Just get a Detroit Electric Model 82.
I’ve heard that it is not uncommon for men to get erections during or after battle due to adrenaline and increase in blood pressure. I can imagine that this might be very uncomfortable in a full suit of armor. Maybe these enlarged cad pieces were an attempt to address that.
Je suis americain. Please cook my steak again.
I haven’t chosen a spouse yet. I decided Data would try to date everyone all at once to learn more about human relations. We are still working on getting them all to 8 hearts.
Star Trek:TNG × Stardew Valley.
I’ve already made this crossover. In my head Canon, Data is using the holodeck to learn about Earth’s agrarian culture.
The IDF’s policy seems to be, “Kill them all. Let Yahweh sort them out.”
How do Reavers clean their spears? They put them through the Wash.
I believe Oregon recently legalized psychedelic mushrooms. You can always grow your own too. You just have to find a source for spores or clones.Although, that would be considered illegal in just about every state.
Edit: Apparently, spores are legal to purchase in every US state, except California, Idaho and Georgia. https://www.leafly.com/news/health/how-to-buy-shroom-spores
Intentionally infect yourself with licecrabs.
She really did have the lobes for business. She was arguably one of the smartest Ferengi we’ve ever seen.
I hate all the “baking” competitions. So much of it is just rice crispy treat sculptures covered in fondant. They also film several competitions at the same time. I saw an interview with someone who judged for those shows. She said she was barely tasting the dishes because she had to try so many in a day, that it made her feel sick.
I’ve also been spoiled by British Baking Show. They only film one season at a time. They film over one weekend for each episode. Often times the best dishes look the worst, but the judges care more about flavor and texture than looks.
Flies serve many roles in nature. They help spread beneficial bacteria and mushroom spores. They are also food sources for various small animals, insects and arachnids. Sure they are annoying and creepy, but they have a place.
They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown.
The plaque forms as a result of bacteria eating the sugars that stay on your teeth. Most dentists in my life have recommended brushing right after eating.
If they didn’t want to get bombed, then they shouldn’t have been born brown/Arab. /s
As would Death Note.
I HATE the shuffle button on Spotify. It used to be better. I have a Playlist that I used to listen to with the ‘enhanced’ shuffle. Spotify would add similar songs into the queue. It was nice. Now Spotify just plays the same 20 songs or so, over and over again. My Playlist has over 200 songs without even adding the variety into the queue. I’ve started actively removing songs because they are all I hear. This isn’t how listening to music should work.
Does St. Patrick’s day count?