This is actually exactly what I do. I buy a bushel of bananas and put them right in the freezer. Take one or at a time and set a timer for 15 min. That’s when the peel is thawed just enough to peel. Add a frozen strawberry or two, a few frozen chunks of pineapple, some honey, and some walnuts. Makes a great smoothie. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll add a bit of fresh ginger. Cheifs kiss.
This is actually exactly what I do. I buy a bushel of bananas and put them right in the freezer. Take one or at a time and set a timer for 15 min. That’s when the peel is thawed just enough to peel. Add a frozen strawberry or two, a few frozen chunks of pineapple, some honey, and some walnuts. Makes a great smoothie. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll add a bit of fresh ginger. Cheifs kiss.
The fresh ones are too fresh that’s why I let them ripen and the ones I did not eat in time I peel and freeze.
Bananas lose Vitamin C and taste in the fridge. Get cold damage too.
I said freezer. Bananas don’t lose nutrients significantly when frozen.