Trump won because Democrats were doing a genocide in Palestine and nobody wanted to vote for murderers
Join your local communist party 🫡
Tell me that you are a troll without telling me that you are a troll.
The USA shouldn’t be funding wars abroad when it’s own people are starving and homeless. This is not xenophobia. That is common sense. The USA shouldn’t be funding wars period, actually.
There’s an enormous gulf between asking nicely and spreading imagery that implies you want to literally murderer all Israelis.
Lmao, whoever wants to fight for Israel to exist is a fascist and rightfully deserves to be killed. Those who support Palestine get be a citizen of Palestine. And those who don’t support Palestine, but don’t fight against Palestinians can leave to where they came from.
Have you considered that the most effective action may exist somewhere between those two positions?
Fuck no! The only solution is for Israel to be dissolved and for fascists to die. You can’t have both Palestinian self determination and Israel at the same time. Israel doesn’t respect international law. Israel displaced and murdered millions of people. Israel makes Palestinian lives hell. Israel is a pariah state of settler colonial fascists and has to be dissolved.
Everything I don’t like is preachy 🤣
Lmao, sure sure, because asking nicely got Palestinians their land back from colonizers instead of getting hundreds of protestors killed for asking nicely 🤣. I am sure that slaves who asked nicely their masters got their freedom back. Asking nicely to stop stealing their land got the native Americans their land back. And asking nicely was what got slaves their freedom in America. You live in a liberal utopia if you think that violence against fascists is the same as violence of fascists towards people 🤣
Lmao, sure sure, because asking nicely got Palestinians their land back from colonist hands instead getting hundreds of protestors killed for asking nicely 🤣. I am sure that slaves who asked nicely their masters got their freedom back. Asking nicely to stop stealing their land got the native Americans their land back. And asking nicely was what got slaves their freedom in America. You live in a liberal utopia if you think that violence against fascists is the same as violence of fascists towards people 🤣
Israel is a fascist settler colonial apartheid regime. Israel is an ethno religious state. Israel must be destroyed like yesterday! That land belong to the Palestinians! Free Palestine! Fuck Israel!
Israel literally sterilizes black Jews. They are a white supremacy state.
There has always been a strong international pressure against it. But the USA always vetos any resolution against Israel. The USA controls the UN.
“Self determination” to oppress others lmao. Fascism is not self determination.
Wait, what? Do you have a source on this?
No, no you are thinking of capitalism and pro-Palestinian protestors
Yeah, so .world should stop complaining about censorship when they are the #1 censorship instance.
The ones that are defederated cannot interact with the ones they defederated from.
Talking about cease fire negotiations?! Are you freaking serious?! The USA vetoed countless resolutions for cease fires in one year and a half. Every single country voted to force Israel to ceasefire and the usa vetoed that like 7 times.
You know what genocide Joe and Copmala were doing? They were sending billions of dollars and weapons to Israel during that time. You say “Talking for a cease fire” while they were literally proving all the tools for the genocide.
The cease fire actually happened literally after Trump sent his envoy to Israel. Biden had nothing to do with it.
The only reason why there is even a “cease fire”, is that Israel hasn’t actually fully respected btw, is because the Israeli economy was collapsing and they needed to break to reactivate their economy so they can finish their genocide later. Trump understood this and saw it as a PR move to gain popularity, so he made it happen. He doesn’t care about Palestine either and he wants them gone the same as Genocide Joe and Copmala, but he saw that the end of Israel was soon and he wanted to save them somehow while making it seem like he is the “anti-war” president that got the cease fire to happen.