Well I mean obviously the answer is eggs
Well I mean obviously the answer is eggs
I love math so I was messing around with matplotlib, it’s very cool, I was able to make the Mandelbrot set!
Pips pretty easy in pydroid, thanks! I’ll have a look at requests, since I’ve been wanting to mess with apis
My man I think you missed the part about "I’m at work”
That’s assuming I want to build a project, right now I’m messing around with numpy building arrays in different dimensions and multiplying them.
I know, but this is the weird way I learn things
Its a cultural thing, in Japan and Europe its the opposite, nudity is considered less extreme than violence
What the fuck is going on in the background, I see a merman carrying a mermaid and a man doing the splits
That’s a really dick way to respond to that post
Those are some pretty broad, sweeping generalizations. I typically don’t answer calls because 9 times out of 10, its a spam call and I’m just tired of dealing with it. I do have some discord friends who are pretty good ones Ive known for a long time but I also have friends from school, work, ect.
I’m sure plenty of other people in this thread are like that too but I don’t see how exactly this harms you. I think you’re overreacting to this and also projecting a lot of your insecurities about the issue onto others around you. People are going to live their lives, that’s never going to change and worrying about it especially to this extent is a very unhealthy mindset to have .
Why are you so upset?
Nah, same for the work calls
Whelp. I’m never gonna under Unsee this.
I mean Linux is an option but haven’t people been saying nvida drivers are a huge hassle to use on Linux?
Nah I’m just wanting to run for now, maybe If I get more interested down the Line, but I will check those out
I think I have the one I downloaded back when you needed to get approved by meta to download it, however I was just looking for the guide to actually start the thing, since I’m so used to using a GUI, I guess I didn’t realize I was actually building the damn thing lol
Wait, is nickleless the proper usage of nickel? I honestly don’t know
Aww did someone make a little alt to talk some shit?
Okay thats great, but now I don’t have simple options like fan settings and thunderbolt control, did my $3000 laptop just get neutered?
Thanks but Im just going to go ahead and do my own thing. Everyone’s very insistent about doing things a certain way in this thread and honestly its unsolicited advice. Not everything is an XY problem :). I’m just going to install my different, unconnected libraries and tinker in peace