Describes a lot of churches origins, many people wanted to move forward and a healthy chunk wanted to go backwards in response.
Describes a lot of churches origins, many people wanted to move forward and a healthy chunk wanted to go backwards in response.
Polyester is looking better and better.
The worst possible place to live ever! Ridgecrest, CA! Our sales tax is the highest in three counties, out cost of living matches the trendiest neighborhoods in LA and NYC! We have a military base that’s all engineers, and we’re an half hour from Death Valley! We get the hottest recorded tempatures on record every summer! We’re one of the most earthquake prone locations in the world, we live in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevadas, and off base average income is worst then any other rural location! Our school bus drives are paid less than half of every single school district in the nation! And everyone’s a racist piece of shit republican! Yee haw! . Well, I am from here, and I do actual like most things about living here, but it’s not going to work out much longer. Seriously our fast food locations upped their prices so high with greedflation that no one is bothering anymore. They put up ''now accepting EBT" that’s food stamps, at all of them to try and get people back. It’s crazy. There’s an adittude in town of ‘‘you all work at the base making 6 figures you can pay double for everything! Plus it costs at least $60 in gas to drive out of town to do anything, so if you want it done in town we’re charging $60 extra because fuck you’’ and that’s always been the case, nothing new, but add inflation and stagnant wages, it’s pretty fucking crazy.
Water poisoning is a whole thing. You gotta make sure you’re eliminating water you’re drinking at a healthy rate before you consume even more water.
I’m not buying eggs for $17 a dozen. I got a flat for $33 that breaks down to $7 a dozen, my kids got real excited about it and ate them all in about a week and a half. They are teens so, they tend to eat everything in the fridge pretty quickly. Anyway. I’m thinking maybe I never buy eggs again. maybe I’ll buy a chicken.
It’s really simple if you have a basic, or very tiny, ability to think about it for two seconds. Let’s see if I can help. Criminals being deported are a huge problem for any receiving county, you see, they often don’t have any legal pretext to imprison or arrest them, if they committed crimes in anther nation, it’s unlikely the can collect evidence, or call witnesses to a legal process, also, it’s quite rare to have laws that apply to actions that occurred outside all legaly boundaries. It’s it illegal if an American goes to a county they don’t have documentation to be in, then commit crimes outside the US against other people without any way for the US to detect or prove these actions? So if Colombia has an American who kills dozens of people in their country, and is charged and sentanced to life without parole, and then the decide YEARS after the fact to put them on a plane to LAX and throw them off the plane with no other effort, do you want to let that plane land? That’s fucking insane. The solution to this problem already exists. Instead of being a fascist stupid fuck, you can create an extradition process where we can accept the Colombian legal process and transfer them ourselves to a US prison without dumping serial killers at an airport on their own.
Being a threatening authoritarian isn’t solving this problem, and thinking every country in the world will simply accept people who have been convicted an sentanced in another nation is fucking stupid. And thinking they can’t manage to exist outside US economic good will it’s also stupid. If he think burning every ally in Latin America is going to hurt them more than us, he’s as dumb as everyone already knows.
‘‘Well if I tell you now it’ll ruin the plan, you see it’s gotta be a surprise’’
He literally said this the last election.
I heard Venus never even had an infection of a biological nature.
Does evolutionary pressure only exist on individuals? I’ve never heard that. There’s a wide variety of species that are highly socially organized, do you not accept that that’s through evolutionarily pressure?
The president isn’t actually running the entire county himself, Biden’s government isn’t fundamentally different from Obama’s, Trump also, very obviously from his first term, didn’t have much involvement at all in his government. The appointments, the policies his government focus on is a very big deal. Which 80 year old napping from 12pm to 5pm and going to bed, is not the difference that matters.
They weren’t communist, they were state capitalists, if you ask any serious person that knows anything about economic systems they will agree, that’s the common consensus. Want another example of a state capitalist country? That’s us. The US is a state capitalist country. Why? Well… when a business fails, and the government props them up. That’s state capitalism.
Everyone left of Mitch McConnell is a COMMUNIST!!!
Yeah, I don’t know man, you sound like a coconut.
Yes, he’ll learn a lot by not being in office anymore. Then someone else will have the power to aid Isreal explicitly to carry out a genocide. But Biden will know. He’ll never hold office again , but hay. He’ll know. As the Supreme Court sactions the legalism of a Trump dictatorship and approve a continuation of the Japanese Internment Act. Expanded to all the other not-white people. Just as they argued during his first term, but Biden will know. Biden will have learned his lesson. While he has no political power of any kind. And when they’re shoving people in trucks and on boats without sufficient supplies to be dummped into places they aren’t from and have no resources to survive, and Biden will be sitting at home having fully learned his lesson.
Ah yes. The insular Biden cult. I don’t know how deluded you need to be to buy this. No one, Not one person is in a cult of personality for Unkie Joe. No one. Why do you think this?
What’s happening in Gaza now has been happening a long time, as President Carter said people weren’t demanding change or horrified in general because ‘‘they don’t know, they don’t want to know’’. The passive approval has been there a long long time. Biden may actually respond to pressure, Trump will be directed by his evangelical base to stoke all out unilateral war, and he’ll approve it.
Nothing here is simple, Biden doesn’t control Isreal, and neither will Trump or anyone else, Trump used ‘Palestinian’ as a slur, an insult. He also expressed his stance against Biden as Biden not aiding Isreal MORE. Who do you think is going to effect change in the direction of ending the genocide?
If you’re against the genocide, why in the world would you let the very pro genocide candidate win?
There’s all kinds of people working in warehouses, construction, just ruining their body for a few bucks an hour.
It indicates sexuality isn’t a choice of behavior, it’s inborn
If God made everything, he made a lot of gay stuff.
Morality of nature isn’t the question. This whole issue really clearly demonstrates that morality comes from people, and religions struggle to keep up by decades and centuries. The Catholic Church recently solidified is moral objection to IVF pregnancies. Wrap your head around how absolutely stunted you need to be to think this is a MORAL issue you must oppose. It’s absurd.
It does indicate people are born with their sexuality from the start and it isn’t a personal choice to engage in criminal or degenerate behavior as Western culture and Christianity has claimed for centuries, and ignorant bigots still claim today.
Anglican really just means a version of the Catholic church splintered off by Anglo-Saxons, and Catholic means for everyone, so all their church name really means is a Anglican tradition, or style church for everyone. Thera millions of sects out there that use very similar titles and terminology, it’s not always misleading even if it’s confusing or obscure language.