If you do this for most fruit make sure they are ripe before you put them in the fridge. Cooling can retard the ripening process and in some fruits like bananas ripening will stop entirely and can’t be restarted.
This is actually exactly what I do. I buy a bushel of bananas and put them right in the freezer. Take one or at a time and set a timer for 15 min. That’s when the peel is thawed just enough to peel. Add a frozen strawberry or two, a few frozen chunks of pineapple, some honey, and some walnuts. Makes a great smoothie. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll add a bit of fresh ginger. Cheifs kiss.
There is this wonderful invention called a refrigerator.
Sure. But cold fries are the worst
ah, the device that stretches the death of the fruit over a few more days 😅
If you do this for most fruit make sure they are ripe before you put them in the fridge. Cooling can retard the ripening process and in some fruits like bananas ripening will stop entirely and can’t be restarted.
Bananas are sold very underripe here. You have to leave them on the kitchen counter for 4-5 days until they develop any sort of flavor. It maddens me.
Also, bananas are not fruit, they’re berries.
berries are fruit
You need to let the get ripe and then freeze them and never use them again.
Theoretically you could make milk shakes and such.
This is actually exactly what I do. I buy a bushel of bananas and put them right in the freezer. Take one or at a time and set a timer for 15 min. That’s when the peel is thawed just enough to peel. Add a frozen strawberry or two, a few frozen chunks of pineapple, some honey, and some walnuts. Makes a great smoothie. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll add a bit of fresh ginger. Cheifs kiss.
Bananas lose Vitamin C and taste in the fridge. Get cold damage too.
I said freezer. Bananas don’t lose nutrients significantly when frozen.
The fresh ones are too fresh that’s why I let them ripen and the ones I did not eat in time I peel and freeze.
I wonder what that could be used for
Southern fruits don’t like cold.
Combined with sealed bags