“How dare you make me look like a misogynistic monster by putting up a perfectly sensible proposal which my misogynistically monstrous views will then cause me to vote against and make me look bad”
They did it with the border bill too. The Democrats proposed a bill that gave the Republicans exactly what they wanted, and they turned it down. Made them look like goddamn idiots.
When the Democrats do stuff like this, I may not seem like much, but the Republican party is shattering, and these sorts of actions accelerate that. There is strategy to what the Democrats are doing.
I mean this comes from the House led by GOP who have spent so much time in committee that they have past:
checks notes
64 laws, most related to renaming post offices.
As a comparison, the 117th Congress (the last one) which was led by Democrats passed 463 laws including the CHIPS law, the Inflation Reduction law, the Infrastructure bill…
In fact, the 118th is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history. And it’s not just because of all of the inquires that have gone nowhere the GOP have lead, though that has eaten about 60% of their time on the Hill. The GOP has dealt with massive infighting that prevents even themselves from getting things done.
“too little too late”
Man they could have centuries of time on their hands and wouldn’t even do basic things like pass a budget. The GOP has demonstrated quite well that they don’t have the ability to enact their platform. And mostly because they’re too damn busy posing in front of cameras and trying to score sound bites. Like just the other day Comer was talking about how he’d like to arrest Fauci and the thing is, Comer has a degree in Agriculture and mostly majored in those aspects. He doesn’t even have the functional knowledge to actually indict anyone, much less the ability to maintain the massive amount of litigation.
Like he can say that, but the odds of any kind of successful indictment is slim to none. I mean for fucks sake, he sits on the Oversight Committee ex officio, shit he likely doesn’t even know what that means.
A large part of the modern GOP are people who are horrible at their job and have very little understanding of how Government works. MTG just a few weeks ago was talking about some sort of “law” and what it really was, was a regulatory hearing on review of rule making. Not even new rules or regulatory processes, just the usual self audit. Lady doesn’t know the different between slip, law, bill, and rule. But she’ll be the first one to open her mouth about who is and is not a doctor.
A lot of them are very poorly educated in how anything works. And they objectively demonstrate that lack of knowledge on a fairly regular basis. And they’re pretty unabashed about it too.
So yeah, that “too little too late” that’s some rich bull. You know my Grandfather used to say: “If you are ever worried about professional politicians, just you wait till the amateurs get here.” He made that in reference to a Governor of Tennessee Ray Blanton, but fuck if it doesn’t apply here.
The GOP has demonstrated quite well that they don’t have the ability to enact their platform.
Most of what they want to do is block progress, which is actually quite easy. That can be done with control of any one of the three of president, house of representatives, or senate - which they have had for 20 of the last 24 years.
The Democrats proposed a bill that gave the Republicans exactly what they wanted, and they turned it down. Made them look like goddamn idiots.
Also made the Dems look like heartless hypocrites for suggesting Republican style laws that demonize and abuse asylum seekers and other immigrants while doing nothing constructive about the problems they’re pretending to address, though…
They did it with the border bill too. The Democrats proposed a bill that gave the Republicans exactly what they wanted, and they turned it down. Made them look like goddamn idiots.
And Democrats now support exactly what Republicans wanted.
Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season, Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season
So Democrats got to move to the right and got to point out what everyone already knows about Republicans.
Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
Giving Republicans what they claim they want isn’t a solution.
How does baiting republicans into a trap constitute a change in position on immigration?
Democrats’ last known position on immigration is what they baited Republicans with. They’ve been acting like it’s the reasonable option. In addition, Biden’s been limiting asylum and kept Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.
Also, please refer to a specific past immigration policy by democrats that you’re referring to by “what it was”.
Well, DACA for one. Far as I can tell, nothing has been done to try to protect Dreamers since a conservative judge killed it. But considering the Democrats are now counting as policy successes things they freaked out about when Trump did them, yes, Democrats have moved to the right on immigration. They will never move back because Democrats don’t move to the left.
