I had a coworker who used to dress like this, his go-to was a naval peacoat with a top hat.
On Halloween he came to work wearing a hoodie and jeans and it freaked everyone out.
On Halloween he came to work wearing a hoodie and jeans and it freaked everyone out.
That’s one hell of a long game. Respect.
did you offer to marry him?
No dowry?
Obvs out of my league.
Knew a guy who wore a trenchcoat, black, and a kilt, standard red tartan, even when it was 110 out.
Was chilling with his younger brother one day bitching about how fucking hot it was when this badass walks up in said attire with his guitar slung over his shoulder, goes “shut up you pussies”, pulls out his guitar, and does a bit of improv chords while singing the last couple of things we’d said, something like “it’s hot as balls out here”
I wish I could be even a 10th as cool as that guy was, because goddamn
Well at least he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
The long con
Back in college, circa 2010, there was a guy that dressed like it was the early 1900s all the time.
I would want to exude this energy:
But I know I would exude this energy:
If I looked like this, I’d have to beat the women back with a stick!
Because they are filthy peasants of course and I can’t have them touching my finery. Also my wrists would be too delicate to wield a stick, so I’d have a boy for that.
No need to use a stick - if you’re The Macaroni, you’re allowed to use your…elbows
I want you to know this was an angry upvote
How will you beat your boy, to let him know when to beat the ladies?
He can get another boy for that.
Just beating off with boys all the way down the line.
This is exactly what God intended when he gave monarchs divine rights.
Ah true
I see that as a win also.
You … You do know why powdered wigs, don’t you?
Head lice.
With $20, you could buy many peanuts.
Explain how!
Sores from syphilis lol.
Know why they carried sachets? Because they all smelled like unwashed ass.
Yeah. I remember the opening chapter from Shogun. I wondered if people just got so used to the stink they didn’t notice?
Did you just type a stutter?
Edit: sorry I can hear that second picture and tried to type it. Not sure it came through. Lol sry.
Sounded perfectly to me!
They’re just after his chocolate factory.
If you take away the top hat it doesn’t even look that old fashioned lol just like a really well dressed guy
The top hat makes it though.
Yeah I like the top hat too, I’m just saying that’s the only part that makes it seem “historical”
It’s equal parts classy and sassy.
I was about to make this exact comment, satansmaggotycumfart
What about the cane?
Accessibility is very modern
The cane gives it some hipster flair lol
“Manners. Make. The man.”
You left out a th in maketh.
It’s been a minute. ;p
I remember my great grandmother had a fancy shillelagh, she mainly used it to poke or smack the kids lol.
Have you never met a whore monger?
A man should be able to defend himself
A really well dressed guy that lives in a cool climate. You wouldn’t wear that shit in Texas or Florida or Missouri.
Of course not. Who wants to summer in the colonies? My word.
mmm, yes, indubitably.
The upper class did, even before air conditioning. I don’t know how they did it.
Probably with the aid of their fainting couch.
I’d love a fainting couch, all I have is this stupid blackout futon.
Lots of enslaved labor doing all their shit for them.
Think about the cowboys and dandies who wore wool suits in the 1800’s.
…are we looking at the same clothes?
Presumably, yes
I’ve met people like this. They tend to have delusions about their wierd thing. Im confident those proposals were mostly in his head or from one off jests.
I’m a school bus driver and I’ve been proposed to by third-graders. I don’t exactly take them seriously since I’m older than their grandparents.
Nah I’m sure he got some joke proposals from people that are actually attracted to his eccentric dress code
I mean, he does look pretty sharp. It’s just kind of silly at the same time
What’s funny is that he sort of bragged about these joke proposals to the article
joke proposals
one off jests
Those are the same things
I used to dress weird (anything from HS Thompson in Fear and Loathing to Victorian-ish numbers to goth stuff) for the hell of it and got a lot more positive attention than otherwise. I suppose it was effort and confidence more than anything else, but who knows. I never took it very seriously, so not sure what the article’s subject’s real story is.
Getting more tangental but thought I would share. I went to fandom cons in my youth and middle age and some fen had like costume identities. We stopped by a guys place spontaneously because we were in the area and when he answered he was like. Give me a min and then came back in his costume and invited us in.
Perhaps it is this man’s display of the wealth required to buy these dandy clothes which procures said marriage proposals.
Meanwhile I, despite flawless erudition, am judged by my daily wear of “wife beater” apparel. I blame the casual utterance of such profanities.
If my tank top offends any woman for being wife beater toppage, I say to her “Madam, I have no wife. Would you please to hand me another beer from yonder fridge?”
this whole thread hurts me. ugh
guy makes his own clothes, or at least that was the case originally.
i have big respect. let the man slay. you’re welcome to your wife-beaters, and others are welcome to their finery.
The post you’re replying to is painfully obviously a joke
the intended tone is clearer to me this morning. look, i’m part of a niche fashion community and other people can get very weird about it. i think i was responding with my frustration toward multiple comments + my own experiences.
I weep for thy sanity, to live amongst such foppery.
Hard to gauge a persons wealth by their clothes in today’s world.
