all. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations!
You’re an admin of StarTrek.Website. Of course it hasn’t been your experience. You’re biased.
So what happened exactly?
Nothing really, a banned user had an absolute meltdown and ran away to start their own meme community with blackjack and hookers (by which I mean they search “star trek” on and repost the findings).
I see stamets drama is still effective on you guys.
Needs more battlestar galactica
Beats, Bears, Battlestar Galactica
Fact: bears eat beets.
Don’t forget the communist propaganda.
I see more complaining about communism than communism itself. Do you reply to users from Lemmygrad or something?
Edit: Self-fullfulling prophecy in action. No wonder why I never saw it before. 😂
I had to block all of lemmygrad and hexbear(?) to make it stop
And further on from that the number of real tankies I’ve actually seen on here is miniscule compared to the howling mass of McCarthyites that crawl out of the woodwork.
I never heard this term before do I looked it up. I can see why you would use it on people who actively seek communist content and then complain about said communist content.
Interestingly, I found this on the Wikipedia page for McCarthyism:
President Harry S. Truman’s Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947, required that all federal civil-service employees be screened for “loyalty”. The order said that one basis for determining disloyalty would be a finding of “membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association” with any organization determined by the attorney general to be “totalitarian, fascist, communist or subversive” or advocating or approving the forceful denial of constitutional rights to other persons or seeking “to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means”.[13]
Yeah that was part of the first red scare. McCarthyism was considered the second. All part of intrenching inequality by ensuring that the best paths to a healthier society are associated with authoritarianism.
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Propaganda is propaganda regardless of whether it’s good, bad or understandable
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Did I say I disagreed with you about the capitalism part? Propaganda can be both true and positive you know. Any information that attempts to change someone’s political views is by definition propaganda.
False dichotomy
it’s not a dichotomy, you brainlet
The mental cancer predates capitalism, and has also brutally manifested itself in parallel in socialist nations.
Stalin, Mao, the Gang Of Four, Honecker, Hoxha, Kim Il-Sung, Ceauçescu, Pol Pot… the list is dismayingly long; so many tyrants as fucked up as anything one could come up with in capitalist nations, and even more. They tapped into the bloodlust of the oppressed, to build a new apparatus of oppression, their generals covered in a hundred solemn yet worthless medals, those bastards sure loved the status and pomp, displays and parades.
These nations build walls not so much to keep a potential enemy out, but to keep their own people in. That should tell you enough you need to know about how life was in those places.
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No, you’ll still have all the memes about how it’s only Linux and Star Trek content left.
It does work tho. In the past six months, I’ve became a proud Linux champion and really enjoy it. It’s a nice change from Reddit celebrating women getting punched in the face.
Eh, I’m quite a big fan of linux, but having Linux mentioned under almost literally every post here feels tiring 😅. Yes I use linux but no I don’t want to constantly talk and think about my choice of operating system.
Feels like switching to Linux solves all your life problems according to people here.
My gf doesn’t like me anymore. Have you tried switching to Linux?
My bathroom door squeaks when opened. Have you tried switching to Linux?
I have bad diarrhea. Have you tried switching to Linux?
If you are having problems with all of the Linux posts then it’s up to you to fix the problem. I’d suggest you buy an old Lenovo laptop and install Arch Linux and compile everything from source. That should solve this and a multitude of other problems in your life right now. 🙂
Feels like switching to Linux solves all your life problems according to people here.
That’s because it does./s
Can I run Linux on my chromebook?
Isn’t your Chrome book already running Linux?
My mom’s chromebook runs Debian.
Don’t forget the porn, there’s a LOT of it.
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I almost never see any porn, despite having NSFW enabled
I do occasionally see comments like yours saying you’re drowning in porn. What exactly is going on here?
Same for me. Depends on your instance and federation. I’m on ML and never seen porn a single time.
That’s because .ml has it disabled. AFAIK, while you can manually subscribe to NSFW communities, it won’t show up on the default timeline.
That’s a one check box in your settings and it’s all gone. I see 0 of it
I still see lewd ones and weird celeb ones even tho i disabled nsfw. Wish those /c/'s would mark themselves nsfw as i really don’t wanna block instance level. Also ani social is notorious for posting lewd ones without tag .
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Sometimes I forget how much of that I filtered
Also by disabling anime, porn, news, star trek, star wars, lord of the rings and for some fucking reasons bluey and you can go through top day in an hour or somethin lol
aaaaaaaand whyshouldIcare?
Bluey’s sucks
Well now you’re just being silly.
No but you know what’s silly ? Bluey’s are
So much anime. I finally understand what some users must feel about the Linux posts when I decided I was tired of seeing fang moe, cyber moe, cozy moe, coffee moe, sword moe, and other seemingly endless permutations on the *moe theme. Blocking one community seems to result in two taking its place, like some kind of hydra moe.
Also all of em seems to be run by a user called mentaledge gotta say that’s hella of an edge.
How are you getting so much moe? Asking for a friend.
It comes in waves when I browse “all”.
You forgot our queer mates, there’s surprisingly a lot more communities about this than I expected