Zero chance he participates in a debate. Honestly, Biden sounds like rigor mortis is starting to set in too. Pathetic situation we have. Sure would be wild if one of them dropped out in the last few months and let some youngin onto the top of the ticket. That one would definitely win, red or blue. Trump would never cede the power, so the only way Trump gives up is significantly failing health or jail. Hoping Biden does the right thing.
Follow the link in the article to his rant about Master Lock. WTF? How is this person allowed three feet away from his caretaker?
Aaahahaha had to look. Fox News cut him off for sounding too crazy:
Fucking Fox News.
“President Trump is campaigning in Wisconsin today. He will be in Michigan. Nothing on Biden’s schedule”
Yeah. He is busy running the country. Not golfing most of his time on taxpayers dime like Cheato here
Not to mention them always letting Trump off the hook for golfing on taxpayers dime also while he was president
You guys remember when Trump criticized Obama for playing too much golf?
Did, did he pantomime jacking someone off in that clip?
Translated for the hard of hearing:
Holy fuck, with any luck he ends up brain dead by the time debates roll around and the GOP eat themselves alive infighting to replace him last minute
Because that honestly looks like a real possibility
Zero chance he participates in a debate. Honestly, Biden sounds like rigor mortis is starting to set in too. Pathetic situation we have. Sure would be wild if one of them dropped out in the last few months and let some youngin onto the top of the ticket. That one would definitely win, red or blue. Trump would never cede the power, so the only way Trump gives up is significantly failing health or jail. Hoping Biden does the right thing.
Which Biden speeches are you seeing?
This sounds like some bullshit both sides are equal crap.
Biden is far, far more coherent than trump. It’s Biden old too? Yeah, but they’re not the same. Not even a little.
Biden sounds better and he’s battle a speech impediment his whole life.
Trump is starting to sound like my gramma in her last years.
The whole “Biden’s senile!” is just the new version of “Buttery Males!”
What the fuck
This sounds like dementia.
Puzzles?? I thought Master Lock made…well, locks?
Sounding too crazy and miming a blow job…
Nice little puzzles?! Wtf does he think Masterlock is?
I almost want someone to ask a followup - did Masterlock used to make some kind of lock-picking set for kids?
No he has fucking dementia.
He has just watched too many Lock Picking Lawyer videos.
Anyone have a link without fox breaking in and saving their boy? Why is it s freaking hard to find simple shit on the interwebs anymore?
Teh googlez demand moar moneys!! Eat Ads nao!