Nice try, neighborhood burglar.
Everything from 2300 to 0300
I aim for 10pm, but it always ends up being like 10:45/11
Same. I start work at 6am though. On weekend nights I go to bed when I feel like it, which may be 10pm or 3am.
Ideally 2300, but usually 0000 or soon after.
Around 9-10pm.
Depends, but usually someone between 2300 and midnight.
I work overnights. I get off work at 6:30am, so after a shower & a snack I’m usually in bed by 8am
Hi, really late sleeper here. I naturally fall asleep between 3 am and 4 am. If I go to bed earlier, I’ll just be staring into the ceiling until that time; and if I go to bed later, I’ll typically fall asleep within minutes. Then, if I’m left undisturbed, I wake up at 11 am to 12 pm. However, if I have to wake up earlier to go to work or something, I greatly resent it 😅
I can force myself to go sleep earlier, but it’s a constant effort that I need to do everyday, and as soon as I stop making that effort, it’s immediately back to falling asleep at 3 am. It’s also something that I’d rather avoid doing because the time when I’m the most active/productive and get the most things done is around midnight, and the days I go to bed earlier usually become wasted days.
Some people say that it’s unhealthy to stay awake that far into the night, or lazy to get up that late. But honestly? My sleep schedule is really stable and consistent when left alone. On non-work days I rarely ever sleep more or less than 8 hours. If anything, what’s unhealthy is that I keep being expected to get up really fucking early at a time when I can’t get anything done anyway.
10-11pm. I wake up early naturally (no alarms).
Between 11 pm and 2 am. I kinda need to fix my sleep schedule
Same! I just can’t manage to sleep earlier than 2 am and I’m starting to feel it in the mornings
1 am!
Had a period here where it was like 4 on average, now it’s usually 1-2, trying to make it midnight or 23, but that hasn’t happened in like 5 years probably so doubt.
I’m usually in bed and asleep between 8-9 pm. But my alarm goes off around 3:45 am.
Luckily I’m one of those people that can fall asleep anywhere and within 5 minutes of me laying down.
I leave the house for work at 6, so I’m in bed at 10. As for when I got to sleep… sometimes the snooze gods are kind, sometimes they aren’t.
Depends. If I don’t need to wake up early usually around 1-2am.