It is always better to describe the impact something has had on you than to accuse someone of a behaviour.
“When you said that it made me feel irritated/anxious/sad/loved/gassy.”
Instead of “You’re being disrespectful.” (An accusation of behaviour that can be argued against)
You can point a conversation at what really matters; the feelings generated by it.
For me, I’ll hop onto a new git branch and start renaming functions and variables to what they actually do.
I might drag some blocks of code out into new functions, just a real rough refactor to get both the flow and my understanding of each block in place.
Big if conditions get their own function, named what the intent is.
I work in Xcode, so we can add extra context to breakpoints. I recently discovered the bookmarks that are built in, and you can annotate them too!
Make a change, start from the top and make sure it reads ok and still makes sense.
It’s eating an elephant on repeat.