There’s still players, don’t worry.
Everyone seems to want to jump on the neg train but reality is that even games with tiny players numbers can still support multilayer matchmaking
It’s still the 35th most played game on steam.
There’s still players, don’t worry.
Everyone seems to want to jump on the neg train but reality is that even games with tiny players numbers can still support multilayer matchmaking
It’s still the 35th most played game on steam.
Yeah but you must recognise that’s a luxury. There’s no going back because your circumstances allow it. If someone needs more storage but they can’t afford an SSD then there is going back - and I for one would choose loading screens over no screens.
There’s way too much snobbery around PCs imo. I want to encourage the world to be more compromising so that there is no societal pressure to buy this year’s gfx card for £1700 and this year’s CPU for £700 and this year’s newest nvme for £300 etc…etc…buy what you can and want to afford.
Yeah the US differs by a couple of weeks iirc
Honestly…spinning disks are good for anything. Yeah I don’t have any in my gaming rig but my NAS is only spinners. Cheap and fast enough.
It all comes down to how much money you have. If you can only afford spinning disks, then get them - and enjoy your gaming. If you can afford faster drives then great, good for you!
Graciousness? I don’t think that’s the right word…you don’t vote for someone because you’re being gracious, you vote for someone because you think they’ll deliver what you want - or in this case perhaps, the closest person who actually stands a hope in hell of getting elected.
Honestly most the advice I’m seeing is basically an answer to “how to avoid clothes looking absurdly crinkled” but nothing gets clothes as crinkle-free as an iron. Most people are just content with some crinkles.
Not even iron-free shirts are free from my iron.
I don’t use the dryer except for towels, and I’m generally pretty good about taking them out when they’re done washing- can definitely tell when they’ve sat there a while!
I iron my tshirts and shorts otherwise they look crinkley
Maybe I’m missing the point as I’m not from the US (and I assume from your content that you are) - but here we pay a delivery fee which covers the cost of delivery, and a tip is an optional bonus for the delivery person if you feel like they went beyond.
Well he didn’t just get takeout for some reason /s
Did you consider getting takeout?
Because that was what the article was about…I actually am a Linux user and fan, folks just misreading the intentions of my post.
I would genuinely love to see it, because I’m stuck on mac hardware to do my job and I really hope one day they get crucified for their anticompetative practices so I can freely choose the OS my business uses.
Que no los dos?
I’d love to see you run xcode 16 code completion on your superior OS. Send me a link once you’ve uploaded the vid.
How you finding protonmail compared to Gmail? The thing I like about Gmail is I can find shit in my endless history…I also love the calendar integration.
20yrs ago I had to help my comp sci housemate build a website for his module. I was not a CS student.
Some things never change.
Alt: a single pane comic in which a person says to another person: "silicate chemistry is second nature to us geochemists, so it’s easy to forget that the average person probably only knows the formulas for olivine and one or two feldspars.
The other person says: “and quartz, of course”
The first person replies: “of course.”
The caption to the comic reads “even when they’re trying to compensate for it, experts in anything wildly overestimate the average person’s familiarity with their field”
As long as the upper tube underlaps the lower tube, all is good. If it overlaps though then yes, problem.