Everyone in this thread is missing that this is just a copy of the OS. OP said nothing about having a computer, or internet, or electricity.
I’ll take Windows 7 because it was still issued on DVD which would be useful as a signal mirror for getting rescued.
Errrmmm. So is 11. I have tons. Never take them out if the packaging but I still has them.
What the hell do I need Windows for if I’m stuck in the woods??
I don’t know about you, but my Outlook on survival while being an Explorer would definitely rise. I’d say I would Excell at the task at hand if I’d be pushed to the Edge like that, mark my Word!
This made me chuckle!
Can I fashion a simple linux distro from various sticks and pebbles I find on the forest floor?
You can, you’ll just have to come pile it up
The syntax is 
Oops, my large hands posting on my phone are to blame for the error.
golf clap
Well, according to Dr. Stone, you probably can
Roll a D20 for me please.
You start assembling an assortment of sticks, leaves and a hollow bird bone, patching holes with moss that has already started to turn slightly yellow which you picked from the side of a tree. Somehow, your thoughts veer off and you begin to wonder if you could find a larger bone to turn into a flute.
When you look down again at your creation, you start to curse under your breath - you got distracted and manufactured a copy of Windows ME.
Seems about right, yeah
Neither. I go into the woods to unplug.
Windows 11. Because Windows 7 ate Windows 9.
Def 7, it was the first OS used at work that turned invisible… It didn’t need constant defragging, optimizing or registry hacks like 98, 2000 or XP used to. It was a workhorse.
That said, I haven’t used 11 yet. My company just announced that this year all PCs will stay on 10 for the foreseeable future.
I dunno, if I’d built a shelter, 1 or 2 windows would be enough I think.
Hm, nobody addressed the fact that Windows 7 is outdated and has known vulnerabilities. The idea of this question was to see whether people would rather be spied on by Microsoft or by unknown strangers.
Spied on in the woods without an internet connection?
I pressed X to doubt so hard that my phone screen cracked.
I’m sorry everyone… but I’ll choose Windows 11… I just can’t leave without an AI assistant in my computer. I mean, yeah, I can always just open ChatGPT on a browser… but that just… isn’t the same. Also that Recall thing is great, I love these automatic screenshots that are totally not sent to Microsoft. This thing is extremely convenient, because pressing the Print Screen key is too hard for me. Lastly, I paid for the whole computer, I want my OS to use all the resources it can. Fuck you, Linux and Windows 7 evangelists! Your OS is clearly not superior.
(guess i made it clear that i haven’t used windows in a while lol)
Windows 7 all day long or 98 perfection
Microsoft peaked in '98
Too many blue screens, my favorite was XP.
Depends, assuming a fresh install, can you even create account on win11 without internet access? Last i checked, it wont let you start with local account and requires MS account.
Yes, Windows 11 N or using a Rufus modified version.
Mine doesn’t have a Microsoft account.
I don’t really get all the windows 11 hate. I have had 0 problems with it
Not everyone is ok with os not being yours and sending everything you do to someone else so they can better advertise to you.
At least it isn’t Windows 10.
Don’t get me started on windows 9
Back on Reddit it seemed like a standard pattern that every once in a while some particular subject would come up that was popular to dislike, and a generalized negative sentiment would wash gently across the zeitgeist for a while before eventually receding. My theory is that being part of a mob is fun, it lets you unleash righteous anger and feel validation along with the rush of endorphins, so it’s a self-perpetuating pattern.
Here on the Fediverse it feels more like a steady lashing storm of waves. Right now Windows 11 is hated. In most threads it’s impossible to say something that is insufficiently negative about it without getting tons of downvotes.
Oh well. If Karma was meaningless on Reddit, it’s doubly meaningless here. So I’ll just keep on saying my thing.
Not sure it matters. I’ll be drawing a girlfriend in MS Paint, and it hasn’t changed much.
I have a surprise for you: there were big updates to Paint in Windows 11. Most notably AI image generation features. So that may affect your girlfriend-drawing endeavours.
Windows Me. I play on hard.
Come at me, bro.
Bob was ahead of its time.
def win 7
And that’s only because XP wasn’t a given option.
Let’s not kid ourselves. Xp is extremely dated and 7 was the better OS