Abolish currency, revert to trading sheep and goats.
Abolish currency, revert to trading sheep and goats.
“How many vegetables had to die for your stupid salad” kind of beat.
I mean, when Thomas Paine wrote “What if the British colonies declared independence haha” it was supposed to be a trolly 4chan post, like NO WAY they were actually gonna beat the World’s greatest military force in the 18th century … unless?
Everyone is saying Piracy but I say Public LIbraries, which often have CDs/DVDs/BDs/games now (depending on your locale). They’re taxpayer funded, so you might as well get your money’s worth, and they keep track of how often stuff gets borrowed which determines future financial support.
(And if you are tech-savvy enough to be on Lemmy, you probably know how to make a … permanent copy … for yourself to keep)
No, no, letting the VP pick any successor makes it too easy for them to game the system! We should come up with a completely objective, impartial method.
The oldest child of the current President becomes the next President.
At this point I’m not sure there’s enough human left in him to die.
The people who are still pissy over at reddit don’t actually want to leave unless they’re presented with a reddit clone that has both a fully developed app and a huge userbase.
“Now introducing … Zuccit, brought to you by Meta”
Invisible Hand is working as intended. Praise Adam Smith!
I lurk the frontpage occasionally and I’ve already noticed the Reddit atmosphere has gotten … weird.
Little-known, content-churning subreddits are bubbling to the top because of all the other blackouts and desertions. Fringe viewpoints and wacko opinions that would normally get downvoted to the bottom of a thread are now out in the open because there’s no voice of reason to hold them back.
And the kind of people that are still on there, acting as if everything is fine (or, God forbid, better(???) than it was before the revolts) … it’s a very strange place now.
Just be glad we’re actually taking showers.
Thank you to all the code monkeys for getting things straightened out!
System appears to be working as intended
I just like that I can post an honest comment and not worry about being Well-Ackshually’d to death. Sometimes I’d be knee-deep in Wikipedia fact-checking and suddenly realize, “This reddit reply is not worth the personal effort I am putting into it.”
There’s the answer I was looking for!
I watched a 3-hour Krita beginner’s tutorial (can’t remember the exact video but the narrator had a strong French accent) and he explained so many tricks and tips - hold down Ctrl to do this, hold down Shift to do another thing - that might not be intuitive from just poking around. But Krita really is the “built by artists, for artists” program once you have a keyboard & tablet config that fits one’s personal workflow.
LMAO, felt this.
The last time I had to write a Statement of Intent was to get into grad school and I sure as shit ain’t doing homework for a free online community.
Hello world.
As an Internet Old Head I’m just happy to be talking to real people again, and not bots or bad-faith trolls or (worse yet) shouting into the wind and having the algorithm bat you down.
to quote Oprah’s first tweet, “FEELING REALLY 21ST CENTURY”
Hire an orchestra? I’m sorry, the truest and purest form of music is to spend 2-3 decades mastering an instrument and make it with your own two hands.