Just a little rant. When I first visited Lemmy Sites a couple of months ago it felt empty. Besides the really mainstream community pretty much everything else just felt empty.
Meanwhile though traffic has increased a lot and I feel well entertained by the traffic in c/hfy c/noncredibledefence c/keepwriting c/worldbuilding and so on. It is certainly less than Reddit but often quality is substancially higher and is “enough” to keep me entertained.
Also I like that you can actually post something without running into a bazillion deletes, bans and moderator shitshat because your post was two words to short, not NCD enough and so on.
Sure, the C64 community on Lemmy is laughable. So is the ARMA community. I still use REddit for that. Also I often check up stuff on r/hfy and r/NCD but since one week I have been prefering Lemmy for that.
Also my longer posts don’t get eaten up any more. God, three weeks ago most posts with 3k an more just got lost without feed back. Nowadays I have even manges posts around 20k without breaking them up. Though the editor is still lacking for longer posts. On Reddit I can copy-paste pretty much anything from Libreoffice into Reddits Editor (which is also pretty lacking but differently lacking). On Lemmy I have to run most text through a little perl script to get them even using correct line breaks perl -pe ‘s/\n/\n\n/’ and different sizes for Headlines are much to few to select from.
Not perfect, not even very good but definitely promising.
Slowly? Lemmy is easily as entertaining as Reddit and it is just getting going.
I don’t think people really understand that reddit is an 18 year old product. Their original site was iterated on for 10 years before they stopped building on it.
Lemmy will get there and beyond. As the fediverse attracts more users, it will also attract more contributors. I’m starting to learn Rust myself in hopes I can contribute to the project at some point down the line.
Yeah Reddit 10 years ago was very different than Reddit now. Too many people demand* a 1 for 1 replacement right now.
*You don’t even need all those people. It was plenty good 10 years ago.
I was on reddit before the digg exodus, and the current state of lemmy feels somewhat reminiscent of those times. When communities are smaller there is just a completely different feel than the 1 million+ subscriber goliaths some subreddits became.
That’s exactly what it feels like. It’s so refreshing and I like the fact I can scroll for about 30 mins, exhaust my feed and step away. I don’t get sucked in for most of the day like Reddit.
I completely agree. I’ve been hopping on in the morning and in the evening and I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything and I still feel like I’m contributing. The total opposite of how it was with Reddit.
If there’s one place where I think the wrong Reddit attitude is starting to crop up is the anti/pro sync discourse that’s going on.
People are even outright lying about apps. Such as claiming other apps have toms of bugs, meanwhile, I’m trying out sync and there’s a comment sorting bug if you switch to top, some comments show up isolated when they’re a reply to something else, and even have several lines coming off from nowhere if you turn on colored indentations. Never seen this anywhere else, not even on Jerboa which is the oldest and generally least stable. Another bug, although this one I’ve seen, is that Sync doesn’t properly list all self-posts on the profile pages. Meanwhile, sync IS the most feature rich, and others are denying it. One example, Sync not just has an actual toggle for in-comment media preloading (they called them emotes for some reason), they even let you toggle specific services on generic link handling.
What I did here, is what those people don’t. Give specifics. This tribalism is peak upvote downvote fighting style characteristic of big /r/all communities on reddit and I hate it. Garbage threads.
The Sync drama truly is a Reddit moment.
Honestly, this is exactly how I feel too. I remember browsing Reddit when Digg was my primary source and Reddit felt so small and unpolished at the time! I don’t know if Lemmy will grow in the same way as Reddit did, but it is certainly on the right path.
I was on reddit before the digg exodus
Man, I remember when that shitshow happened. It was like reddit’s version of Eternal September.
That was the best era. The source code was open sourced, subreddits members know each other pretty well, the most prolific reditors are not reposters or super-mods. Actually fun AMAs and community-initiated events (meetups, secret santa, etc). Now it’s all gone, replaced by a TikTok clone.
