What he and others who make this argument refuse to comprehend is this: If the VP were allowed to pull a stunt like this, then we are essentially saying that the VP picks the next President of the United States. No need to hold an election; might as well just have Harris declare Biden the winner of 2024 already and let’s just skip right to the swearing in. Heck, let’s be efficient about it – who wants to be President in 2028? Might as well have Harris declare the winner of that election too. Look at that; we’ve got the Presidency sorted out for the next decade or so, and we can spend the next few years prepping someone like AOC for the White House in 2032.
I mean that’s the way it works, right? The VP can just unilaterally declare who did and didn’t win the election, right GOP? Because if this is the rule you’re gonna set forth, we might as well take full advantage of it…
You don’t understand… Only Republican VPs can ignore voters when calling elections. If a Democrat tried to pull that shit it’s obvious treason.
Same reason you can’t confirm a Supreme Court Justice during an election year… when a Democrat is president.
Agreed to me it also seems just dumb for pence. By not commiting treason he’s made an enemy of trump, and therefore trump supporters for life. He should really just court the anti-trump republicans rather than continuing to try and win back the unrecoverable trump base.
That seems to be his strategy so far. We’ll see how well it works out.
Pence is a religious zealot. Never Trumpers are usually neocons that genuinely believe the bullshit they are peddling, not stereotypically dogwhistling racists and zealots, so he has nothing to offer them and, quite frankly, is probably too emotionally tied to being liked by his fellow Evangelicals to admit his one moment of morality was unforgivable to them.
No not like that!
Harris should absolutely threaten to do this if they don’t shut the fuck up and stop trying to overthrow the country. Go full Dark Harris. Fuck it. The repugs already believe anyone NOT them is a Demon anyways.
Harris has been kind of an empty suit so far so this would really help her image too.
Her purpose must be to prevent Biden assassination since killing him would make a Black Female (that’s DOUBLE WOKE 😱) president.
Otherwise idk what she do.
No, no, letting the VP pick any successor makes it too easy for them to game the system! We should come up with a completely objective, impartial method.
The oldest child of the current President becomes the next President.
But what if that child is dead, or too young, or incapacitated? Who gets it if they’re incapacitated? What about if that person is incapacitated?
We would need a whole line of succession just to make sure that nobody can game the system. I think it’s too important to come up with a whole new, untested system so we should look to others for inspiration. I heard about some guy in the UK…Charles something or other…maybe he’s got some ideas?
As others are reporting, he also said he would have certified the results.
So he’s mostly trying to have both ways.
This is the same asshole who, after people calling him out for not being a voice for POC (aka 'skin folk ain’t always kinfolk ') said that these were the words of the modern Grand Dragons. This fucking idiot is calling the left the KKK (as do all Republicans because they can’t admit the ancestors of their party were the KKK) because he’s just a brown voice for white supremacy and the party/culture of POC oppression and murder.
Like any Republican voters would vote him into office? He must be delusional.
He is a billionaire in biotech/pharmaceutical space. He is auditioning for FDA chief of HHS secretary spot. He will say anything and everything to get that spot. He will even throw the entire Indian community under the bus in a heartbeat if it benefits him.
Voice of POC my ass. He is a voice for POS for sure.
Vivek is the guy all the old white republicans are referring to when they backpedal and say “no, wait, what I just said isn’t racist because I have a friend who is a brown person!”
Vivek doesn’t realize that he’s that guy.
Also, knowing the GOP base’s predilections, I give him precisely 0% chance in the Republican primary.
Vivek 100% realizes he is that guy.
He didn’t get the bump in polls he hoped for in the debate so he’s going more extreme. It’s a bold move but won’t help, and only dooms his chances of winning a general election by saying this.
Well, he is correct in that it would have be historic. A bigger opportunity for Pence right now would be to have some balls and a backbone, call out Trump for the criminal, insurrectionist, and traitor that he is, and lead the Republican party back to its so-called morality, law-and-order, and “character matters” roots. I’m not a fan of Pence by any means (I totally disagree with him on nearly every issue), but this is the real historic tragedy of Pence and his political career.
