Once had one end with we got to her room, and she straight up had swastikas on the wall.
That ended that, right there and then.
Turns out she was Buddhist
You see them everywhere in Buddhist Temples in South Korea. Shocked me at first, but we learned about the history of the swastika and how the Third Reich stole it.
It wasn’t actually stolen from India/Buddhism/whatever. It has always been used in Europe to some degree, but before the rise of fascism, a funny thing happened:
An obsessive nerd found Troy. And the city had apparently gone through a period where they slapped swastikas on literally everything, there were thousands of examples excavated.
The public excitement over the find popularized the symbol throughout Europe again, and then Nazis stole it as a symbol for pretty much their whole schtick, including their (wildly incorrect) beliefs on Aryan race theory.
the earliest known swastika is from 10,000 BCE – part of “an intricate meander pattern of joined-up swastikas” found on a late paleolithic figurine of a bird, carved from mammoth ivory, found in Mezine, Ukraine
It’s interesting how archaeological finds can produce weird modern behavior. When Lenin died in 1924 he was mummified because of the contemporaneous worldwide fascination with Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tut’s tomb, not because of any Russian tradition of preserving their dead leaders’ corpses.
Taiwan is like this too, I was baffled when I was handed a tourist map and it had a bunch of swastikas on it to denote the temples and churches. Like a general purpose symbol for religion.
Fantastic. He was helping her find enlightenment by letting go of worldly connections. Mostly any connection to him.
Technically, she could be both…
Depends on the direction and angle of the swastika…
If it’s straight and left, the day is blessed. If it’s angled and right, it’s time to fight.
… I can fix her
Smash the fash
Higher and smashier
That’s a whole new meaning to “don’t stick your dick in crazy”.
Did you tell her that that was the reason?
Oh yeah. I made sure it was once I was near the door(at this point, I was more than a little worried about my safety).
I got told “I hope I find you hangin’!” I will never forget that night.
“I hope I find you hangin’!”
“I’m hanging this dick and you’re not gonna get it.”
Literally the meme about going home with them only to find NFTs on the wall and then leaving in the rain.
I’m embarrassed to say I would have DMHSed that one.
Doesn’t matter, had sex
Ah, thanks
Of course you would, you’re a lemmy world user. Nazism is hardly a moral hang-up for you.
That’s just a bad conversation topic to begin with.
I feel like the comic is trying to defend women lying about their body. The assault thing is fucked obviously but it sounds like she’s saying you’re not allowed to talk about being deceived because this thing is worse
I think you’re reading into it a bit too deep
If a guy was talking about a date like the guy in this comic I’d assume he was a douche. This also goes for both genders btw, used to work with a lady who talked about how a guy she hooked up with had stretch marks on his stomach and how gross it was. I have stretch marks from puberty, didn’t feel great to hear someone talk about it. Seems more like the comic is partially about people being shallow assholes in that regard.
Yikes mate
He literally asked her.
Yes, it really is this bad. One third of women in my country are sexually assaulted in adulthood. This is a bad conversation starter.
This seems so weird. This reads like she asked what his worst date was in an unshown panel, just to make him feel bad for asking her about her worst date.
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Not to me, because he wouldn’t have started it with “On my worst date” if she just asked him about it, he would have just answered.
the lines on the first panel all come from his mouth, so he prompted it
Re-read the comment and say that again
Think for just a second about what may have come moments before the comic. The guy reads as if he’s responding to a question.
I once got set up on a blind date with someone who was deaf. I was not informed of this fact. We still had a pretty good time, but it caught me very off guard.
Blind date with someone who was deaf
If you didn’t somehow tell them “sorry, the deaf dates are in the other room,” you missed an opportunity for a great joke.
I was definitely not confident enough to do that.
Deafinitely! Ha. Even more jokes to share.
Set up of this is very manipulative and parasitic. Trauma gloating/baiting.
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I’d make the point that this is a comic. You wouldn’t say that in real life, which is why the comic works. It’s jarring, and the bluntness forces reflection.
Right. I would hope the takeaway men get from this is that, “what was your worst date”, may not be an appropriate get to know you question for most women.
But basically no one needs to learn that lesson. It’s a strawman. Who in their right mind would start a date with a new person by asking them to take stock of all the times that same activity turned out poorly for them?