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Frankly, I really miss the Reddit of ten years ago, so this is great. Outside of fruitlessly pursuing infinite growth, none of the additions or changes to the site since then have improved it.
The flip side is there are some people who have been here a long time tho…
But they’re almost exclusively rightwingers who were ip banned from reddit. Like the exploding heads instance is/was over a year old, and those people were insanely annoying before everyone defederated.
The more time goes by, the more regular people join and water down that extremism
Yeah I mean looking at the stats of new users, that watering down has already happened to the point where any extremeist shit is statistically insignificant by now. 99%+ of people here are just looking for a replacement reddit and that’s all, rather than some censorship haven where they can chat their extreme views.
Yes it was interesting finding communities banned from Reddit who seemed like they had been here awhile.
I also think you’re going to see Lemmy continue to grow overtime because it does not need to be a Comercial success. It doesn’t need to go through the new owners, whims or financial needs. It’ll just continue to slowly grow until someday it overtakes Reddit. The mere fact that it can’t be taken down is in itself a huge advantage/defense.
I have way more fun on Lemmy. I do need some of the more esoteric an vast archived content from reddit from time to time. For that I just google reddit and no longer sign in. Fedi will get there soon enough though.
I’ve been spending a majority of my time on here when I do my “Redditing”. I only visit the old site for niche topics. I spend as little time as possible there, I don’t upvote or downvote anything, and I don’t comment either. It’s read-only for me out of principle. I save all interactions for the fediverse.
I doubt all the communities will rebuild elsewhere, but I’m okay with that. Some fragmentation is necessary. Smaller communities make individual voices louder, and you have less ugly “sidedness”. When humans get into a critical mass IRL they can start to do strange things, I think we see this in social media as well.
Lol yeah, you guy’s should have been here 2y ago, this place is jumping now!
Its getting there, and there is some entertaining content on here (comments and posts). But I think we are still missing the super high end responses. No matter what the topic, one or two people would jump on and have deep specialised knowledge of the field - be it naming an insect from a blurry image or commenting on a geopolitical situation. I still see lots of posts that generate nothing more than “huh” or “wow” type comments.
When that starts appearing more broadly, I think the quality here is going to take another leap.
I think that’ll only really start to happen once you start getting more of the general population on here.
Reddit always had a reputation for being dominated by techy people, that is significantly more so the case here.
Signing up for Lemmy, even knowing where to start is a bigger leap than it is over there. Personally I’m hoping third party apps will be able to help with that by offering some kind of setup wizard with easy options of suggested instances to join.
I certainly hate the people here a lot less. I like how it isn’t the same garbage comments on every post where they hyper analyze videos frame by frame just to call things fake.
On the opposite end it seemed like there was an inflooding of low quality “FB-type” posts. Non-interesting wedding and new baby in /r/pics followed by hundreds of “congrats!” and a sprinkle of “who gives a shit go back to FB” response posts. Predictable dichotomies once reddit got too mainstream.
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I agree. I can’t say I miss Reddit.
I love how people have different opinions and value different things. Personally I so far find Lemmy very very very much not as entertaining as Reddit. The lack of comments in particular makes it way less enjoyable imho. But hopefully it’ll grow.
Please for anyone reading, just be patient. Keep posting and commenting and it WILL grow. There are only like 1.2 million Lemmy users versus hundreds of millions of redditors.
If you follow the 90-9-1 rule, that leaves very few actual contributors and still Lemmy has a lot of good content daily. Just be patient and it will come.
What’s 90-9-1?
I think its 90% of users lurk, 9% comment, and only 1% create new posts. Or at least something like that
Ah, that makes sense. In my case though, I used to never post on Reddit but on Lemmy I feel good contributing to this community. I hope a lot of the other Reddit refugees who lurked feel the same way
Congrats on your promotion to a 1! You earned it (by posting).
Congrats on your promotion to a 9! You earned it (by commenting).
Thanks! It’s nice to get a little recognition for putting in the work 😎
Definitely. I am not power user by any means but probably have about as many posts here in the last month as I made in 10 years on Reddit. Maybe more.
