bit late to this, but trickle doesn’t work because heroic spawns new downloader processes unaffected by trickle’s limits
bit late to this, but trickle doesn’t work because heroic spawns new downloader processes unaffected by trickle’s limits
heroic has no download throttling, very annoying for shared/shitty networks and large games
Ideals aren’t the same as action
Imagine calling a non dairy liquid “milk” prior to ten years ago, not conceivable
Coconut milk, milk of magnesium, soy milk? Made up woke nonsense
don’t worry it’s not sexist, i give my unsolicited opinions to everyone everywhere at every opportunity
sugar snap peas go crazy, and they’re very filling too
Graphics cards totally scream when they die too, the smell warns their symbiotic sysadmins to turn off the power
And don’t even get me started on how chalkboards scream when you scratch them, why do vegans not talk about this cruelty
Weird how every time veganism comes up everyone is suddenly deathly allergic to anything that doesn’t scream when it dies
Tribalism is fun
A t420, but yes
It’s not my main machine but it is my only laptop, and sticking an extra 8gb of ram and an ssd in it was all it needed to become very responsive even for modern software. Unless you’re playing video games or doing some heavyweight media editing projects, those older CPUs and GPUs can cope better than one might expect
It wants to be feature rich, configurable, and flexible
GNOME already has the Apple “we know better than you so it’s our way or the highway” design strategy down to an art
Be the most versatile and usable DE with the best applications
Also works on my machine (14 year old thinkpad)
Counterpoint: KDE is literally the best to ever do it and none even compare
Stop buying shitty toast bread and you won’t want to cut the crust off.
Am I not reading your question right? Just quote the variable and filenames with spaces work fine.
for i in *; do
cat "$i" ;
Shame that they gave in to the haters, single click is great. Far more intuitive too, as you’d immediately tell if you ever had to guide your parents around a computer constantly reminding them in which arbitrary situation you’re meant to double click and in which to single click.