No one is going to behave like that in reality. That was the point of my comment. The artist wouldn’t enter this scenario in person.
I think people do need to learn that lesson. I grew up as a man, and never thought twice about cycling home after dark, or going on a date. If asked I would be able to tell you that women do in fact have it worse when it comes to experiencing violence, but it didn’t crop up as a consideration in my day-to-day.
I’ve since had a small amount of the experience women go through after cross-dressing on queer nights out. Presenting femme gets you treated very differently, and this comic’s purpose is to present you with an in-your-face reminder. It is a piece of art; it’s not supposed to be an accurate reflection of reality.
I’m sorry your rape fantasies are ruined by the rape realities.
Stop being a prick. Rape is a real fucking issue that should, could and is discussed in different ways and at appropriate times.
Dumping trauma on someone during a first date just means you weren’t ready for a first date and need someone to talk to (or you just don’t get social cues). No blame on the victim here - but it’s important to acknowledge that a guy making innocent small talk isn’t a dick.
I’ve already been exposed to the “trauma dump” narrative and know that it’s only used by shitty people who have fuck-all for empathy.
Case in point the first time I heard the term was when I got accused of “trauma dumping” because I was telling an interesting story about some fucked up shit that happened in my life, turned out the guy just didn’t want to hear about bad stuff happening in the world and didn’t care how anyone else felt about it. It’s literally just “shut up I want to feel good I don’t care about injustice in the world” like shit sorry for not being boring I guess. If you don’t like it you can just ask me to change the subject like a normal person without having to make it a moral crusade.
TL;DR people shouldn’t be socially punished for coming out about bad stuff that happened; doing so is sociopathically siding with evil.
You sound quite self centered, if not narcissistic, to be honest.
People have the right to say they don’t want to hear about trauma, and you have the right to not want to socialise with those people. That doesn’t make them sociopathic nor does it make you any less a victim.
But as for the actual topic covered in this conversation - most people would consider sharing traumatic events on a first date to be oversharing, possibly even antisocial, and people who do behave like the woman in this comic tend to find it harder to get 2nd dates. Not because of the trauma, but because of the oversharing and what that tells people about you. Rightly or wrongly, that’s society right now.
Not reading that, not even 1 paragraph in and you’re already trying to psychoanalyze me as having a mental disorder as a cheap method of delegitimizing my prospective. I fear if I continue reading beyond that point I might actually end up with one.
You’ve already outed yourself as a massive piece of shit, so i’m not going to engage you any further. Sorry, I don’t debate fascists.
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I had sushi and shit my pants.
So about 50% was a good time
Checks out, sushi can ruin an otherwise good night
Just so we’re clear, which half was the good half?
Then I went on the date and we didn’t connect
Is there a casual relationship or are you saying you didn’t like either?
I’d like to hear Miss Rhode Island’s answer.
That’s honestly a magnificent answer. I know it was supposed to portray her as dumb (and the way she talked was supposed to emphasize that), but it’s a solid out-of-the-box answer that gives insight into their thought process (like that they don’t immediately jump to assuming their talking about sex/relationships).
That’s today… Everyone to out and enjoy a perfect date!
“Dating a man is like dating a bear”.
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Do women even like men? At All?
Yes when they’re not being pigs about it.
EDIT: Which is to say, fucking never.
Ooh this should be a good post to sort by controversial on lemmy
I love the funny pages!
The topics this comic covers shouldn’t shield it from unrelated criticisms. That said; the art in these is incredibly lazy.
It’s decently shaded and the people are well proportioned. The noses are just a stylistic choice.
Bro, really? To me, incredibly lazy art is XKCD and Cyanide and Happiness.
Really? I wish I could draw that good! They convey their point so well, and the characters are recognisable across comics.
Pull the other one. Link.
What a ludicrous argument to level against Munroe of all people.
The artist here uses the same image for basically every frame.
Honestly the audacity of comparing this to XKCD shows how thick they are.
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You’re allowed to have opinions on art. Thus, here is my opinion: that “nose” is ridiculous.
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Don’t ask the question if you don’t want the answer, I guess. I never asked about any of my dates’ worst dates. We just went out and had fun. It wouldn’t have scared me away for them to tell me they were sexually assaulted, but I feel like they wouldn’t want me to stir up those feelings while they’re trying to find someone to love.
Naturally the problem instances are having their issues with this one.