Christian nationalist North Carolina Republican Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, currently the leading candidate for the GOP nomination for governor, launched an attack on transgender women years after the Tar Heel State’s last GOP governor cost the state millions – and possibly billions – of dollars, and cost him his political career over the very same issue.
“We’re going to defend women in this state,” vowed Robinson, according to WUNC, at a campaign stop earlier this month. “That means if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you.”
“In campaign speeches in recent weeks,” WUNC added, “Robinson suggested that people who previously identified as male should be ‘arrested’ if they go in a women’s bathroom. Instead, he suggests they should ‘find a corner outside somewhere’ to relieve themselves.”
In a different campaign speech Robinson said, “if you are confused, find a corner outside somewhere to go. We’re not tearing society down because of this.”
Wonder how he’d feel about being told the same thing, but because of his skin color.
Some people are quite dense.
Dudes a textbook “pharisee” christian. Just look at the “personal life” portion of his wiki.
Robinson attributed the beginning of his interest in American conservative politics to his reading of a book by Rush Limbaugh, after which he “found out that was conservative and always had been.”
Anyone who gets their political philosophy from Rush Limbaugh is a dipshit who wants to be lied to or a grifter.
The very same Rush Limbaugh who denied smoking causes cancer and who died of lung cancer caused by smoking.
Cancer still sucks ass, but sometimes? Sometimes it’s ok.
“I read Rush Limbaugh’s book and discovered that I was in fact Uncle Ruckus!”
No relation!
deleted by creator
This person, specifically. Been following this twit for some time. I’m sure his mother loves him. I guess.
The sad thing is that his right to use the bathroom is protected.
However, there is absolutely nothing saying we can’t accuse him of being a transwoman and denying him the bathroom.
Because tHaT’s FrEe SpEaCh
I often think about this, but I think it sends the wrong message — that your gender is a privilege you can lose, and other people can willingly respect or not. As much as I hate these people, I don’t wanna detract from the trans community’s comfort zone if that makes sense. Weaponizing pronouns and gendered language only stoops to the low low level of right wingers
Let’s not treat being trans as an insult.
It’s only an insult to them.
So “not tearing society down” means piss or shit on the street instead of in a toilet? Am I understanding correctly?
I also love that the thing that’s going to finally bring this society to a collapse is unisex bathrooms. You know, the same kind you have in your house.
The vast majority of toilets in the world are all-access. When you do see segregated restrooms, guess what you’ll find inside? Most of the Men’s toilets and all of the Women’s toilets are inside individually-enclosed rooms with lockable doors.
My philosophy on this issue is that one picture of a restroom door at some establishment that says “Whatever, just wash your hands.”
@aeronmelon @ButtCheekOnAStick
Even urinals, if not eliminated completely out of lack of need, can be blocked off from visibility and should be anyways. I don’t like urinals where other men can see my junk, and few of those remain anymore for good reason.
I’ve literally walked out of restrooms with no dividers or space between urinals. I don’t need a stranger’s piss splashing on me.
Yes, we must all piss and shit in street. And don’t forget on the corners.
You… you can’t go to a corner and relieve yourself.
Thats a misdemeanor you will likely be arrested and jailed for.
This moron has just told people to do something that is illegal, in addition to being dehumanizing on its face.
How is people pissing and shitting outside /not/ tearing down society, isnt this exactly the kind of thing that is bemoaned as a sign of society collapsing when talking about the homeless or drug addicts?
I’m pretty sure that’s the point. It’s a double win for them, dehumanize you and get you in trouble for doing the only thing you’re “allowed” to do by their standards.
Republicans make me sick to my stomach.
I personally know many people who think and say and agree with things along Mr. Just Poop Outside’s kind of rhetoric.
They are most often not actually aware of the obvious contradictions and logical contradictions of their rhetoric.
Then, when you point it out, they get angry and violent.
The more clever and more demonic ones will be aware of what youre saying and usually lie about it in public but admit to it privately.
But the vast majority of them are too stupid to realize the contradiction in the moment.
Which makes sense, because conservatives brains are statistically more susceptible to fear and rage and othering groups they dont identify with.
Yes, the more evil ones are consciously aware that their rhetoric just is rhetoric fueled by hatred.
But the vast majority actually are the dumb sheep that they call everyone else, easily herded into worldviews by obvious lies and emotional reasoning overtaking their logical faculties.
Can we just let gender-neutral toilets be the default so we can all stop worrying this? The fact that the stranger shitting next stall over may or may not have a penis is not a problem. Having to scrape turds off my shoe because someone followed this guy’s advise and shat on the sidewalk makes it my problem.
They’re NOT worried about it. They’re using trans people as a boogieman to scare morons. That’s it. They’te trying to make idiots worried to create an excuse to do bad things, not worried themselves.
These people are EVIL in every sense of the word, and I’m not religious. They are despicable people that want to do bad things to those they don’t like, and they’re creating room to do those bad things.
maaaan i honestly kinda hope they can just over themselves. as someone who has cleaned toilets, i kinda don’t want gender neutral toilets. i don’t want them all to be as disgusting and horrible as women’s bathrooms. most men don’t know how good they have it with the currently segregated bathrooms…
I used to have to clean toilets at a banquet facility… my God the women’s restroom looked like a war room every goddamn morning. We drew straws on that task. Who the hell just slaps their pad onto the side of the wall when there is an empty receptacle right there for them…
Thanks for bringing back that PTSD.
THIS! Every mother fucker concerned about this needs to be shipped off to Sweden to see how it’s done.
Here in the US you get one giant communal room with crappy metal dividers blocking most, but not all, direct line of sight with the toilets.
Over there, you find a small hallway with several doors, and behind each door is a small private bathroom. You can change clothes, brush your teeth at the sink, put something on your phone with sound, or be messy/loud/smelly and it doesn’t affect anybody else or make you self conscious.
