Man cruising means something very different in California than elsewhere
This has always been the meaning among car enthusiasts everywhere.
What has? The article literally never explains what the fuck it’s talking about. I would assume it’s not referring to the common English definition of turning on cruise control.
Cruising is just driving around a given area, showing off your car, talking about cars, doing general car guy shit. Imagine it being illegal to drive your car around the block where a bunch of people are hanging out.
But of course it’s something that’s selectively enforced. You will absolutely never see a cop roll up on a classic car night at whatever local burger joint hosts one unless said burger joint just happens to be in an area that’s not majority white. Middle aged mayo motherfuckers such as myself have zero issues. It was and always has been a cudgel against minorities, like a FUCKING TON of laws that were enacted in the 50’s.
You’re 100% right that the real context here is the racism angle. It was always legal for white people.
cruising to me is trying to find a dick to suck. but we grew up differently I guess.
You only sucked dick? We grew up differently, I guess
you guys have to look for dicks to suck? I can suck dick without having to get up. We grew up differently, I guess
How does one even make that illegal without banning all driving?
By selectively applying it only to the people you were targeting, like most racist-ass laws put on the books by white people in the US.
See: The gun restrictions Reagan put in place while he was governor of California and POTUS.
But given that it’s really not about a homosexual mating ritual, I guess it’s still different from just driving from A to B? Like are they blocking traffic by driving intentionally slow, swerving, not using their turn signals? I assume there would be some kind of element to it that makes other people want to see it banned?
Yeah… it’s an easy way to harass Hispanic and Black people while selectively not enforcing it against white people.
Those oh-so-amazing 50’s just happened to be full of racist-ass laws enacted by the racist-ass “greatest generation” after they got back from PTSDland with nothing but alcohol and spousal abuse to help them cope.
And they fucked up raising the boomers causing widespread narcissism
Context, dude. No one but you interpreted that headline to mean enabling cruise control
I could be wrong, but I think his allusion went over your head… where I’m from, cruising often means driving around looking for guys to bang.
Damn, 90’s propagand almost got me. Good thing I didn’t have enough quarters back then.
I’m a guy. Where TF are you from?
If you’re down to bang, I’m sorry but despite having a magnum dong, it doesn’t reach across the sea
If you’re referring to your magnum dong, congrats. If your referring to my magnum dong, we might have different definitions of the word, ‘magnum’. Anyways, can I offer you an egg in these trying times?
How illiterate can you be? I specifically said I didn’t interpret it to mwan that.
I am American; my first language is English.
I would never define “cruising” as “turning on cruise control”.
“Cruising around in my beamer” does not mean that I turned on cruise control in a BMW…
deleted by creator
Yeah cruising in the scenes/area I’m in is hanging out in a public area looking for casual sex, especially of the gay variety. It was killed by a combination of aids, the rise of social acceptance, and grindr over the decades. So yeah this is just a very different thing from what the word means to me
Wow. My town still has an old “no cruising” sign from the 80s.
Wonder if I can get to it before the city…
In Santa Clara? On El Camino across from the Chili’s?
Edit: A bit of advice if you are going to cut one just be sure wear a yellow vest and a hardhat.
I am always surprised how little people pay attention to you when you are wearing a hivis vest and hard hat.
I am always surprised how little people pay attention to you when you are wearing a hivis vest and hard hat.
The good old fashioned Bavarian Fire Drill.
Excellent advise. Look like you belong, and people won’t ask questions.
There’s battery powered sawsalls out there now.
I’ve got a cutoff wheel that would chop the post in a minute or so. But a socket set with a drill should only take half that.
Don’t even bother with the post. I bet you can get through the clamps in less than a second with a 2 foot stepladder.
Don’t bother with the socket set they are usually one way. Unless you have the opposite direction socket? Regardless go steal that shit before it ends up in a dumpster.
What does cruising mean in this context?
It was always explained to me as driving well under the speed limit with loud music and flashy car mods like numatics, hydraulics, and lights.
