I mean presumably they wrote it down when they wrote the script
I mean presumably they wrote it down when they wrote the script
And were promptly beaten viciously right? That’s what happened?
I mean those personal stores on Reddit are all made up
Ugh, these performative morons. I swear to God. They don’t even give a shit. It’s all show to them. They’re going to get their ass kicked again in 2026 I guarantee it. If elections are even allowed going forward the Democrats are going to be slaughtered continuously. They just don’t fucking get it.
Right so calling the guy who endorses and promotes Nazis on his website, who reuses Nazi rhetoric and who uses Nazis symbols on camera is reckless?
I’m not sure any other election had so much foreign interference, so maybe not as easy as you think.
Well I discovered the Anbennar mod EU4 so about 1000 hours of that I bet.
For a democracy to remain healthy every now and then you got to round up all the fascist and hang them. It’s like pruning.
Trump will never debate Newsome. He probably won’t debate Biden again.
67% is massive what are you talking about? When you were gearing up for it I thought you were going to give away lower number and then you said that holy crap. Now I’m even more convinced he should still run.
You’re going to have to prove that. I want to see numbers.
Completely disagree. First of all there’s a difference in Reagan Era and Reagan endorsed. However it’s not just Chevron we’re talking about here. It’s the idea of dismantling the regulatory state in general. That’s much older than Chevron. That sentiment can be traced back to Phyllis Schlafly. That sentiment can be traced back to the John Birch Society. That sentiment can be traced back to the business plot.
I have no faith in them be able to pass something like this. Not when this is what the Republicans have been dreaming of for the last 50 years. But I hope they keep trying.
The only one likely to lose? I think you have your facts confused on that one.
That’s neither literal nor a fact.
No it’s literally not what I said or implied. If you think Gavin Newsom is staying out of this because he’s worried about having his career torpedoed you’re nuts. I said political reasons because it’s political reasons. For his own personal political benefit. I think that should have been obvious. If Newsome wanted to run he’d be running. I doubt Biden would be in this race if Newsome was running. He would have stepped aside. If for some reason he hadn’t, the party would have pushed him aside.
Is there a word to be People’s Will pilled? Cause that’s where I’m heading.
The fact that you didn’t apparently notice there was a new Dragon Age released since Inquisition kind of proves the overall point doesn’t it?