Eat real bread, not this sugary garbage
Stop buying shitty toast bread and you won’t want to cut the crust off.
Who gets upset about cutting the crust off? It’s just the part of the bread that was most directly exposed to the heat
What’s offensive is that some call that stuff bread
So I’m just curious, where the hell did all the wonderbread hate come from? It’s like suddenly everyone has a vendetta against it. I’m not particularly fond of it myself in lieu of traditional bread but like, it’s fine?? The added sugar/HFCS is fucked but I’m pretty sure you can buy varieties that don’t have that.
So every 8 yo ever offends you?
I break the pasta so it’ll fucking fit in the fucking bowl; leave me alone!
Have you tried just tossing it in whole? It gets soft, then you can fit it in.
Hey Italians, how you making spaget?
Broken pasta is good for soups where the noodles should be small, such as chickpea or lentil soup. Otherwise, if you have a pot large enough to hold the noodles, there is no reason to break them.
The reason is I want shorter noodles.
Then buy shorter noodles?
Oh right I’ll buy those half-length fettuccine noodles that are definitely a thing that exists.