To be fair, most things don´t taste that well on their own.
Now finish your bowl of ketchup.
Spinach meet lime.
Tell that to some fruit.
Yeah, I’ve tasted a lot of single men who taste great!
Well, here I am!
To be fair!
Wait until you hear about rice and pasta.
Pasta? You mean flour with a bunch of stuff added to it?
huh? d-does your rice and pasta not taste good just boiled with some salt?
get better pasta and rice dude
I don’t even need to put salt on my rice. It’s great on its own just boiled.
Thai Jasmin rice. Once I found a good hookup oh baby did my view on rice change.
Idk what they’re doing to rice over there but everything about it is perfect. Aroma, flavour, texture. It’s delicious fluffy white rice every time.
Thank you. That’s exactly what I was thinking. This is not so much a “meme” as a “laughing at things stupid people say”.
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I beg to differ. Just a bit of honey and milk make 'em fucking delicious, and if milk and honey are complex seasoning, something is very wrong with your ability to cook.
Get a load of this guy from the land of milk and honey. Must be nice to live in the promised land with your fancy oatmeal. /s
even with just basic seasons
What are we calling basic seasonings? Brown sugar is pretty basic imo and oatmeal with brown sugar is basically crack.
Chinese person here, the spices that work well on rice also work on congee, which is already similar to oatmeal, and IMO they work just fine on actual oatmeal too.
Hell we even have a “lazy congee” where you literally just add leftover rice to hot water to make a sort of rice oatmeal. Super convenient in the morning when you’re in a rush!
Once you add 17 things to it?
Defenders of McDonald’s chicken nuggets surprised to learn they contain 38 ingredients.
Not to mention drowning each bite in a little tub of bbq sauce
I eat mine dry. Would this get me into the Salty Spitoon?
As do I. I would never sully my delicious tempura fried compressed chicken matter by dipping it in cups of high fructose corn syrup.
I would, and will do it again!
There is a place for people like you but it’s not the salty spittoon. You will get to see lots of sponge though and a jacket with lots of cool buckles.
38 different chickens per nugget.
Doesn’t matter. Everything besides water and chicken-ish “meat” is only in there in microscopic amounts. Especially water.
Oatmeal is a grain product, so yeah, adding other things to it to make it more to your personal liking is kinda the point.
This is like saying bread is bad because most people like it in a sandwich.
Wheat is bad because you have to add more than just water to make bread
That’s actually not even necessarily true. You can just leave flour around in water and the natural yeast ferments. Then you can throw that in with some more water and flour and it’s sourdough. Would be better with some salt though.
Or you can make super depressing unleavened flatbread.
you don’t even need yeast, in sweden we have “stick bread” which is just flour, water, baking powder, and salt which you wrap around a stick and grill over a campfire. Perfectly tasty.
In Canada and Scotland, it’s called campfire Bannock.
Even better with a korv down the hole!
Yes, no one who says “I love pasta!” is saying that to mean “I love just the pasta on its own without any sauce”
Er…n-no one? ^^’
I have a friend who eats pasta not only plsin, but raw.
Have you ever had fresh baked bread (even flatbread)?
Oatmeal like rice, tofu, grits, or any number of other foods is a flavor vehicle.
I dunno man, rice is pretty delicious on its own
I prefer it with water and maybe some salt though
Oh no I’ve been doing it wrong …
As a kid one of my favorite memories is just eating a plain bowl of white rice with some salt and pepper.
That doesn’t sound that plain.
Yeah I think like 80% of foods have some combination of salt, pepper, and garlic. I feel like those three things alone are the most valuable flavorings possible, with many things coming in a close second
Never forget fat as a flavour enhancer too. There is a reason why plain potato makes your gatherer brain go crazy with just some fat (and salt) added
True! There’s a reason butter or oil can be found in so many recipes
Yeah man, I love that!
Rice with butter was what I ate as a kid instead of butter noodles. So unhealthy, so tasty.
Almost as nice as a plain slice of dry white bread washed down with a refreshing glass of government juice
Bread, especially naan, is great on its own or as a carrier for more flavorful foods.
Guy Fieri wrote this.
My dudes got whole towns hyped up on flavor.
plain tofu or rice is good though.
Sometimes I just eat cubes of tofu as a snack.
Anyone making the assertion that ingredients must taste good on their own to be considered tasty is free to go try vanilla extract to compare it to vanilla icecream.
Well no shit, ever heard of cooking?