Yup, and such an easy way to stand out from the other candidates.
That will never happen. What’s that saying about republicans and falling in line? I don’t think I’ve heard a really strong, public condemnation of a republican by a republican since John McCain passed. Fox news has, or maybe had, they are losing some viewers to the even more extreme channels now, every republican by the balls. None of them will risk being on the ‘bad side’ of the party and being hammered where every one of their voters tunes in.
This dude sounds dangerous as fuck.
He has zero government experience, has never held a real job, and he doesn’t understand how the nation operates. Pretty much a complete moron with money.
That worked well for the last Republican presidential candidate to win.
Yep, I’m done thinking ridiculous candidates have no chance in the country. He needs to stopped.
Dude literally jumped into the Republican party pitching what they were all thinking
His entire campaign strategy is to shout the quiet part
He also pitched his campaign finding as a pyramid scheme. If you recruit people to fund his campaign, whatever they give to him, you get 10 percent back.
Why are you talking about Trump under a Ramaswamy post? ;)
This is an intelligent guy. He isn’t firing from the hip. He’s saying what the party wants to hear to try and get more attention on him. I wonder if he’s trying to be Trump’s VP candidate.
I’m not saying I agree with any of his shit, just saying this is calculated on his part. I also don’t really agree with Pence with much of anything, but certifying the election results and being against the Jan 6th insurrection is something I appreciate.
Let’s face it, his best play to become President is to be Trump’s VP. It is very possible that Trump wins the election while in prison, and I doubt he will be let out to take his oath of office. Boom! Instant President Ramaswamy!
In many fields, the best players often come in second or third place consistently. This is because some reckless person risks way too much to come in first. The risky move has 90% chance to fail, but someone makes the 10% chance and wins big.
This is his play. Randomly guessing 70% of GOP voters consider Jan 6th a dangerous thing. He’s letting all of the other candidates fight over the 70% while he tries to get the other 30% vote. He pretty much can’t win with the traditional campaigning methods (although on average they are more likely to succeed) so he has to go risky. He’s stuck with that position if it succeeds.
Or he could be a true believer. I lean towards most of it being a calculated play, though.
I wonder if he’s trying to be Trump’s VP candidate.
I think that apart from Mike Pence and Chris Christie it’s clear that none of these Republican candidates have any delusions of securing the GOP nomination. They’re all auditioning to be Trump’s VP and I guarantee they admit it in private. So I agree with you here. Ramaswamy is saying what he needs to in order to get Trump’s attention and win over the MAGA crowd.
I think it goes one step further than a VP audition. I think this rich guy saw Trump’s family members enrich themselves off of his presidency, and he’s thinking he could do the same as Trump’s VP.
My bullshit meter with Ramaswamy is off the charts. He will say anything if he thinks it will give him traction with the Trump crowd.
This guy does not realize he’s too brown for that shit
They will absolutely throw him in the gas chambers if he helps them get into power
Him, MTG, and Clarence Thomas should form a Leapords Eating Faces club.
Agreed. He says anything outrageous that will grab him headlines and based on how often I’m now seeing articles on him, it’s working. I don’t think it will earn him the nomination but I doubt that’s his true goal anyway.
In the past, I think I would laugh off a candidate like this, and assume what he says is not what he means. After Trump I no longer would take that risk. 
Brown Republican, so fucking dumb. Nobody on the right is going to vote for this dude.
He’s not running to get elected. He’s running to get famous and to raise money. Plus to distract from his own legal issues.
I think he’s running to scoop up the Trump voters in the event that Trump is disqualified from running or is otherwise unavailable. If the Trumplicans are forced to abandon ship, he wants to be the obvious next choice.
But you’re right about his ultimate goal. I don’t believe he thinks he has a good chance to actually win the presidency. If he is the republican nominee, there are going to be an awful lot of racists staying home on election day.
None of them are actually running for President. MAYBE Christie. But that’s it.