Driving while brown.
cruising is also used as a term for men meeting men in the bushes
In my small town we had two drive in restaurants (Sonic and a local joint), people would drive from the one on the South side of town to the one on the North side. We would stop at one or the other for a short time and look for friends or to try and plan a party somewhere.
And that’s currently illegal in California?
It was mostly a Latino or Black thing, depending on the area. Sometimes associated with gang activity.
It was fairly easy to outlaw and then selectively enforce. It’s basically a law that allows cops to bother people.
The practice has been replaced with sideshows.
It’s not even a mostly Black or Latino thing. It’s a car guy thing in general. You’ll just never see white boys in 1970 Challengers being pulled over for doing it.
My dad has tons of stories of cruise nights from when he lived in SoCal in the 70’s. Various drag racers and celebrities he’d run into. Nothing about being arrested, even though he looks like Tommy Chong. Then again I think most dudes looked like Tommy Chong in the 70’s…
Get in your expensive machine and consume some fuel, brought to you by the car and oil industry. It’s not marketing it’s culture!
It’s not marketing it’s culture!
A culture of mindless consumption is not worth having
It’s not mindless though
No it’s consumption for consumption’s sake.
That’s not why people are doing it lol
Sorry driving around does not make you cultured just makes you traffic. Real hobbies require more skills than using a credit card.
Nobody said anything about being cultured lol. It’s just people having fun
I grew up in CA in one of the most popular cruising areas around.
Cruising was simply just being out, being seen, and checking everyone out. Yeah, if you had a cool car it was a bonus, but it never really mattered what you showed up in. Yelling at your friends when you passed, pulling over to grab a burger when you saw some friends doing the same, it was just a big hangout scene. Bumper-to-bumper traffic on Friday and Saturday nights on about a mile or so of road from about 8-11 pm. It was a big tradition for decades in our town, people from outside towns and even larger areas would come hang out.
No, it wasn’t all innocent. Always some fuckers gotta start shit. Aggro assholes starting fights because reasons. Looked at each other wrong. Revved an engine too loud. Tailgated. Whatever, stupid fuckers. Drinking. Gangs were a pretty big thing and they’d show up and start some gang shit sometimes. Got pretty bad and they lowered the banhammer because they got sick of dealing with the assholes and killed cruising.
Newsom signed AB 436, which will prohibit cities from enacting new laws restricting the display of customized classic cars by cruising on city streets.
Not sure what the point is. “New laws”. There’s already a shitload of laws banning cruising, so it seems worthless to stop water that’s already passed under the bridge.
His new law does the opposite, it makes those cruising bans illegal.
Not sure what the point is.
He’s getting ready to run for president and wants all the positive press to make him likable by the GQP. That’s the only reason for any of these new laws he has signed recently.
How the hell is this law going to make him likable to the GOP lol? If anything it’s the opposite.
Demographics indicate that repubs are mostly car lovers due to their comservative nature and don’t want to replace cars with public transportation. Cruising is right up there.
And here’s the diffs to the law code.
Here are the two most significant paragraphs that were removed:
The ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall regulate cruising, which is the repetitive driving of a motor vehicle past a traffic control point in traffic that is congested at or near the traffic control point, as determined by the ranking peace officer on duty within the affected area, within a specified time period and after the vehicle operator has been given an adequate written notice that further driving past the control point will be a violation of the ordinance or resolution.
It is unlawful to operate any passenger vehicle, or commercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds, which has been modified from the original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other than the wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadway than the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.
I have absolutely no idea what this is defining cruising as. What even is repetitive driving? Whats a traffic control point? Google is bringing up military stuff.
Get in your swanky car and drive through town to show it off; then loop around and drive through town again to show it off some more. That’s cruising.
The closest “city” to my shitty town was too poor for swanky cars. We used to cruise the strip in shit boxes.
I used to see spoilers bolted to the trunks of shit like Honda civics bc for idiots spoiler = cool, no matter what you frankensteined it onto
During the recession I saw a Honda with honest to God plastic painted dinner plates bolted to the cars wheels. It was ridiculous .
It’s an intersection
I see you’ve never been in Alabama on a Friday night.
