Normal people can just DO this without medication? I can sit here and listen to music without feeling the need to be hyper-tensed and aware of everything around me? Why does my heartbeat feel calm? Why am I not on edge?

I was recently reading a book on sanitation conditions in Stalinist Russia, and it made me think about how many ‘normal’ things I take for granted in my day-to-day life that simply were not the norm for the majority of human history. I guess this is the reverse - something which other people take for granted, but I’ve only just received, and it’s like the Holy Grail in my hands.

    13 days ago

    It can be a nightmare. If your pharmacy cant get your meds. Start calling pharmacies and asking them if they have stock of your medicine and get your doctor to transfer it. This is the only way to speed up the process I’ve found. I lie to their phone systems and tell them I am a doctor. Lol

    Edit. This advice is for stimulant medication.