You forgot the part where he makes everyone question their sexuality
I wouldn’t say I’m questioning it, Bob.
He is indeed a very handsome man.
I don’t see it. He just looks like a buff version of the guys in my family.
Hi can I fuck your family
Better to ask forgiveness than for permission.
I don’t think you should be applying that rule to sex.
Ah yes. Of course we always need consent for sexy times. But unless we are having them with confusedbythebasics specifically, they have no say.
Really wish you had gotten here sooner my man.
Eh, it’s ok. I forgive you.
All the Henry looking gents are in monogamous relationships I’m afraid.
Sexuality is a spectrum and feeling attracted to Henry is a common trait.
If you’re a man and you’re not attracted to Henry Cavill, then you’re gay.
I’m not attracted, but I’d love to spend a Warhammer/Gaming weekend with him.
That’s not part of the cycle. That’s just a big status effect he permanently applies to people.
Not at all, if anything I feel affirmed. He seems like a really cool guy. A shame he keeps getting shafted.
Yeah, but I wouldn’t mind getting shafted… by Henry 👀
He might even take you to your prom
He was a great Superman. Perfect casting. Wrong director and story.
And I sometimes get crap for this but Batfleck was pretty good too. Those movies had issues, oh my yes, but the casting for those 2 roles was not one of them. Luthor, on the other hand…
Superman has always been a bit of a boring character, which IMO is hard to write for to make interesting beyond the origin / coming of age story.
I think screwing up Batman is a lot more offensive. So much good lore and villians to work with.
IMO, Affleck played a terrible Fatman. He wasn’t dark and brooding, he was wooden and boring. It wasn’t just the story, but Afflecks portrayal of the character.
What, his cheeks spilling out of the mask doesn’t inspire fear and justice to you!?
Probably a hot take, but I think Batfleck was the closest we’ve gotten to a comicbook accurate Batman. Batfleck’s size and build were correct (physically imposing, could have been a bit taller), he was intelligent, mostly broody, and could fight. There are some things that could have been better (being a martial artist instead of being a brawler), but of all the movie incarnations so far I’d say he’s the closest.
Honestly the scene with him going after the warehouse full of baddies to save Ma Kent was the closest live action version of cartoon Batman ever, and it was glorious.
Luthor, on the other hand…
I think physically Affleck was the only actor to play Batman that actually matched the character. Like Bruce is huge and has very wide shoulders and Affleck has the perfect silhouette for it. Also he can be a good actor too, he could have been great had he been given better material imho
Affleck as batman, Bale as Bruce.
Honestly, if Jesse Eisenberg had just been doing a version of his Zuckerberg from The Social Network, it would have been fine. His whole twitchy routine was weird as fuck.
that actor would have made a great joker.
Snyder was testing actors by making them put on the old Chrisptoher Reeves suit and Cavill was one of the few actors that looked as good in it as Reeves did
And then he made fuckin Superman a libertarian…
So any news on Warhammer 40k?
I really hope he catches break with that one. Seemed really passionate about it.
And the whole setting allows for awesome sci fi, with spin offs if successful. I’m not holding my breath but it would be awesome if the series opens the door for broad application of the franchise.
Decades of universe building and flexible enough to allow new stuff. But Tyranids, orcs, chaos, eldar, necron, Hive cities, battlefleet, titans… please don’t let them fuck this up.
please don’t let them fuck this up.
Totally unrelated question: Which chaos god feeds on disappointment? Tzeentch? Malice?
Nurgle does despair right?
That’s my thought. I think his plauges spread suffering and despair. Tempting you to join him as a follower making you no longer mind all of the suffering.
I never dived into Warhammer, but pretty stoked about the project as it may be a good point to jump into the rabbit hole
Such a flexible universe too. Anything from magic & monsters, space battles to sci-fi WWI/II stories.
I wouldn’t hold out much hope. Games Workshop was a nightmare to work with in the past. Doubley more now that they’re owned primarily by BlackRock and investment banks.
If Netflix can totally fuck up the literal gimmie that was the Witcher…
they need to get the guy who did the astartes cg, lock him in a room with cavill and let them hash out the first 10 movies.
Lock ADB and Dan Abnett in with them for good measure.
Amazon went woke mode and ruined it, it seems.
Tell us where the woke touched you.
Wait until he hears about the Adepta Sororitas…
Did you really just use the word ‘woke’ outside of the comments section of sky/fox news videos?