The rest of them were participating in a job interview for Trump’s VP pick masquerading as a debate.
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Every one of them would kiss the dick for a cabinet position. They have no scruples or spine.
He’s also Hindu
Hindu nationalists 🤝 far-right republicans
They certainly seem to have the same number of collective brain cells
Shared custody of the single one 🤤
Evangelicals will never go for it
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A historic opportunity to end American democracy??
No, Pence did the right thing.
Pence did the only legal thing. He did the bare minimum and won’t even own it.
He did the only thing possible. He did not have the option to send the electors back to their states or delay the certification of the election. Had he tried, his largely ceremonial role in the process would have been bypassed, and he would be now indicted as a coconspirator.
Edit: a typo on that last word, and my autocorrect’s attempt to make sense of my gibberish has given me an excellent idea for a themed drink for your sentencing watching parties: The coconut-spirit-orange. Coconut rum and oj. You’re welcome.
What he’s talking about sounds like a mess. Single day voting on Election Day? What about people that are abroad, military or otherwise? People who can’t vote that day (medical procedure, etc). Then, having another election to decide again?! What if that one is in question? I don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to election law, but this doesn’t pass the sniff test at all.
The lack of sincerity of these candidates is becoming normalized. The same-day voting has nothing to do with what makes sense or not. What they are pitching is what historically will be most beneficial to their party. That is the real issue.
It passes the Republican sniff test and that’s all that matters for this grifter.
I live in Ireland and we have voting day where all polls are open for like 16 hours with very easy access and work has to let you go to vote. It works quite well, we have a good system.
Ironically I think mail in voting would fuck our politics because we have let so many people call themselves Irish that global votes would change the whole landscape. I was abroad for the last election, suck not getting to vote but I’d rather it this way.
Unfortunately, the US is so big that I don’t think single day voting would ever work. The entire population of Ireland is smaller than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania alone. Plus, we have our military flung far and wide across the globe and they should have a vote in the which dipshit politicians fling them around the next round.
The population is irrelevant, processes scale. Besides the current undemocratic setup of US elections was designed to deal with a large and spread out populace. Maybe use the electoral college. But 112 million people watched the Superbowl and 158 million people voted in both most recent outings.
There is absolutely a possibility to have enough polling stations open for 24 in enough places that there is a reasonable expectation that everyone can make it to vote if they were willing.
I’m not strictly against mail in votes I think it is a generally good system but I have an American neighbour that has voted through the embassy for the elections that came up and has not been in America in decades.
OK, but I’m in Ireland for over a decade, would you prefer I didn’t get to vote (for the democratic candidate in a swing state)?
Who you vote for is irrelevant, but yeah I don’t think you should get to vote if you’re not living in the consequences. What is to stop you voting for austerity under which you won’t struggle but can return when things are better? Voting to cut education or mandating something you don’t have to deal with, I think it is a bit self important of someone to vote for something like that.
Now obviously you could move home within the window between elections, and any other number of possibilities I know this isn’t perfect but I think it is best.
well… just to say, I’d never vote for austerity, or to cut education. cutting education in the US is partially what got us into this mess
Absolutely, I think we are probably somewhat aligned politically but you can’t consider the person when you make election law only the public. Whatever allowances made for you in the hopes that you vote for a better world, with the knowledge that you would, allows for bad actors to utilise the same means impose their views.
So if you can vote remotely for an election under which you will not live, it is all well and good to vote for stronger public programmes and education and healthcare but the remote votes for authoritative lunatics will get the same weight.
Can you imagine if this pinwheel were to actually hold an office? Whichever way the right wing wind blows, he’s there.
He also put on full display his ignorance of how government works. Witch is OK since his followers are ignorant too.
Here’s what I would have said, we need single-day voting on Election Day. We need paper ballots, and we need government-issued ID matching the voter file.
It’s like he doesn’t know that older, more conservative Republicans actually love mail-in ballots and use it extensively.
ViVEk iS InCrEaSiNgLy CoMpElLinG
-Newsmax and -OANN for real though…