I break up letters Into words
…because it does. It really does.
For the price, yes.
Buying enough of these to make a difference would be so expensive.
Just do what you enjoy. Who gives a Fck what others think. Ffs, this post is infuriating.
Shop vacuum
I believe more people have negative views on billionaires now.
I own a tesla. My comment is not a dig on the car, but a possible explanation for the increased accident rate.
Another thing about Teslas is that even a slight fender bender that does no damage to an older car will cause damage. The bumpers are full of sensors, all pastic, and repairs are expensive.
I wonder if more minor accidents are reported in Teslas causing the numbers to be higher?
It can be blocked by glare from lights as well. As long as it’s clean you should be good.
It’s totally fine. Much easier than purpleheart or padauk. Purpleheart is brittle. Padauk’s sawdust is like herpes.
No its.not.
Thursday, January 11, 2024 – NY Civil Fraud: Parties’ closing arguments
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 – NY Civil Fraud: Justice Engoron to file written decision on docket
Burl can break apart more easily because bark inclusions are often a problem. So that makes it more difficult sometimes. The wood is not really any harder or softer than other wood.
They really don’t care about mods, do they?
Criminally carpet bombs Cambodia, 50,000 people die, causes it to destabilize, the Khmer Rouge takes over, millions more die.
Conspires to get coups d’etats and military dictatorships that spread throughout South America in the 1970s to stop the spread of communism. The drug trade emerges, the war on drugs emerges, millions die, many more suffer.
I don’t have the energy to go on. He was a monster and he lived way too long.
Personal finance
Thank you. I make several things per week, but I don’t want to flood the community with everything I make.
This is my homemade setup. I use a $300 portable engraver.
Prefinish, then stain. Or just gel stain.
Yes, it’s a picture of the patch of milkweed that we grow for the monarch butterflies.