Typing long ass comments and then deleting them cause it wasn’t going to make a difference.
Well, typing and deleting lets me think thoroughly about where I stand in matters and what arguments I use. So in a way, it sometimes makes a difference for myself even if not posted.
Your comments look good. I think you should do more.
Hardly any comments here are important, but getting the conversation going, and then continuing requires the contributions of as many of us as possible.
I mainly post photos, and I love when someone even takes the time to say wow this was really cool or this pic made my day a little better.
Everything you do here feeds the process of making this a better and more active place.
fwiw i like reading long ass comments. usually there is something useful or insightful in there.
way more than i like reading ‘ok boomer’ comments.
but totally get that it doesn’t make a difference and the vast majority of the replies will be of the ‘ok boomer’ or ‘u suck’ variety.
Same, but because I’ll make someone mad by posting.
Waiting for new posts so I can make dumbass comments. Until this place gets bigger I exclusively browse all.
Spraying my brain jizz all over the comment section.
Can confirm i see u around the comment section a lot
Pooping, honestly.
That sounds frankly unhealthy
Well, I guess I’m here for a good time, not a long time.
I set up a timer and I better be done when it dings!
Pooping is unhealthy now?
If you sit on the toilet too long you risk giving yourself hemorrhoids. No bueno.
I wonder if that one person ever did poop again.
Trying to find good subs
scrolling and upvoting
All, 6 hours (or 12 hours if I sleep).
I like being forced into All by the smallness. I didn’t realize I like Star Trek and D&D memes as much as I do. And if you go far enough, there’s porn there, too!
really uninteresting porn, sadly.
Replying to threads in !tenforward@lemmy.world and !chevron7@lemmy.world so my hundreds and hundreds of hours of 90s sci-fi watching doesn’t feel like a waste.
Typing longass comments on my tiny phone virtual keyboard.
I can feel the pain.
TBH there isn’t much here to doomscroll.
doom scrolling past all the German and Linux posts
Mostly writing comments and reading tech news and privacy stuff. I barely write any posts.
Looking at all feed cause none of communities from reddit migrated to lemmy.
Scroll until I get a panic attack, then smoke weed saying it will calm me down then have a worse panic attack for 45 minutes
Mostly scrolling and bullshitting. Sometimes following posted links and such and engaging on the topic.