Yeah I lurked on Reddit because most responses were either pedantic or laced with sarcasm. I feel like the assholes haven’t ingratiated themselves yet.
Where are you seeing 1.2m users? This site says that it tracks all instances and only shows 0.96m users total and 62k users in the past month.
I usually look at FediDB and they show about half that in total users but twice that in active users.
Wow, that’s quite the spread between the two.
I can’t find it now. The number that I saw was 1.09 million, but I can’t find the site I saw it on now. I think a bunch of them must be purged spam accounts maybe.
They talked about purging a shit ton of them. I bet reddit’s numbers would be way lower if they purged the spam bots.
Yeah I’m waiting it out and trying to build up my favorite community. I don’t really see reddit ever being replaced but that’s only because people won’t be part of the solution. There are too many people in this world that just don’t care.
I stopped posting to Reddit because frankly it felt like throwing a pebble into the ocean.
I love the smaller approach here
My posts will get no engagement, negative engagement, and very rarely do I get upvotes. Here in lemmy, there’s lots of quality posts and nice people who engage with my posts.
I can insult you, down vote your post, then say something confidently stupid before refusing to engage with this thread ever again if it makes you more at home.
Actually, that sounds like a lot of effort; best to leave that on Reddit.
I bet you won’t do it!
Buddy why is your name gigantic and blue in sync? I’m jealous.
You can change it on your instance website under display name, then use a Google fancy text generator.
Thanks, I’ll have to check that out so I can be a special boy too
I agree somewhat, I think Lemmy has a way to go though because there are some real big headlines that seem to be missing from Lemmy on certain communities, and often a lot of posts with 0 comments or very few. I know it’s early days but until Lemmy is a reliable source of news for my various hobbies I’ll still be using Reddit alongside. At least on Reddit for all it’s flaws, if there is something big happening in a certain scene, it’ll be there. It’s a one stop shop for all my information.
And clearly that’s what is so dangerous about reddit. Being a one stop shop. Their algorithm totally controls what people see, specially people whose only browsing All.
Who browses r/all?
well definitely not me, But think for a second, why did reddit hate the blackout, partly because it affected the r/all feed. where , im guessing, that they have figures that states that r/all browsing users have significant numbers.
Maybe someone here already said this but if you find a community with not a lot of traffic here, make sure to post in it. Others might go looking for it and find nothing, just like you did. Perpetual cycle of I see nothing, I leave. If someone’s active, maybe someone else will be active with you. And then two turns to four to 8 and so on. Even if it feels like you’re screaming into the void, keep screaming. The void is infinite and someone’s bound to hear you eventually.
To add on that, I’m trying to figure out how people can easily find those small volume niche communities, and it seems like it’s a hassle.
So I set up a community on my server : https://lemmy.mindoki.com/c/sharingiscaring@lemmy.mindoki.com
Post your small community there, and I’ll have a user sub to it.
Because if at least 1 user on a server subs to a community (on another server) then that community will show up when filtering with All (All + new should show even small posts, at least sometimes).
If this is a good idea, maybe everyone running a small (read: low volume) server could do this to really get Federation going!
Loulou / Valmond @ lemmy.mindoki.com
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !sharingiscaring@lemmy.mindoki.com
Good bot!
I’ll fix it.
I think community consolidation/aggregation is something that might want to be looked at. It’s possible to have a gardening community on multiple servers with different content. This will confuse people. So having a way to merge posts from two communities into a bigger community per server may be a good idea. So if you set up gardening communities on two servers you can choose to have posts show for each of them in your community. And making this a server or community setting still gives the ability to either have this or not have this if the communities are truly supposed to be separate. This would also give some kind of redundancy where the original community server can go offline but multiple different servers can still exchange messages that eventually make it back to the main community. Truly decentralized.
