Should show the door’s relation to the room
Window placement is important, too.
This room has neither doors nor windows as drawn. Rope ladder is deployed periodically throughout the night.
This implies at least one opening in the ceiling, so I’d say combine the layouts to tessellate as neatly as possible, then jump in. When exhausted, lay down wherever is most comfortable.
Since, to enter, you have to ground-pound the ceiling tile above, it’s best to put the bed directly under the opening.
It’s hard to judge how much that matters in L-Space.
Am I the only one bothered by alignment chart memes that just throw nine random things in a grid instead of having some consistency regarding what is good, evil, lawful or chaotic?
It just takes a few tweaks to make something at least moderately consistent.
And see, I’d swap your Lawful Neutral and True Neutral, as then all the neutrals would feature one long bed edge placed against a wall.
That would also make sense, it would just be changing the pattern.*
In mine, Lawful is center aligned with one side touching a wall. Chaotic is tilted to touch corners to walls instead of sides. Good is head towards walls and foot towards the interior. Evil is foot towards walls and head towards the interior. And true neutral… is not bound by any of these rules.
* A pattern that would be based on the idea that neutral should be a defined side, one that presents its own rules in each dimension of the chart, rather than merely being the absence of one of the other alignment dichotomies. If this were just about chart making, I would support that as I like things to be orderly, but because this is alignment I stick with what I believe to be the better representation of that system.
I guess I’m lawful neutral good now
Yes! It’s stupid how many of them just throw random shit in without thinking about what would make sense.
How about a diagonal bed in not touching any wall? Or just touching one wall?
You monster
We’ll just call that Chaos Incarnate. It can have its own category off the chart.
Rotating circular bed in the middle of the room with a mirror ceiling?
Swaggerly swinging alignment.
Chaotic evil should have other furniture overlapping with the bed.
Like, a cat tree.
As a true neutral, this sounds like efficient use of space.
As a ditto, let’s be real, it’s the right to excuse or condemn xucking anything. Then get away with xucking anything too.
At least half the bed should be used for the “not dirty enough to wash, not clean enough for the closet” clothing pile.
What about a bed that perfectly fits into a nook in the room, meaning that part of the room is nothing but bed with only one side open? Sized exactly so nothing sticks out either
Because that’s my bedroom
That sounds amazing. I always wanted a bed that was wall to wall.
Easy. Just get a twin-size room.
In my house sharing days I actually applied to rent a room that was twin bed sized. It had storage shelves near the ceiling, which was fine because you had to stand on the bed to move around anyway. Somebody else got it and I ended up renting a corner of a finished attic (with skylights!!) along with 4 other people. I put up tapestries to section it off one night while my one of my attic mates was banging some dude she brought home from a party.
Everything you described sounds downright dystopia. Where was this?
deleted by creator
Sounds cozy
I’m going to say that’s a level above lawful good.
Sounds a bit of pain for two people if one side is the free one. Sounds a bit of a pain for both if it’s the end that’s open. Sounds like utter madness if it’s the end with the pillows that’s open, but insane enough to earn my respect.
I want that arrangement with the opening along the foot of the bed. But I imagine as a child this would terrify me, having no other possible escape route but through when the zombie shows up.
True neutral, I like having the wall next to me. My wife gets the open side
I switched away from this to both sides open because I hate climbing over someone or someone climbing over me.
That’s why you scoot out the bottom!
I don’t like to do that. I used to have a really cramped room with two people in the bed, it was always climbing or scooting.
I scoot off the foot of the bed :)
I feel like Chaotic Evil should be the bed upside down AND at an angle.
Yeah sure, but what’s the alignment for the monster under the bed?
Monsters under the bed follow a different system. I don’t know all the details but I believe if there’s a cross hanging in your room you get a priest. If you have a poster of a fast car you get a bully. And if you have an anime wall scroll featuring cat girls you get a robot.
I grew up with True Neutral, but now that I’m married, we use Neutral Good.
My wife sees the bedroom as only a place to sleep, so she has a small aisle to get around to her side of the bed. Meanwhile, I like having space in my room without the bed occupying the whole room, so I scoot it as far into a corner as I can get it.
My wife sees the bedroom as only a place to sleep
I guess I’m true neutral. If I shared the bed with someone, I’d be Lawful Good.
Amatonormativity, am I right?
The bed’s position would be lawful good; what happens in the bed wouldn’t.
Sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Corrected.
Chaotic Evil is the best if you actually have a nice view.
Hey! I resent being called Lawful Good! In a society where some laws are just and other laws are not, Neutral Good is the only real good!
Currently lawful good but true neutral is aight too
You can’t tilt it in the corner or else the monster has space to rise behind your head.