Ok just kidding. There’s a diff. In Alabama there’s so little to do people would hop in each other’s cars and just drive slow around the block, usually around some central point like a Mcdonald’s.
In Cali it’s to showoff. This caused some… problems. Traffic, yeah, they called it traffic.
the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel
Is that why the skinny tires became a thing? To make lowriders legal by getting the rim of the tire as close as possible?
Sorry, but IDGaF about Newsome anymore. He has been vetoing some good bills lately, and while this is probably long overdue for repeal, it feels like a wink to oil companies in light of his other recent actions.
Pander harder, Gavin. Unless you demonstrate a better pattern of behavior, you won’t get my vote in the primaries.
He’s a mixed bag. He’s totally moving to the center so he can run in 2028. Totally disappointed with him
He’s out of his mind if he thinks any conservative is going to be interested in him as a centrist. Just the word “California” makes conservatives in my area shudder.
Reagan did it
That was a very diffrent California, and one that hadn’t been the avitar of conservative hate for decades. Cali governor is a bad place to run from
He was the governor of California…
And what’s newsoms job? The other person is saying no one from CA would ever appeal to the everyman
The other person is saying no one from CA would ever appeal to the everyman
They didn’t say that, they said that no conservative will support a centrist from California.
And they’re wrong. All he has to do is drum up a bunch of Reagan imagery.
He just approved speed cameras in the state. He’s dead to me now.
Controversial opinion here, I have no problems with speed cameras. Speed cameras only ticket people breaking the law unbiasedly. The easiest way to not get a speeding ticket, is to not speed. That’s it.
My only problem is when the ticket is set to low, as in a ticket is issued within 10% or the speed limit. There has to be room for error between speedometer, tire size, and just human error.
If you can’t maintain a reasonable speed in the posted area, then you shouldn’t be on the road. If you can and you excessively speed anyway, then fuck you, take your ticket.
This opinion comes from someone who consistently speeds, but keeps it in relatively close.
Imo it’s just a bullshit revenue generator, and an invasion of privacy/expansion of the surveillance state. Cops should only be focused reckless drivers, drunk drivers, and people on their phones that are actually putting people in danger. Someone accidentally doing 35 in a 25 isn’t a danger. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket in over a decade, and I’m a very safe driver. I can almost guarantee once these go into effect, they will put them in places where the flow of traffic is generally not going the speed limit on most days, and just rake in money. I’ll probably start getting tickets, and it will impact my insurance premiums.
Someone accidentally doing 35 in a 25 isn’t a danger.
Unless you’re a pedestrian of course. That’s approximately the difference between a 25% and a 50% fatality rate
Pedestrians in California? Do tell.
School areas are 25 mph. Kids from elementary through high school are walking to and from school in my town of ~150,000.
I can almost guarantee once these go into effect, they will put them in places where the flow of traffic is generally not going the speed limit on most days
So you are saying they will put these cameras in places where a lot of people are breaking the speed limit?
No, I’m saying we have low speed limits relative to what’s actually a safe driving speed, and putting a camera there to punish everyone for driving as they normally do is a shitty move.
That’s not how speed limits work. They are legally required to be raised if traffic is going faster:
“Once the road is built, engineers will evaluate the existing speeds by measuring the operating speed. They often do this by measuring the speed that 85 percent of drivers are travelling at or below, called 85th percentile speed.”
Per federal FHWS/MUTCD regulations.
Tell me 1 instance of a freeway that raised speed in recent years. Practically every freeway in CA that’s not the 5 has a 65 mph limit. Traffic absolutely doesn’t flow at that speed on a bunch of them.
How often do you “accidentally” go 10 mph over the speed limit, especially in locations that you frequently travel? I live in a state that has speed and red light cameras. In my city I can specifically point to at least 7, 2 on my commute to work. I’ve never got a ticket from any of them. Legally, there has to be signs around that say there is photo enforcement. If you’re paying attention to the road, like you should be when driving, there is almost no excuse for getting a speed camera ticket. Sure it’s a revenue generator, and I very much subscribe to, “all cops are bad” but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s enforcing laws with absolutely no bias. I’ve never seen a traffic camera shoot an unarmed civilian at a routine traffic stop and they are effective at slowing traffic in those areas, anecdotally speaking.
