Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season, Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season
So Democrats got to move to the right and got to point out what everyone already knows about Republicans.
Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
Giving Republicans what they claim they want isn’t a solution.
How does baiting republicans into a trap constitute a change in position on immigration?
Democrats’ last known position on immigration is what they baited Republicans with. They’ve been acting like it’s the reasonable option. In addition, Biden’s been limiting asylum and kept Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.
Also, please refer to a specific past immigration policy by democrats that you’re referring to by “what it was”.
Well, DACA for one. Far as I can tell, nothing has been done to try to protect Dreamers since a conservative judge killed it. But considering the Democrats are now counting as policy successes things they freaked out about when Trump did them, yes, Democrats have moved to the right on immigration. They will never move back because Democrats don’t move to the left.
Well, it pretty hilarious that you insist bait is an official policy position, esp since it’s never been declared.
Well, DACA for one. Far as I can tell, nothing has been done to try to protect Dreamers since…
The endless and constant obstructionism and attacks by republicans? The ones that have been fought by Obama and Biden, not to mention dems in congress?
If you don’t see what has been done, it’s because you are intentionally ignoring the evidence.
Don’t come back to me with these ridiculous arguments, blaming Democrats for the non-stop fascism of the GOP. That gaslighting won’t work here. Anyone who doesn’t have a Fox News Drip directly into their brain is aware of this. You’ve given yourself away.
Well, it pretty hilarious that you insist bait is an official policy position, esp since it’s never been declared.
Oh declared policy positions? Like how they totally want to raise the minimum wage or revisit the public option or codify Roe? Declared positions are no better than campaign promises, and it says a lot that you expect me to take them at face value instead of the actual actions of our elected officials.
If you don’t see what has been done, it’s because you are intentionally ignoring the evidence.
Then provide some. DACA was struck down in 2021. What have our elected leaders done since then for Dreamers? No, I won’t accept “You don’t KNOW?” as a fucking answer. I won’t accept pledges or statements or declared positions or anything other than an actual attempt to do something. Because the attempt I’ve seen was to enact Republican policy and they haven’t done anything at all to walk that back.
Except not even the Republicans supported it, and the Democrats just proved that all the Republicans really want is something to bitch about during campaign season, Not actual solutions to problems which only the Democrats are able to come up with.
That bill wasn’t actual solutions. It was more of the xenophobic reactionary bullshit that created the problems in the first place.
So Democrats got to move to the right and got to point out what everyone already knows about Republicans.
Giving Republicans what they claim they want isn’t a solution.
The Democrats didn’t give the Republicans anything. They baited them into a trap, and made them look like fools.
So Democrats’ position on immigration has returned to where it was, or are they still doing shit Republicans wanted?
How does baiting republicans into a trap constitute a change in position on immigration?
Also, please refer to a specific past immigration policy by democrats that you’re referring to by “what it was”.
Democrats’ last known position on immigration is what they baited Republicans with. They’ve been acting like it’s the reasonable option. In addition, Biden’s been limiting asylum and kept Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.
Well, DACA for one. Far as I can tell, nothing has been done to try to protect Dreamers since a conservative judge killed it. But considering the Democrats are now counting as policy successes things they freaked out about when Trump did them, yes, Democrats have moved to the right on immigration. They will never move back because Democrats don’t move to the left.
Well, it pretty hilarious that you insist bait is an official policy position, esp since it’s never been declared.
The endless and constant obstructionism and attacks by republicans? The ones that have been fought by Obama and Biden, not to mention dems in congress?
If you don’t see what has been done, it’s because you are intentionally ignoring the evidence.
Don’t come back to me with these ridiculous arguments, blaming Democrats for the non-stop fascism of the GOP. That gaslighting won’t work here. Anyone who doesn’t have a Fox News Drip directly into their brain is aware of this. You’ve given yourself away.
Oh declared policy positions? Like how they totally want to raise the minimum wage or revisit the public option or codify Roe? Declared positions are no better than campaign promises, and it says a lot that you expect me to take them at face value instead of the actual actions of our elected officials.
Then provide some. DACA was struck down in 2021. What have our elected leaders done since then for Dreamers? No, I won’t accept “You don’t KNOW?” as a fucking answer. I won’t accept pledges or statements or declared positions or anything other than an actual attempt to do something. Because the attempt I’ve seen was to enact Republican policy and they haven’t done anything at all to walk that back.
Funny how you keep blaming democrats for the crap republican and keep doing.