Reading the fucking manuals, no less!
Reading the fucking manuals, no less!
QI (the British panel show) discussed this in an episode during social distancing where they had to perform with no audience: (it’s the first topic of conversation, not the whole episode of course)
My favourite bit is:
Alan: “I had a radio show in the late 90’s, and we were so funny that the people at the BBC comedy said we could use those laughs on nearly every other program we make. […] That was the best compliment I’ve ever had in my whole career. ‘We’ve kept your laughs, and we’re using them on other shows’.”
Wasn’t there an indisputable video of a tortoise hunting a bird or something like that a while back?
Someone’s been reading SMBC:
It actually turns out to be a lot easier just to make smaller spiders.
Oh, so it’s custom-made as a joke, not an off-the-shelf model that you just put the wrong bullets in. That makes more sense.
Thanks :)
Why the %^&* does that huge bullet even fit and work in that pistol? From the pic it’s obvious the 45-70 is so much wider than the 9mm
Any explanation for those of us who are not gun enthusiasts?
My guess: it’s a mouthful and not catchy. “Linux” is short, catchy and easy to pronounce. With “GNU/Linux” I don’t even know if I’m supposed to spell out the GNU or pronounce it as a word, and I don’t know if I’m supposed to say the “/” as “slash” or “plus” or “and” or if it should actually just be silent. I like to type how I speak, so if I don’t know how to say it I’m not going to write it, and I’m not going to like reading it.
I can totally see the merits for “GNU/Linux” but don’t underestimate the importance of catchiness. Maybe if it were shortened to “Ginux” it could stand a better chance, but then we’d have another gif situation.
Ah yes, the lollipop guild defence
and Windows 10 is obviously so outdated it’s not even worth including
4th row 3rd icon
They should add it in C++26
That is a ridiculous and baseless accusation that just by chance happens to be true
It actually means di-aboly, as in having two abolies. An aboly is an organ exclusively found in beetles that regulates certain hormoes.
And it’s called ironclad because they are well known for manufacturing and wearing suits of armor.
“There are ways” ≠ this is what happens by default when done by the average user
Without IP your favourite books, movies, TV shows, music and video games would not exist.
No point discussing this if neither of us is going to prove it one way or the other.
Bitmaps are actually a key part of what I was thinking about, so you agree with me there it seems. There’s also the issue of using the wrong paper size. .IIRC Windows usually defaults to Letter for printing even in places where A4 is the only common size and no one has heard of Letter, and most people don’t realise their prints are cropped/resized. This would still apply when printing to PDF.
They maintain a high quality but not lossless.
As a trivial example, if you use the wrong paper size (like Letter instead of A4) then it might crop parts of the page or add borders or resize everything. Again I’ll admit, in 99% of cases it doesn’t matter, but it might matter if, say, an embedded picture was meant to be exactly to scale.
Voyager error. It’s a gif of Star Trek, I think.