I have to disagree. Consolidation seems almost never to improved anything. Take Reddit, for example. I once found a sub called HikingAndCamping. Since I’m a hiker, I looked it over. The top mod only allowed discussions of hiking and camping on Mt Everest (or some equally nonsensical narrow topic). Since I actually wanted to discuss hiking and camping generally, I tried to create CampingAndHiking as a more accessible community. But that same top mod had already claimed that name as well under an alt. Reddit refused to do anything, but when they notified him that I had requested the dead sub (no posts and the alt hadn’t logged in for years), he jumped in and created a single “Go away” post. Then he sent me a private message to the effect of “I’m squatting to keep traffic flowing to my other sub. You want to talk about hiking and camping in general? Sucks to be you.”
Here, I’d just go to another instance and create the c/ that we wanted and move along. That’s part of the beauty of federation. Users can then join the one(s) that appeal to them and everyone gets to have their community.
The way I was thinking you could still go to the original community and skip the aggregated one. So you could have c/gardening and c/flowers, but also c/backyard which could combine the two. You could still go to either one, but for easier discoverability you could create aggregators or include an aggregator in your community, and do this cross server. So if you have two very popular and overlapping communities you could combine them easier. Could also be a client feature I suppose. But right now you’d have to manually hunt for the possibly dispersed communities yourself. Alternatively I guess there is an argument for smaller communities being better which I do agree with. It was just a not very thought through idea :) Or you could have community redirects. So c/technology on lemmy.world could decide to seamlessly redirect to c/technology on Lemmy.ml if wanted.
Now I get the idea. It’s not a bad one, but it may very well be a lot of trouble to implement. Maybe the cross-instance community lists could help. It seems like, most of the time, related communities pop up fairly quickly or show up in the initial search.
My new shiny missis sharer has been created, it’s me!
Give me your smallest subs and I’ll federate them!
I don’t understand the “slowly” part at all. I joined Lemmy about a month ago when Reddit third party apps went dark. Lemmy was largely a ghost town then, with most of the relatively mainstream communities I sought out having newest posts that were days or even weeks old. That desolation was gone after the first few days, with a ton more engagement from others who migrated over and a steady stream of new content. The communities I frequent have grown by leaps and bounds since then. “Slow” isn’t a word I’d use to describe Lemmy’s growth.
Yep, Lemmy is more active than tildes at this point.
Tildes is staying the same. And I like it that way. Lemmy is getting busy and I also like it that way. I go to tildes or lemmy depending on my mood. Haha
I totally forgot about squabbles. I haven’t gone there for weeks now. I don’t know the reason why, I’m just being pulled to lemmy and tildes much more.
Tildes was nice if you wanted to just circle jerk each other on a topic…but if you had any disagreements, the users there would just tag your post as malicious and then the single admin would delete it…then if you got to many people who disagreed with you, he will just ban you. It’s his platform and all but fuck that authoritarian shit. I left reddit because of the level of mod abuse and admin abuse there.
Hmm. Thanks for the info, though I haven’t experienced that in tildes but I’ll keep that in mind.
Since the spike in content that came with the Reddit migration, I feel like things have slowed down. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t have any stats to back that up.
Maybe “plateau’d” is a better phrase. There has been growth since the Reddit migration, but it has decreased since the spike. Not that that’s a bad thing
I wouldn’t say plateaued. Decreased. A number of the communities that I subscribe to seem to have fewer daily posts than they did a few weeks ago.
It started to slow down, or at least in my instance. People still post and people from another instance visit frequently, but the hype seems to already slow down. I don’t mind though, i don’t think any instance can take the heavy load, it will kill lemmy faster if the instance constantly facing down time.
It was bound to happen eventually; these migrations happen in waves, after all. Not to mention, a solid chunk of former Reddit users just stopped using social media entirely.
Just joined after sync for lemmy has been released to the public. As a sync user since it started a decade ago lemmy already feels more familiar to me than reddit. I don’t quite understand exactly how it all works just yet but I can definitely see myself using this over reddit.
