If any GenZ want to know why I do uncool things even though you’ve attempted to educate me: it’s because doing so makes you physically cringe like an ice cube down the spine and it’s funny.
If any GenZ want to know why I do uncool things even though you’ve attempted to educate me: it’s because doing so makes you physically cringe like an ice cube down the spine and it’s funny.
Knowledge = power = energy = mass, which is why time dilates while you’re in a book shop. (Sorry to Terry Pratchett.)
Dude had a piece of good luck and now he’s working it for all the serotonin it’s worth.
Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?
Even potatoes?
…also, I don’t like cheesecake.
Are you an alien? Welcome to Earth.
C’mon, you can’t ask us to pick just one. Sometimes you feel like something creamy, sometimes you want crunchy, at times even fruity.
Actually, it’s cheesecake. This week. Because my wife has banned it from the house.
People who use drugs may simply be looking for an enjoyable experience, they don’t necessarily have mental issues.
On the other hand, everyone I know who admits to using drugs is ANNOYING AS FUCK, so no I don’t think they’re cool.
/u/randomaccount43543, are you ChatGPT?
I’m a perma-noob and I was able to do it. Had to re-do a couple of steps because I interpreted instructions that were meant to be literal, but the wiki pages are very comprehensive. I just had to pay attention to the details.
Thanks for the recs.
I leave the house for work at 6, so I’m in bed at 10. As for when I got to sleep… sometimes the snooze gods are kind, sometimes they aren’t.
Fuck those fuckers. I critted twice in my last session and rolled minimum damage both times!
Every single time -
Me: “Is rare astronomical phenomenon visible from the Southern hemisphere?”
Google: “Ha ha, nope.”
To be clear, health should be a human right, housing should be a human right, food should be under health as a human right but let’s be serious it should be a separate human right so everyone has to acknowledge it.
You’ve just summed up article 25 of the universal declaration of human rights. The US is a signatory to it - but it’s not legally binding.
The US healthcare system is a hostage situation.
“Roll to see if you know the leech-to-gold exchange rate.”
I didn’t know that, but I’m not exactly shocked to hear it.
Billionaire celebrities with millions of fans enabling their narcissism.
Good choice. It’s one of my favourites. It’s also the first in a trilogy, the last book of which has just been announced.
What do you think about what are your thoughts on AI?