What does “woke” mean to you, exactly?
So in case anyone wonders what that unhinged excuse for a sentence is supposed to mean: there is a rumour that came from a random unverified 4chan post that amazon wanted a woman in power armour and a sister of battle wasn’t good enough. Which is why there’s a female custodian in the latest codex.
The rumour also states that cavill now wants to leave. The source is about as trustworthy as something sharpied on a highschool bathroom wall and was only spread by angry youtubers that got suddenly into 40k without realising it started of as a parody of fascism. So I wouldn’t be too worried honestly.
and by woke you mean they included black people?
No the rumour is about the other controversial political group, women. How dare amazon insert politics into my fascist parody plastic soldiers misery porn?!
Which is odd that some people care so much about this. Games Workshop used to make female space marine models but stopped because they didn’t sell well.
My head canon is that with all the hormones to boost mucles, organs changed out, bones merged with ceramics, extra heart, special space marine reproductive organ in the chest, black carapace, acid spit, memory eating organ, etc. Doesn’t matter if you start with Judy Garland or Arnold Schwarzenegger you get Lou Ferrigno at the end.
That’s actually a nice idea. Personally I’ve thought of it like a donor match with the geneseed. (and one of the missing primarchs is female and so was their entire legion)
There are only two genders!!!
Male and political.
There just needs more fascist parody plastic women soldiers
He’s as disappointed in the witcher as the rest of us
dang what happened with the witcher? i’m not in the loop
The show runner insisted on telling “their version of the story”.
Which… let’s put it like this:
If you’re making a TV series about a book series written by a world famous author, and you think you can do a variation / “your take” on the story, because you think you’re just that great of a writer, artist, director, etc., then you better actually be on his level.
Say, for example, Kubrick and The Shining or Ridley Scott and Blade Runner or Jackson and The Lord of the Rings, as opposed to Shyamalan and The Last Airbender or Jackson and The Hobbit.
The Hobbit wasn’t Jackson’s fault. The studio was going to make the movies in that time frame with or without Peter Jackson, so he chose to helm the crashing ship.
It’s true, that wasn’t an entirely fair comparison, but I was thinking about disastrous adaptations, and that one sprang to mind.
And without him they were threatening to have the production leave NZ, which would’ve put a bunch of his friends out of the job.
I didn’t know that detail. What a mensch.
It was good. Then, they fucked it.
They fucked it dry.
The Witcher had so much damn potential, I absolutely loved the casting all around not just him (yen was mid tho)
I’m still salty
Both Yemefer and Triss were poor choices in my opinion. But I would have watched it regardless if there was anything of substance to watch after the first season.
That’s the reason most big name actors have their own production companies to work on their own movies, you have way more control over your own role compared to being just another actor on set.
In any case, I think the audience still recognize great performances by individual actors even if the end product is badly reviewed or didn’t do well at the box office, and there are lessons to be learned from the “Suicide Squad” and “Amsterdam” and “Babylon” until you finally get a “Barbie” against all expectations.
I hope he finds his own “Barbie” too.
And hopefully his “Barbie” is the Warhammer project he’s trying to get off the ground.
That has the potential to be so much fun if done properly.
Iirc, he negociated to have executive producer role for the thing, so that should help.
Why did people dislike Babylon? I thought it was pretty good
Sounds to me like he should be given veto power in projects he gets hired on to. I didn’t mind the Witcher because I hadn’t gotten very far into the lore myself and didn’t see how much it had gone off the original path, but I’m kinda tired of producers and directors taking an existing story but then changing huge parts of it.
There’s nothing wrong with telling your own story but enough with the bait and switch ones. Give it your own name, don’t leech off of the name recognition of already loved stories.
I personally am not a rabid Witcher book fan — I swear, some folks think they are the best literature out there and they very much are not — but in their quest to make Yennefer a more fleshed out character, they screwed up her motivations and priorities. She’s supposed to be like a mother to Ciri. I did not watch season 3 but it was not looking good for their relationship at the end of season 2.
They did try to fix the Yennefer/Ciri relationship in S3.
But it suffers from the same problem with the other seasons where the writers are too busy trying to be clever to just tell the story. Like they show a party where a bunch of random shit happens then they later show a bunch of flashbacks to explain what the hell happened. You can imagine them all congratulating themselves in the writer’s room on how brilliant they are to come with telling it that way.