Lemmy is much friendlier most of the time, and one of my favorite features is that it’s run by individuals.
People have forgotten these days what it means to chat somewhere without a corporation in the middle.
It’s such a different and better feeling.
No need to understand the details really. Just post, comment, and subscribe to communities.
IMO, sync for lemmy should be automatically pushed to all sync for reddit devices.
I still use Sync for reddit. (with the revanced mod where you can import your own API key)
Do you know if there is a setting to load the picture in full size when opening a post? I always have to tap on the picture to see it in full size, otherwise it’s cropped. Jerboa did that automatically so is there a setting for this?
yes, is in the settings. there are quite a few personalizations.
It kinda did via a push notification, but IIRC Google Play ToS won’t allow a developer to suddenly change an app’s functionality significantly
Feel free to make an account on another instance like lemm.ee (a general sensible instance) or lemmy.cafe (run by a guy, new) or a country-based instance where people of that country congregate. You might do this to keep your interests or purposes for the accounts separate or in case the lemmy.world server is down (even for a short while), or to potentially access defederated instances and their communities.
Does your username automatically carry over to different instances? Or do you need to create a new account for each?
For now if you want another account, you just make another (with any username you want, I have an account with the same username on lemm.ee). It’s possible to port subscriptions and blocked users and communities to a new account using some software. While that is useful, it’s not a proper account migration.
However keep in mind you can mostly access most other instances from your home instance. In that case your username (and instance) ‘carry over’.
On the off chance lemmy.world has defederated from an instance, and you can’t access it, you can join another general, neutral instance like lemm.ee
Not to sound like a jerk but I don’t understand what most people expected. All new sites start slow. Facebook was slow at the beginning. Reddit too. It’s not like they had millions of users and subs day one. We have the responsibility to build up this community. We want a site like Reddit but without the u/spez crap. So we better start building it up and complain less. Criticism is ok but saying “it’s slower than Reddit” is kinda useless and obvious.
Reddit got a burst of users when digg did stupid shit. Now Reddit’s doing stupid shit and…
Reddit’s burst of users from digg though was on top of an established site with a reasonable userbase. How many people were using lemmy before spez decided that Twitter was a role model instead of a cautionary tale?
I don’t think so. I remember there were hundreds of upvotes when I first moved. It was a big thread if it had 1k upvotes. In seeing that on lemmy now.
Those numbers didn’t dramatically change after the Digg migration though. The internet archive has copies of reddit’s front page both before and after Digg’s explosion and they don’t show dramatically different numbers of votes on the top posts. Please don’t mistake me for saying that no one actually moved from Digg to reddit, I’m just saying that reddit had an established and significant userbase even before Digg fucked around and found out. I don’t think the same is quite true for lemmy.
Ya and I’d say lemmy has a significant user base too prior to Reddit. Either way I see more on lemmy now than I ever have. I’ve used it in the past for a while and it’s night and day better now, and I attribute that to Reddit imploding
Reddit was also like Lemmy is now when it first started.
Yeah no one remembers the memes about Reddit servers?
Also it’s definitely not slower than Reddit. Reddit was tiny for a couple of years. I’m not certain, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we already have more users than Reddit did before the Digg/Slashdot migrations, and those took a few years.
Woah now hold on there mate, this is the internet, you can’t go making sense, it’s just not the done thing!
I fucking love Lemmy.
Lemmy is the new way of life. Reddit is the toxic ex.
Yeah but I still think about them from time to time…when things were good
deleted by creator
Well, I fucking love you back! ❤
Time to reolaxe ny Reddit addiction with a Lemmy addiction. Let’s goo
Lemmy just needs to stop talking about itself so much. The only reason I still use Reddit is because I find fresher and more varied content there. Lemmy users need to provide more content than just the fact that they are on Lemmy.
Lol it’s a new community. I actually find it interesting to see other people’s opinions about it. I don’t mind seeing every 15th post being about Lemmy itself. That won’t last for more than a few months at most…
I hope so. I find some excellent content here but I still need to sift through tons of Lemmy circlejerk to find it.
