Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 35-year-old veteran lawmaker, spoke to NPR about her party’s path forward.
She predicts Republicans will face backlash over Medicaid cuts and federal worker firings.
Despite some Democrats suggesting a new immigration approach post-election, she maintains support for a path to citizenship and recently held a know-your-rights seminar that drew threats of investigation from Trump’s border czar Tom Homan.
AOC told NPR “everything feels increasingly like a scam” for ordinary Americans while government serves the wealthy well.
Unlike Trump, she opposes drastically cutting government agencies but questions programs like Medicare Advantage.
bEcAuSe ThAt WoUlD bE uNfAiR tO tHoSe WhO dId It ThE “rIgHt” WaY
Which is, of course, a completely bullshit argument. But it nonetheless gets trotted out any time there’s a proposal to make something easier for anyone middle class or below.
One of the biggest problems in America is people thinking that suffering is a necessary part of human existence and people having what you have without suffering is an injustice, unless they’re rich.
Every time a conservative sees someone getting help they assume it could have been money in their pockets instead. It’s sick zero-sum thinking and betrays a total lack of understanding of financial appropriations, tax, really everything, reality even.
They hate on California for having broad healthcare access for the public because it’s ‘‘socialism’’, but the reason California extended coverage so far is that study after study made it clear that if you don’t cover the tooth ache, you will have to cover the root canal, or three ER visit for sepsis, or an ICU stay. We know giving people healthcare, cost less money then letting them get life threatening medical consequences. They also like to point to homelessness as though homelessness is a sign of total ineptitude, when R states literally forcibly transport their homeless to SF and LA. And the stat they don’t realize they are pointing at, it’s the number of homeless people in homeless shelters that CA maintains for a lot of money, but again. If there is no effort to keep people alive and well, you have to deal with the most expensive consequences. The RNC is the antithesis of keeping cost burden of the state low, and actual governing.
As a general advertisement, not even asking for money, liberal groups should send “fake checks” to people and say:
Do you think the donors to the democrats would approve?
Why not? When it comes down to it, they know democrats have their backs.
Yeah, I love how that argument completely ignores all the other advantages that come along with ‘doing it the right way’
It’s like being on a cruise ship in the ocean that rescues some sailors in distress, and then someone gets pissed because the rescued people didn’t buy a ticket like everyone else.
That’s a very apt comparison, and I would bet cold hard cash that there are people who act exactly like that on a cruise.
Yes, and this is a key difference, on a cruise, that behavior in front of your fellow passengers will be seen in person, and shot down immediately by people with decency, any they would be looked on like total assholes and ostracized . There is no social media machine or group think on a cruise ship. They’re are several hundred/thousand people confined to a limited space, and noteworthy events will still be transmitted the old fashioned away. From eyes to brain to mouth to ears to brain to mouth, and so on.
That’s why I love using cruise ships for an analogy when I can. It strips away a lot of the bullshit strawman, what if’s, and ‘but this will happen’s’
It helps highlight how actual human behavior often acts in opposition of the hive mind nonsense cultivated and propagated by News and social broadcast outlets that are owned by want to be oligarchs that view our rights as an obstruction to their God given right to rape the American people for profit
They jumped overboard. We all saw it.
Well, according to Trump, the way they did it isn’t ‘the right way’ either. Otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to block birthright citizenship.
But hey, expecting a Conservative to wrap their head around an abstract concept is… well, let’s just say these are people who need pictures.
“I would explain it to you, but I don’t have the time or crayons to do so”