Just reminded me, when I was 21 my credit card had a 500 limit but I was asked to travel. Company cards were NOT a thing here, only the CFO had one so they were forced to put me up places with a corporate account. Because of this was staying in a very ritzy four star hotel near silicon valley for a whole month and I had a Sunday check in to get settled. Being young broke and largely oblivious to social norms in a way only a lower class homeschooled kid with ADHD could be I showed up for check in warring ripped khaki rock climbing pants and a stretched out Ramones tanktop with a flannel tied around my waste. The old folks behind me were talking under their breath about how " you really cant tell" and new internet money is changing all the rules. Lmfao they had no idea that I couldnt afford more than the rental car deposit
It’s ‘waist’ when referring to your belt or belly button line
I’m on a pretty good income, my partner and I can afford a one month overseas holiday every year or so and I dress in a mix of jeans off the internet, chosen for their lifespan, and hawaiian shirts from a mass market fashion store
I dress brightly, not at all expensively. When I dressed a lot like this as a kid in the '80s I had to change before the family went to a club for dinner in order to meet the dress code. The clubs are more relaxed now.
You really can’t judge people’s wealth on their dress standards, though there is class encoded in clothes
Ha looks like you found a missed steak
He’s a tailor, and makes the clothes himself.
Good grief.
The fairer sex sees not but the belligerent blustering of a bedswerving bobolyne!
live poetry
We call those “vests” it sleeveless shirts in Australia, and they don’t have any bad image, they just suggest the wearer exercises or is very bothered by heat, or (with the plain white ones) has taken off a button-up shirt
Perhaps it’s all in his head.
And perhaps you, dear fellow, exist only in your own head, which itself exists inside the room you’re in, which is furthermore in your head as well.
This joke would work better if you knew how to use words like “profanities”, “toppage”, and “yonder” correctly
There’s always somebody who sees an “iamverysmart” joke post as a personal threat.
I wonder where he finds the money to get these clothes that are probably tailored. Must’ve cost a fortune.
Someone shared a link to his socials, he does his own tailoring.
That’s honestly very cool. As long as he’s not being an ass about it, I think it’s neat that he’s expressing himself on a daily basis and wearing what makes him happy.
he’s expressing himself on a daily basis
I read that as “he’s exposing himself” and I was wondering why everyone is so cool with it.
Damn that’s kinda fire
Did you just use “fire” like that unironically…?
I really hope you’re just a dumb 14-year-old, it’s to depressing to imagine an adult doing it. It’s the same kind of soul-crushing cringe as the youtube comments that kids spam on every video, like “wake up babe, blabla dropped a new vid”.
Please, just fucking stop.
I dunno I grew up with the term and I’m 25 maybe get with the times gramps
Such a pathetic comment
Wake up babe, new whiny baby comment just dropped.
I don’t think the 14yos are saying “fire” anymore for a while now, that’s old hat, daddy-o.
Someone called you old, huh? Must be horrible
That’s so fucking cool. Good on him.
Nice. Might also account for a few of the marriage proposals. Being able to sew is very self-sufficient.
Ladies want a man who can sew
I just wear shit from gap and have been married three times
get on my level noob
The Gap gets a lot of hate in my experience but I don’t give a fuck because all their clothes are comfy and fit my frame perfectly
While very cool, I have to say I was not expecting the stripteases in all of his videos
For real, grow up and show us your cock already 😡
Oh no.
Wtf i know this guy he’s a friend if mines younger brother, haven’t seen him in years now but he does always look that dapper
It says “countless offers of marriage” but not that it was women offering to marry him. So it could also be dudes. Schrödinger’s sexuality I guess.
he’s in a long-time relationship with another man. my guess is his “proposals” run the gamut (and i expect a majority are made in jest).
One dude, who keeps creating new accounts to beg him for his hand in marriage.
I’d marry him to share his wardrobe
Could also be a null value making it uncountable
Zero is countable
True and null isn’t.
It was mostly dogs, but since they can’t give consent he refused
Why don’t we dress cool anymore?
Lots of people do. Wear whatever you want.
Not like this they don’t! At least not in any of the places I frequent. Sure, people will dress pretty slick for formal parties now. I guess maybe this was all formal wear for its era, and not something worn daily. Or maybe it was worn daily for the very wealthy.
join a fashion hobbyist community. there are, in fact, many groups for people who want to dress up. some people dress up quite a lot, and this guy is an example.
Yeah this was pretty rare fashion in its era, a small selection of the very rich wore it but most people were dressed far more blandly than the average today
Yeah. They do.
I could dress cool… for money.
Or with money.
Biggest reason? Dressing this fancy is expensive. Prohibitively, in many cases, at least as an every day thing. I like to dress up from time to time, but I would need a lot more fancy clothes in order to dress up to that degree every day.
Ew, gross! Kill it! Kill it with fire!
We’re not hiding the odeous stench of our bodies anymore.
I regularly wear a full-length cloak in public. Nothing is stopping you
I wouldn’t really apply the word cool to a meticulously thought out, complicated outfit. Cool invokes effortlessness, this is anything but. This is impressive and grandiloquent.
I want to stab him and take his little sack of silver coins.
You probably don’t even need to stab, they obviously can’t count
yeah this kid wouldn’t have survived a day at any of the schools I went to. glad to see people are kinder I guess.
Just use regency era dating standards, showing ankles is basically a proposal right?
That is one dapper motherfucker