There are also only two different animals: elephants and non-elephants.
Anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant.
This comment needs way more approval
120 is a lot.
I think you are mistaken actually the different types of animal are frogs and not frogs
Your both wrong there are crabs and then there are crabs 🦀🦀🦀🦀
we are crab 🦀
There are bullfrogs and elephant bulls, so we can conclude that {🐸}∩{🐘}⊂{🐂}
There are elephants, non-elephants, and undetermined elephants.
This comment was made by the intuitionistic and/or fuzzy logic gang.
Technically the existance of non-binaries also makes the binaries no longer binaries (due to increased optionality), so it would be fair to say everyone is non-binary
Good point!
And when everyone is non-binary, no one is 😔
That’s not how that works. If there isn’t a binary (because there isn’t just 2 options) then this would be a non-binary system and so everyone would be non-binary.
What up my hexadecimals
That’s just like Hangul, but for computer numbers.
Once you’re quite good at reading hexadecimals, you no longer need to look up binary, though you still need decimal-hexadecimal conversion, which is slower.
binary: {0,1}, non-binary: [0,1]
OP: {binary, non-binary}
binary ⊂ non-binary
Whatever, just wash your hands.
And don’t talk to me. I’d rather be surrounded by twelve “women” (i.e. trans men) in the men’s room (or even just women) than one cis guy who insists on having a conversation with me.
I’m not there to make friends.
Never understood this. Standing at a urinal and someone walks up and starts talking to me, like no dude shut up
I’ve had people doing it when I’m in the stall next to them. Leave me alone with my thoughts while I’m shitting, please.
This has literally never happened to me, where do you guys live lol
“If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice”
There are only 2 numbers
- 0/1
- all the other numbers
Define “all the other numbers”. Do we include only natural numbers? Or all instegers? Or even rational numbers? Do we include imaginary numbers? How about complex numbers? Orbetter go for quaternions?
Define "all the other numbers
If its a number and it isn’t exactly 0 or 1.
You still haven’t defined number part
What if I’m naan binary (preferably garlic)?
when peshwari exists?
No…Keema is the right choice
The two genders: Binary and Non-binary.
There are non-binary people who still believe genders can suit others, and even be played with as forms of role play …and there are also examples of null states, such as nullos and asexuals…
…so non-binary doesn’t necessarily make a new binary if they still believe gender is fine for others, or as a role play.
A better way to think about it might be as a gender spectrum or quadratic continuum of varied characteristics and overlapping body forms and sexual preferences/behaviour.
Asexuality isn’t a gender. We’re just not attracted to people of any gender. Our gender identity is separate.
To be fair, it calls then categories, not genders
I always think there is a we vs them vibe in the non-binary thing which is kind of toxic
I always think there is a we vs them vibe in the non-binary thing which is kind of toxic
I dunno if there is much “we” inside the non-binary community. Like Non-binary is an umbrella term that encapsulates everything from a both/neither/almost but not quite binary/gender fluid betwixt multiple states/people who identify as trans non-binary, people who identify as non-trans non-binary/ cultural third genders/ political gender activists /DID people with alters that swap… There’s a lot of different concepts and sometimes contradictory needs there.
Like people tend to just group non-binary people into a third category and don’t really ask questions of individuals what their actual deal is. I blew a friend’s mind recently when he introduced his enbyfriend to me and while we were out on a walk I asked “Apart from the umbrella non-binary term how do you conceptualize yourself?” because he had never thought to ask that question of either of us.
That’s so sad to me. From my POV being non-binary isn’t aggressive. It’s just that there are more important things to worry about than gender.
I think it’s just the term. “Binary” isn’t exactly neutral as it can imply narrow minded. Also labelling non-X imply that everyone else is X which often includes too many people that are kind of in the middle / doesn’t really care.
so what would you suggest people who do not want to be referred to as man or woman call themselves?
Blenders. Gender ephemeral. Intangibles. An even cooler fourth option, probably.
There are tons of cool names you could go with when your identity lies outside of preconceived boundaries (and pretty much transcends them). But, non-binary’s pretty clinical-sounding, so I guess it’s easier to work into a professional setting or something.
Enbies? Although the base of the term does come back around to the original phrase.
Transphobia on lemmy with 400 upvotes… this website is getting worse every day
How, exactly, is this transphobic?
The same way everyone is a fascist, or racist, or a bigot, or whatever else. Other people’s feelings will decide what you are, and you’ll like it.
If there already exists “a binary” then that says there are 2 states. “Non-binary” only means there are not-two-states. This could be unary (there is one kind of thing), trinary (there are now 3 things, the old 2 and new, secret 3rd thing), or really any n-ary set of n distinctly numbered things, so long as there aren’t only exactly 2 of them.
“Non-binary” only means there are not-two-states.
The state of having two states and the state of not-having-two-states is itself a two-state solution.
Unfortunately, once you rule out non-binary as a third state, you collapse back into the original binary state. Thus, non-binary exists as a quantum superposition between states, as we fluctuate between whether or not being non-binary is politically correct.
Fuck Aristotel
I love when people say they hate Hippocrates on social media
You could’ve said that it’s Zena’s paradox