Not arguing with your main point, but “absolutely no bias” is a stretch. The camera itself may not be biased, but other factors like camera placement, street design, and fines that aren’t scaled to income mean they still disproportionately impact black, brown, and poor people.
Highway 280 in the bay area was designed for high speed driving according to my uncle who was a caltrans engineer. He says it was designed for 80 mph speed limit in some parts. I’m trying to find a source on that, but found mostly reddit posts saying the same. If you go 65, you will be tailgated. Some people here call it “Do 80” and the traffic flows at 75 -80 mph. The people who are actually putting people in danger on that road will be going 90+. Highway 5 as well as highway 99 traffic routinely flows at a higher rate of speed than the posted speed limit as well. 10 mph is negligible for highway driving imo. I rarely even look at my speedometer when driving, just go with the flow, move to the right if someone is coming up driving faster, pass on the left when applicable. That’s how it should be, not having people try to focus on going some arbitrary number. People should be focusing on the road, not the speedometer. The biggest danger to drivers and pedestrians is people under the influence, people on their phones, and reckless drivers who change lanes frequently and tailgate people. We should be focusing our efforts there if we want safer roads, but the state doesn’t want that, they want revenue. Instead of going after true nuisance drivers, their solution is to put cameras that catch anyone going above an arbitrary number and give them a ticket. It’s bullshit.
The last thing we need in this hellscape are more fucking cameras
I’m just some white pedestrian- I like the idea of speed cameras in the city as a deterrent but other than that I’m not sure how I feel.
The way I heard it was:
Speed cameras reduce traffic stops which reduce unnecessary police interactions and violence. So it’s commendable
But it obviously increases the surveillance state, which is disgusting
Not sure how to weigh those against each other.
Looks like we might have a sequel to American Graffiti soon.
I live where that was filmed. McHenry is gonna suck even harder if people start cruising again. Shit’s already got a lot of traffic without people just driving around for the hell of it.
As someone who doesn’t know what the slang means what am I now expected to see in Los Angeles (I understand this was lifted in some places already)
Vatos driving low and hella slow, probably. Not like LA moves any faster anyhow.
I haven’t been in LA much but I really do have to wonder how the hell anyone can distinguish between cruising and normal highway speed there.
Aside from the obvious, I mean.
Easy. There are only two speeds on the highways in Cali: speeding and parking lot. There is no in between.
Come to think of it, I did see a lot of people go about Mach 7.3 when I was waiting for a bus in the middle of eight lanes of traffic on the freeway.
Which is one of the more… interesting… choices for a bus stop placement I’ve seen and I’ve seen a few.
Was there a patch of concrete only around the bus station? A sidewalk the ends abruptly? Was the bus stop 1/2 a mile from anywhere useful?
Basically all of those. Found this:
One of the more interesting things about it is that the busses have to cross over each other so the doors are on the correct side for passenger pickup, which is REALLY FUCKING CONFUSING when you don’t know that and you’re watching the southbound traffic fly past a northbound bus stop.
I can’t dump on it too much though. There are definitely worse uses for the anus of an interchange.
We need to be getting cars out of our cities. Cali already has too many cars.
Man, our country doesn’t have basic things like universal healthcare, and this is what the leaders are working on…
The world is burning with climate change
Maffia states are on the rise
The middle east is exploding, AGAIN
The second largest super power is preparing for WWIII
Poverty is increasing world wide
The largest super power in the world still doesn’t understand that universal healthcare is good for everyone, except a few rich right assholes
… But let’s make a news article about cruising being semi okay again, because apparently existing laws will remain in effect.
What the actual fuck and can we maybe start improving the world again?
Different newspapers can report about different things y’know
Yeah why isn’t the governor of California ending world poverty or solving WW3.
This is what happens when you neglect civics education for a few decades.
Doing the important things it seems.