Why bother with that when the goal is wanting to look superior and briefly being able to tell people “told you so”. That’s before everyone is off to the camps/ovens, I guess.
And I suppose your solution is keep electing the same people that got us into the problems that we have? Liberals love to try to silence dissent, infantilize anyone that disagrees with them, there’s a reason there’s a saying that starts off ‘scratch a liberal’
The only way to respond to people that continue to do the same thing over and over and over expecting different results need to be answered flippantly. Experience from long long ago tells me they’re not looking for solutions, they are looking for confirmation bias
I asked for a solution or an alternative to the 4 that exist. You have 4 options in November, none of which you will endorse despite the fact that 1 of them has to be done. So I’ll just assume you’re saying “don’t vote” unless you say otherwise I guess?
I find that the only way to deal with people who lecture us with no alternative is to press for solutions. It’s easy to complain and tear down, it’s hard to build, and people like you are never willing to do the work. Some of us actually do things year round and don’t disappear for 3.5 years then show up just in time to complain about the general despite doing absolutely nothing to try and improve things in this country or otherwise bring about a different result.
Keep bashing away at the keyboard getting angry with people who probably mostly align with your views. it’ll make the world better any day now.
The way to deal with people like this is keep asking them what they propose we do then watch them flail helplessly because they only know how to show up and complain right before the general then promptly disappear for 3.5 years until the next one.
People like them don’t put in the work. They sit on the sidelines then get mad when everybody can’t divine the perfect solution for them. They get mad when you point out to them that it is defeatist and encourages people not to participate. There’s no way to get through to them, so I just press for answers so that onlookers can see what is happening and hopefully not give in to that petty, defeatist outlook.
Oh please you’re sitting here whining from the sidelines like everyone else.
We have 4 options: vote Trump, vote Biden, vote third-party/independent, don’t vote. What do you want us to do come November?
They want you to ensure Trump gets elected, of course. For some reason, that seems to be the sole goal of their very ‘original’ form of leftism.
You can do whatever you want but don’t expect us to clean up the mess your people made
If you’re going to shit talk and naysay you need to actually propose a solution.
Why bother with that when the goal is wanting to look superior and briefly being able to tell people “told you so”. That’s before everyone is off to the camps/ovens, I guess.
My solution is to stop the duopoly.
Make your protest vote, or protest skip, or whatever. You’ll feel superior and no one else will notice.
I’m not the one with the protest vote. It’s you guys that are voting against something. A vote cast against something is a vote of protest
Wanking and shitposting.
That’s not a solution. That’s just a statement.
Unless you can provide a legitimate way to do so, sit down and shut up.
And I suppose your solution is keep electing the same people that got us into the problems that we have? Liberals love to try to silence dissent, infantilize anyone that disagrees with them, there’s a reason there’s a saying that starts off ‘scratch a liberal’
It’s interesting how you only respond to people when you can reasonably respond rhetorically/flippantly. You ignore anyone who wants a direct answer.
The only way to respond to people that continue to do the same thing over and over and over expecting different results need to be answered flippantly. Experience from long long ago tells me they’re not looking for solutions, they are looking for confirmation bias
I asked for a solution or an alternative to the 4 that exist. You have 4 options in November, none of which you will endorse despite the fact that 1 of them has to be done. So I’ll just assume you’re saying “don’t vote” unless you say otherwise I guess?
I find that the only way to deal with people who lecture us with no alternative is to press for solutions. It’s easy to complain and tear down, it’s hard to build, and people like you are never willing to do the work. Some of us actually do things year round and don’t disappear for 3.5 years then show up just in time to complain about the general despite doing absolutely nothing to try and improve things in this country or otherwise bring about a different result.
Keep bashing away at the keyboard getting angry with people who probably mostly align with your views. it’ll make the world better any day now.
You still haven’t provided a solution. I didn’t claim to have one.
The way to deal with people like this is keep asking them what they propose we do then watch them flail helplessly because they only know how to show up and complain right before the general then promptly disappear for 3.5 years until the next one.
People like them don’t put in the work. They sit on the sidelines then get mad when everybody can’t divine the perfect solution for them. They get mad when you point out to them that it is defeatist and encourages people not to participate. There’s no way to get through to them, so I just press for answers so that onlookers can see what is happening and hopefully not give in to that petty, defeatist outlook.