They really do just have…a lot of pointy bits.
Elden Ring is an amazing achievement, but I’m just fine if their future games are more limited in scope.
Seems like an odd group to take a random swipe at. Also, HTML?
I’m amazed prodigy lasted long enough to be distributed on CD.
Doesn’t the use of VoIP often make these hard to trace, as well?
It’s saying they’re eating an ostrich’s egg, not that the ostrich is eating an egg.
I agree, Terranigma is a great game!
Superhero comics? Inconsistent? I am shocked.
A lot do, but also a lot don’t. It’s household by household.
I’ll also mention that you can probably expect people who grew up in no-shoe households to have strong feelings about it.
I don’t think Garfield is a strip aimed at people who value originality.
Personally I live in Colorado and most people who drive trucks that size here use them for offroading. Given the gas mileage they’re very impractical for day to day.
Well that’s largely because so few companies are doing agile correctly. Its usually some form of agilefall.
I’m mostly just wondering how they’re distinguishing between astroturfing and legit posts.
Devil’s advocate here. Does not pretty much any post on the subject of politics that is not simply reporting constitute an attempt to manipulate public opinion? Are they specifically referencing nation states trying to influence public opinion?
Definitely did not.
And those recipe changes were probably aimed at lowering costs, not increasing quality.
There are a lot of entry level jobs that basically assume new employees know nothing, anyway. Seems like this will just further devalue degrees and emphasize work experience for hiring.
That’s true for soda and beer lines, too…
If you look at the straps on her outfit,it looks like it’s two people.
Don’t think any of these characters are exactly role models.