(Sweden is my example because that’s the last country I’ve traveled to in a long time)
That wouldn’t accomplish what they want to accomplish, which is to make trans people a scapegoat they can use to rile up simple-minded voters.
Instead, he suggests they should ‘find a corner outside somewhere’ to relieve themselves.”
At which point they’ll be arrested for public indecency, placed on a sex offenders registry, and likely taken to jail.
A reminder that the trans community was one of the first targets of the Nazis, before they moved on to other targets.
Don’t speak out. When they come for you, there will be no one left to speak out for you.
That means if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested
Or if you’re a man one year and you take hormones and get surgery and dress like a woman for the following 10 years they’ll still arrest you for going in the women’s bathroom.
These dumbass comments should show everyone that these politicians don’t even try to understand the situation. They are reactionary, emotional, and bigoted; they act in service of their bigotry and don’t care who they hurt.
He’s not even being reactionary or emotional. It’s way more cynical than that. He’s simply trying to score political points to morons who are bigoted, reactionary, emotional, and don’t try to understand the situation.
Edit: I could be wrong, he may really just be a simple bigot
My current belief is that this guy is a True Believer.
In general my read in the situation is that attacking trans people is a losing issue, and True Believers are trying to change that. I don’t think a cynical office chaser can watch people who run on this shit get pasted again and again and still think it’s a winning strategy.
His porch is outside. Just saying.
So are a lot of Confederate graves
As a trans North Carolinian, I die inside a little bit every time this bigoted shit-heel opens his mouth 🙃
I’m sorry friend. We are going to wallop him with votes this fall. I’ve been creeped out many a time by a republican man but never by a trans woman in the bathroom
The question is do I vote in the Republican primary against Robinson or vote for the candidate that I like on the Dem ticket?
I feel like voting in the Dem primary has more potential to do good. I think the Republican alternatives to Robinson would do the same things as him but quieter. And I don’t think he’s got serious competition in the primary
“That means if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you.”
Time to trot out this rotting strawman, again? The fact that he can bring this up after this stupid idea has been thoroughly debunked means he’s either ignorant or just hoping nobody notices. It’s a loser issue, dude.
What’s chilling is the “or whatever we got to do to you.” Like what? Public beatings? Lynching? The same shit that was allowed to be done to your ancestors during the time when segregation was legal?
I hope you lose your job and a lot of money, asshole.
He probably means police trying to make the arrest deliberately escalating the situation to violence, so they have an excuse to murder the suspect in a hail of gunfire. Standard procedure stuff.
Pfft, “standard procedure”. Name one time in the last twenty years the police even waited for an excuse to start shooting.
They do somewhat frequently, and make sure that every moment is recorded on body cameras, and that’s the bodycam footage that seems to get through the “internal investigation” phase in record time to be released as copaganda to justify the rest of their extrajudicial killings
That particular bit gave me pause as well. Ah yes, lynch mobs! According to conservatives, one of the proudest points in American history!
It’s an open ended “remedy.” And he said it publicly, which means the Christofascists will take that as an order.
Ummmm you told a section of society to go pee in a corner, and in the same breath talk about not tearing society down. I’m pretty sure people not pissing in a sanitary washroom is the start of the collapse of a civilization. Plenty of better ways to solve this fictitious problem you have created to scare your base with, than villainizing an entire subset of humans.
$20 says there are pictures of this guy in drag in college.
And he’s black…
The real story here is that North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson is pro-public urination. Never realized that was an official GOP platform.
Ted Cruz is in favor, but that’s just because he likes the warm feeling between his legs.
We’re not tearing society down because of this.
Apparently where we all pee is a foundational aspect of society?
Edit: To clarify, I’m not suggesting we should all go shit in the streets or that public restrooms should not exist. Rather, it’s absurd to suggest that picking a restroom, one that someone else doesn’t agree with, will lead to the destruction of society.
Try going out for a weekend and not using a bathroom outside your house. If you enter a bathroom, imagine every person staring at you in curiosity or disgust. Imagine getting hastled and yelled at or assaulted for being in the “correct” washroom because you have a beard but have XX chromasomes. Imagine the cops being called on you. Better hurry and do your business fast and flee the scene because if they catch you they might arrest you, fine you or force you to “prove” your genetalia match what’s on your driver’s licence or ask tone deaf invasive questions about your medical history. If they are bigots they might call you slurs or just arrest you anyway to try and run you out of the community.
Spend a month never using a public restroom. Watch as your world shrinks to being basically just your house as any legthy trip outside requires precise timing so you won’t need to take a shit somewhere risky or perhaps enlist a a friend instead to serve as chaperone and defence to help keep you safe.
How and where we dispose of our waste is actually quite foundational to society. It shapes the layout of our cities, the spaces where we go, our life expectancies and how we spend our time.
yeah it fucking is. People used to straight up shit in a cup and throw it out the window. Nowadays we don’t even let dogs shit in the street.
A person who looks and lives as a woman going to the fully enclosed place, equipped with indoor plumbing, all the other people who look and live as women go to for the purpose of pissing in private is a far cry from throwing buckets of shit out a window onto the street.
That being said, this story does make me want to throw some buckets of shit somewhere.
Nowadays we don’t even let dogs shit in the street.
Seattle: Am I a joke to you?
Again, the problem is in plain sight - CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST.
Only a CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST would say and push for this shit.
The easiest way to deal with this complete dumbfuckery is to abolish gendered bathrooms and add full wall to ceiling stalls with locked doors.
Please shut the fuck up about this there are real problems to deal with
Very well said.
Solves a lot of issues with dependents and access to baby changing stations. Gendered bathrooms are stupid.