Dishonored 2 is a masterpiece. Great art, great characters, gameplay options out the ass… gotta go back and play it now
Dishonored 2 is a masterpiece. Great art, great characters, gameplay options out the ass… gotta go back and play it now
Sometimes you squatty for the potty
Those fucks.
This is my son, Camembert. My father wanted me to name him a third but Parmesan Cheddar III is just ridiculous
Drain well; put a towel over the cut pieces and place weight on it to press water out for ~2hrs.
Toss with soy sauce and spices. Bake at 425 F for 20 min, flip and then 15 min more. Serve with literally whatever bullshit you got
How much is Tofu? Thats always a good cheap option if fresh veg isnt affordable
Its crazy how far 20 dollars in veggies will go. A bag of carrots is like 2 bucks
Tide comes in, tide goes out. Explain that, atheists!
I believe this as well, no cap
Ketchup is pretty overpowered for anything but the blandest foods. I like mustard and/or mayo in most cases
I had a a bulk detonator during the drillevator as well. Got lucky and the AI did not head straight for us, giving us time to take him out while he was pretty far away. It was also only hazard 3, no warnings…
It gets less fun for me every iteration. Cant say im excited for Civ 7
Rob Liefeld would like to have a word.
Proteins and starch interact with heat differently? Crazy world bruh.
Lol Jdownloader will just solve your captchas automatically as it hits the sites that require it.
Sadly not real. I would totally eat this. Smokey, spicy, and sweet go together pretty well. Its not “seafood seasoning” you plebe; it goes on everything.
I prefer the fudge-covered kind on Christmas, if you know what I mean
Im sorry but i draw the line at blending onions. Eviscersting an onion like that would just make it pungent as fuck. Carmelize the onions while you cook the patty, or just raw on top is plenty fine.
Final Fantasy doesnt need to cost $100+ million to make; especially when your only big idea is just to make it look expensive. Execs like to blame their own hubris on market changes but like… treat your workers better and give them creative freedom and they could do great things. Instead its all on the backs of money-grubbing trend-chasers who get to keep their jobs when their inevitable failures lead to mass layoffs.
Ya’ll spent 50 mil on marketing? I barely even noticed ffxvi came out. How much did Dunkey spend on marketing Animal Well and that shit was inescapable for weeks.