I apologize if this is old news, but I just noticed it. It looks like Kagi has added Fediverse Forums as a default Web search option.
I apologize if this is old news, but I just noticed it. It looks like Kagi has added Fediverse Forums as a default Web search option.
I didn’t say anything remotely like you’re accusing me of in your comment. I’m saying making an account is no small thing because you were trivializing it. At no point did I even mention spending money (because that doesn’t bother me. I am happy to spend money on quality things/services).
I introduced nuance to your extremely reduced take and you’re trying to do it again with strawmen directed at me.
The above are valid concerns. That’s all I’ve said. Anything else beyond that is your construction.
Read my comment again, because I neither accused you of anything nor reduced your argument. I’m not the original poster you replied to
When did I say that? Point out one single line that even remotely implies this. Flagrant strawman. What else would you call it?
It’s a leading question and you know it. You should’ve asked “how do you think search engines should operate?” You’re implying I am content with how Google operates, which I am not.
I’ll even concede the second may have actually been unintentionally accusatory in its implication, but you literally started the comment saying I won’t pay for this service. It’s right there in front of you, you wrote it.
Maybe read your own comment again before being condescending?
Perhaps, I dunno, a misunderstanding?? Why do you assume everyone is out to get you? Why do you interpret everything as hostility?
How do you intend to pay for a search engine without signing in to it and having it track your search history?
I’m not interpreting anything. You’re being antagonistic and accusatory.
Read the other comment chains. You’ll see all the answers you need, as well as how to have a conversation like an adult.
I am absolutely not trying to antagonize you. I’m sorry that you interpreted it that way