Jesus fucking Christ if those numbers are close to reality that’s fucking horrific. Fuck rich men and fuck their stupid petty wars. Leave Agamemnon to cry in his fucking tent on his own and go to the beach fuck.
Jesus fucking Christ if those numbers are close to reality that’s fucking horrific. Fuck rich men and fuck their stupid petty wars. Leave Agamemnon to cry in his fucking tent on his own and go to the beach fuck.
I’m not being funny mate but ‘reform’ is just a rebranding of the fucking NF make no mistake. It’s three steps away from brownshirts mate that’s what it fucking is.
I promise to laugh at all your American jokes if you just promise not to vote for turnip round 2 in nov 🙏😭
Oh I didn’t realise you were Canadian buddy
Very nice - now let’s see Paul Allen’s cosplay
See this one kinda works tho
I used the golden ratio bad is still but my design
Lolita is shit Nabokov can’t write for shit the whole thing is terrible and I don’t understand why it’s considered such a good book.
^porn, mainly^
So clearly that’s Adam driver on the left, but who’s that with the long face on the right there ?
Why is so much of the internet terrible now fml
Well that’s fucking inexcusable isn’t it holy shit. Glad everyone was alright! Looks like a near miss for the ol’ house there bud
Meow am cat gib food pls x
Yo what the fuck how did they end up doing that?!
Be real swell if you guys could uhh get a move on with that over there………