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Same thing on mastodon, most posts are about Twitter and how they hate it. Really annoying and not the reason I want to use the service
The best thing people who want Lemmy to succeed can do is post original, non-meta content to communities.
Of course !fediverse@lemmy.world is inherently meta.
I am the content!
i disagree. Lemmy is quickly getting better.
I disagree. Lemmy has made a big jump and now is getting slowly better.
I disagree. Lemmy better quick now slowly is.
Lemmy feels a lot like hackernews
With a bit less bigotry, but otherwise yes.
hackernews is bigoted? Well that’s news. I had no idea.
Yeah, but it’s a really weird libertarian thing where everybody feels like they’re an expert in their field and also everyone else’s. It’s a lot more fun to have in my RSS feeds since I realized that.
HN is to other forums what mathematicians are too the rest of science
That’s giving them a biiit too much credit. More like,
HN is to other forums what annoying 14 year olds h4cker script-kiddies are to computer scientists.
More fun here in my opinion. The HN discussions are very dry.
And hostile ☹️
I reckon after all is said and done, the biggest issue I had with Reddit is that people felt they had to be heard. Like, we just needed to know that you also thought that certain thing (“came here to say this”) or that you are morally superior to everyone else (“oh but I don’t do it that way OP”). It’s 90% of the reason the content on Reddit had deteriorated, because people crave the attention, and thus the imaginary number going up.
Now I’m not saying Lemmy is different. In fact, I fully expect it to go the same way. But right now, there are far fewer people here who just have to give their opinion (I see the irony), and therefore less shit to wade through to get to actually good content.
As an example, look at the top comment on any default sub post on Reddit. It will have heaps and heaps of replies that are just valueless crap. This is what makes Reddit seem “faster” than Lemmy. The reality is that most of it is fluff, most of it is irrelevant to you.
This is what I wanted to say which is why I came here! Plz upvote me?
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I agree with your agreement therefore I am ENTITLED to upvotes
As is customary, the third in line to continue the “joke” gets the downvotes. Not funny by the third to around.
As I see it now, the lemmy spirits have seen fit to have some sort of geometric score progression
Can’t even view this screenshot on desktop. Too small. Lemmy needs work still.
sad trombone
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Lot of empty communities still. Thinking about posting in writingprompts to try to get something rolling there.
I started up !oldphotosinreallife@lemmy.world and it’s basically just me posting. Not really much traction but who knows, maybe it’ll get going.
Same here with !moebius_art@lemmy.mindoki.com :-)
If you like nosleep, check out !lemmyscareyou@lemmy.world that I made a while back.
I just didn’t have much energy to write recently, but I’m planning on getting back to it, so any contribution there is welcome.
Omg its Margot Robbie from Oppenheimer
That’s Academy Award nominated esteemed character actress Margot Robbie (also occasional spooky story writer) to you!
Here here, was a RIF user but after the blip, I haven’t looked back. More and more ppl are migrating over, and I really enjoy no ads!
I would suggest starting a community if one doesn’t appear.
Just migrated over from RIF as well, first post! Like the UI so far
omgee lemmy gold. Lets bring back the thumbs up /s
Snatching this for the future 😘
Thats awesome, thank you for doing this
Love this so much!!!
My third grade art teacher would be proud!
Converted it to B&W to make it look like silver:
Lemmy World silver
I was an RIF user for a long time, I honestly haven’t looked back since the API thing. I’ve found connect to be easy to use and it scratches the itch for sure. Love to see it getting more traffic now, my only sense of loss would be the Google search with “_____ ,reddiit” to find someone who has spoken about what I’m looking for. Lemmy will get there, just happy to be along for the ride
I’m regularly seeing hundreds of comments on posts now and only a month ago it was rare to see a dozen comments on a post. I really don’t need more engagement on a post, that’s plenty. Lemmy still needs more users to sustain more niche communities, but in the places that people are it’s already great.