Thanks! I’ll take your word for it 😁
I’d look for it, but I wouldn’t be able to escape the gravitational pull of that site for several days…
More like 1922 in Italy tbh…
All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.
For example, the Nazis were big on public works projects and pretending to be socialists, both of which are anathema to the American Fascist Party that the GOP has become.
Right next to China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. If you head West from North Korea, just take a left after Mongolia!
He was just the first example of someone whose movies are known to be hugely profitable and inversely artistic 🤷😁
Nah, I’m pretty sure most people here are blaming both the signatories of the contract: the slavery profiteers and the state that keeps abusing prisoners as well
Owl theremin, you say? 🤔😄
Couldn’t find another source about the lawsuit, but here’s an article about the quotas.
He probably just misses Seymour 🤷
Bones of how much?
I (happily) see the other two all the time, but I don’t think I’ve ever come across that moon dude yet…
When mealtime approached, she would slither through the porridge or the vegetables, and thus everything was greased and salted and ready to eat.
My mom was not the BEST cook in the world…
Worse still, your fairytale has a Polish (The Witcher monsters) middle and a Danish (HC Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling) beginning.
Time is a 4th dimension when talking about spacetime, which assumes three dimensions of space and one dimension of progressing time.
Yeah, that’s basically what I was referring to. Everything I know about dimensions, I learned from Doctor Who, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Donnie Darko!
stabs pencil through folded paper to illustrate wormhole
…isn’t the 4th dimension just time?
That’s how they get you to agree to a 30 minute lunch break…