You can love and respect someone while thinking that that one belief is really stupid
I completely agree! However, it is entirely irrelevant because the original claim wasn’t that they thought someone was stupid. They said they actively thought less of them and then mocked them for having the permanent mindset of a child. Your point doesn’t cover that level of immature hostility.
You cannot claim to be a friend of someone while openly believing they are less than you and mocking their entire mental state and world view. The behavior is contradictory to what a friend actually does. You are not a friend in that case, you’re just a shitty person who is pretending to be someones friends while (no matter what you say) treating them less than you would treat someone like yourself.
No? I just missed a step in my text a bit. My point was that while the US military is strong and could outright invade Canada with tanks and planes and guns… that isn’t how the war would actually be fought. It would instantly turn to guerilla warfare as normal citizens started weaponizing themselves, crossing into the United States, and being able to carry out attacks on American infrastructure while looking and sounding the same as Americans.
Canada can’t prepare a ton more than it already has but America can’t prepare at all. The infrastructure in America is way too vulnerable and any war with Canada would mean a destruction of American infrastructure carried out by people wearing not uniforms but a smile.