They introduced a new character who’s either a bad actress or poorly directed. Or both. There’s one scene where she’s holding a dead pheasant and I’m not sure if she was posing or waiting for the director to say “cut”. Either way it’s awkward and cringey as hell.
I stopped at the same point and for the same reason. Season 2 Yennifer didn’t even seem congruent with Season 1 Yennifer.
I think I see the direction they wanted to go. Show that she’s still obsessed and starting to fray at the edges, but then give her a redemption when she realizes she doesn’t need a biological child when she has Ciri right there as a daughter. It’s just that every show like this seeks to have to be CW’ed these days. It’s a big reason why I had to drop Supernatural too. It worked really well for 5 seasons. But after that, the 3rd time the brothers fought about X and the 6th time they kept Y secret, I realized there was never going to be any development past this and had to step away. It’s exhausting.
I dont mind changing the original story if done well. Some things only work in one medium or sometimes the adaptatipn just does things better. Good example is the boys. The comic is an absolute cringe fest while the shows is really good.
I deeply wish The Man From Uncle kept going. Sure the whole Armor Hammer thing was pretty unfortunate, but geeze is that movie (and soundtrack) a fun watch
“Spectre” came out the same year. Man from UNCLE was by far the superior spy flic.
The Man From UNCLE is always my first choice for a movie that needs a sequel.
Sorry, Hollywood doesn’t make fun spy movies anymore.
Much as we want them.
They should absolutely recast Army Hammer with someone else and make another movie. The Man from UNCLE had too much going for it to fall into obscurity because just one of it’s stars was a cannibal.
Say what now?
*Cannibalism fetishist
I get that is not a meaningful distinction for some people, but it’s a pretty huge one lmao
He wasn’t actually eating anyone (as far as we know) just jerking off and writing fanfiction about it or whatever.
Also accused of rape & physical abuse, which is a way bigger deal, but less attention grabbing
Recast him with Patrick Wilson from The Conjuring series and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference
Ooh, Wilson is so dryly funny, he was Agent Lynch in the A-TEAM movie and he was so much fun as a villain.
Guy Ritchie movies are often great. The Gentleman was so damn good.
It was a blast.
Apple should have made a spiritual successor to the Man from UNCLE instead of Argyle. They could have even used the same cast, so Henry Cavill, Jon Cena, Sam Rockwell and Bryce Dallas Howard as the spy team. And Bryan Cranston as the bad guy and Sam Jackson as a cameo. It would have been a better movie than Argyle simply for the fact that it would have been a straight forward spy film instead of a “clever” story with a twist. Argyle had potential but couldn’t deliver after the first act since they wrote themselves into a corner with the dumb amnesia plot device.
Seriously one of his best movies, it was awesome!
Maybe he’ll produce his own thing based on one of his favourite IPs one day.
EDIT: or today as he’s executive producer on the new Warhammer 40k stuff from Amazon!
But it looks like he and we got screwed, again!
It’s on the edge of getting shelved!!
Oh fuck. Wait how’s shelving an option without conflict with GW? Did they just sell the rights without a guarantee that anything would actually be made?
Isn’t he doing that right now at Amazon with a Warhammer 40k show?
Oh shoot you’re right I heard he was doing something with that but didn’t realise he was producing, I’m super out of the loop. That’s awesome!
One day, he should work with Brandon Sanderson to make the best adaptation of a fantasy book series known to mankind
I imagine he would make a good Dalinar in 20 years or so.
He could make a good young Dalinar today tho OwO
Henry Cavill as Szeth or Kelsier hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Isn’t executive producer just a financier?
It depends. From my understanding, it can vary from just attaching one’s name to calling the big shots.
I was enjoying The Witcher, it’s unfortunate.
Well, my expectations were subverted.
I thought it was going to be awesome Q_Q
The man can grow an epic stache, so good not even CGI can hide it.
A stache so good, he probably could have walked straight into CIA headquarters and nobody would have stopped him for credentials.
Daily Planet in the morning, covered ops and great suffering in the evening.
The participle is ‘cast’. Here’s your tree.
Cavill is a god among men
Bro that’s some major dick riding you’re doing. He’s just a human like the rest of us.
Yeah I’d ride it for sure
And what a human he is
Ultimately gets delivered
bya bad/mediocre end product