“How dare you make me look like a misogynistic monster by putting up a perfectly sensible proposal which my misogynistically monstrous views will then cause me to vote against and make me look bad”
They did it with the border bill too. The Democrats proposed a bill that gave the Republicans exactly what they wanted, and they turned it down. Made them look like goddamn idiots.
When the Democrats do stuff like this, I may not seem like much, but the Republican party is shattering, and these sorts of actions accelerate that. There is strategy to what the Democrats are doing.
And the more recent response to Biden’s executive action on the border is “too little too late”.
I mean this comes from the House led by GOP who have spent so much time in committee that they have past:
checks notes
64 laws, most related to renaming post offices.
As a comparison, the 117th Congress (the last one) which was led by Democrats passed 463 laws including the CHIPS law, the Inflation Reduction law, the Infrastructure bill…
In fact, the 118th is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history. And it’s not just because of all of the inquires that have gone nowhere the GOP have lead, though that has eaten about 60% of their time on the Hill. The GOP has dealt with massive infighting that prevents even themselves from getting things done.
“too little too late”
Man they could have centuries of time on their hands and wouldn’t even do basic things like pass a budget. The GOP has demonstrated quite well that they don’t have the ability to enact their platform. And mostly because they’re too damn busy posing in front of cameras and trying to score sound bites. Like just the other day Comer was talking about how he’d like to arrest Fauci and the thing is, Comer has a degree in Agriculture and mostly majored in those aspects. He doesn’t even have the functional knowledge to actually indict anyone, much less the ability to maintain the massive amount of litigation.
Like he can say that, but the odds of any kind of successful indictment is slim to none. I mean for fucks sake, he sits on the Oversight Committee ex officio, shit he likely doesn’t even know what that means.
A large part of the modern GOP are people who are horrible at their job and have very little understanding of how Government works. MTG just a few weeks ago was talking about some sort of “law” and what it really was, was a regulatory hearing on review of rule making. Not even new rules or regulatory processes, just the usual self audit. Lady doesn’t know the different between slip, law, bill, and rule. But she’ll be the first one to open her mouth about who is and is not a doctor.
A lot of them are very poorly educated in how anything works. And they objectively demonstrate that lack of knowledge on a fairly regular basis. And they’re pretty unabashed about it too.
So yeah, that “too little too late” that’s some rich bull. You know my Grandfather used to say: “If you are ever worried about professional politicians, just you wait till the amateurs get here.” He made that in reference to a Governor of Tennessee Ray Blanton, but fuck if it doesn’t apply here.
Most of what they want to do is block progress, which is actually quite easy. That can be done with control of any one of the three of president, house of representatives, or senate - which they have had for 20 of the last 24 years.
Despite the fact that it was, once again, exactly what they demanded he do.
Also made the Dems look like heartless hypocrites for suggesting Republican style laws that demonize and abuse asylum seekers and other immigrants while doing nothing constructive about the problems they’re pretending to address, though…
And Democrats now support exactly what Republicans wanted.
Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season, Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
That bill wasn’t actual solutions. It was more of the xenophobic reactionary bullshit that created the problems in the first place.
So Democrats got to move to the right and got to point out what everyone already knows about Republicans.
Giving Republicans what they claim they want isn’t a solution.
The Democrats didn’t give the Republicans anything. They baited them into a trap, and made them look like fools.
So Democrats’ position on immigration has returned to where it was, or are they still doing shit Republicans wanted?
How does baiting republicans into a trap constitute a change in position on immigration?
Also, please refer to a specific past immigration policy by democrats that you’re referring to by “what it was”.
Democrats’ last known position on immigration is what they baited Republicans with. They’ve been acting like it’s the reasonable option. In addition, Biden’s been limiting asylum and kept Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.
Well, DACA for one. Far as I can tell, nothing has been done to try to protect Dreamers since a conservative judge killed it. But considering the Democrats are now counting as policy successes things they freaked out about when Trump did them, yes, Democrats have moved to the right on immigration. They will never move back because Democrats don’t move to the left.