Why do people insist on randomly hating what other people eat? The textbook definition of differing tastes between different people than cannot be accounted for? Unless your kid is named Oatmeal and they ate them, maybe mind your own business.
You heartless bastard! Oatmeal was my second-favourite son and that bastard seasoned him with store brand ketchup! STORE BRAND!
It’s probably a fat fuck that can’t stomach anything with less than 30g of sugar.
oh boy fatphobia
I’m not wrong.
I mean, in a pinch you can get away with just butter and salt. Oats taste fine by themselves, it’s just really boring after two bites.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
Too bad. I would have been very impressed if you were, considering you’re posting comments on an Internet forum.
Imagine the size of a keyboard you would need to accommodate a horse’s hoof!
Imagine the size of a keyboard you would need to accommodate a horse’s hoof!
The ergonomics would be daunting.
It would be interesting, but is it true? I would tell you nay.
I would tell you nay.
Well played, sir. Well, played.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
That’s exactly what a horse would say
As a child I did butter and SUGAR with my oatmeal.
Oats with butter, sugar, cinnamon. Loved that as a kid.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
Okay, Ed.
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Steel cut oats don’t need anything except maybe a little milk. They’re delicious, fight me.
Dude, you enjoy plain oat meal. I ain’t getting in a fight with someone like that. That’s like picking a fight with Popeye because he eats plain spinach.
Plain canned spinach. I could do plain spinach all day, but the idea of canned spinach is horrendous.
I feel like the super saiyan version of Popeye is just a dude who eats whole straight from the can
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I agree with this. I can handle plain oatmeal. Grits without flavoring though is like wet food sand
Yeah, but if Thor ate oats could he beat Hulk eating grits?
Oats, water, pinch of salt. Maybe its cause I was raised protestant but the day should start as miserable as it will go on.
I could never get into steel cut, but this is how I eat rolled oats. But its gotta be Quaker Original or Bobs or something. Instant oats suck ass.
And I like whole oat groats even better. Discrete grains not unlike cooking rice. Groats and steel cut oats are such an improvement on texture. Guess there’s a little trade-off in cooking time, but it really doesn’t take that long. I’ll make a little pot and have it for a week.
Oatmeal is a nothing base.
Do you know how much work it takes to make a filling base stock that can pivot in any direction?
Savory, Sweet, Salty?
Oatmeal is a fucking miracle centuries in the making.
Fish, Chicken, Beef, Pork, Vegetables, or Botanicals all go well with it.
And it fills your stomach a lot.
I love and eat oatmeal every day. More than ones through the day actually, plain
Just oats and water.
If i want something different than nothing beats fruits in this game for me. A good apple sauce is also awesome on oatmeal.
Not even salt? Whoa
Some yogurt and honey is great in my steel cut oats
Question. What is the difference between “steel cut oats” and regular oatmeal?
The article that someone else posted explains it well. The thing I would add is that once you start using steel cut oats, you’ll never go back
Nah, steel cut are alright, but take too much time to be used regularly, for me anyway.
From the (AI generated?) article…
Steel-cut oats
Steel-cut oats are most closely related to the original, unprocessed oat groat.
Steel-cut oats have a coarser, chewier texture and nuttier flavor than rolled or quick oats.
They also take longer to prepare, with average cooking times ranging from 15–30 minutes.
Rolled oats
Rolled oats, or old-fashioned oats, are oat groats that have gone through a steaming and flattening process.
They have a milder flavor and softer texture and take much less time to make than steel-cut oats, as they have been partially cooked.
Do yourself a favor and sub the water with milk or a milk substitute. Takes the oatmeal to 11
I eat oats just about every single day. The only time I’m not eating oats is around the holidays.
But I definitely don’t mind unflavored oats. Normally I eat them savory, but plain oats are fine I suppose.
No matter how much you try to trick us by posting on the internet, we can still tell you’re a horse!
The defense of Oatmeal is that it’s insanely good for your health and will help you lose weight if you can shovel unsweetened oatmeal down your pie hole every morning.
Doesn’t have to be unsweetened, just unsweetened with natural sugars like, sugar or honey. Stevia or other artificial sweeteners are okay for weight loss.
You eat oatmeal because it’s good for your health.
I eat oatmeal because it gives me feel good fiber poop.
We are not the same.
It’s fine by itself. I mean, it ain’t winning any awards for taste, because it’s not good but it’s not awful either. It just exists. 🤷🏻♂️
I just put a handful of blueberries or cut up strawberries in mine for some stimulation. The main reason for me to have oatmeal is that it is super quick and extremely filling with just a small portion. Efficiency food.