Plus it is going to most affect families too poor to speak up and children of abusive parents who would force them to work
Plus it is going to most affect families too poor to speak up and children of abusive parents who would force them to work
Hey now, Capitalism would rather beat those people into submission and turn them into slaves. Bombs cut into profit, ya know :u
We don’t even have citizenship through marriage
We have a very open refugee policy, but not immigration
[T]he flaw exists in the “fatlady.php” file of the device
So they got the passwords because they made the fatlady.php sing?
No it isn’t, that’s like saying, “Don’t feel sad” is a double negative
A double negative is something like, “Don’t not do that”
I am damned well sure I could take one (would get battered, but I’d come out on top, just need to get it by the neck once)
The problem is those fuckers live in flocks
It’s freaky how much this is mirroring the lead up to Nazi Germany. Right down to a convicted criminal spewing nonsense yet looking poised to take over
I am legitimately scared
Also, a huge chunk of shortform videos on YouTube are just reposted Tiktok videos, so Google doesn’t have that either
I’m confused how two different people mixed the Forest Temple up with The Great Deku Tree
Anyways, glad you found the missing key. Peopls love to claim the Water Temple is confusing, but the Forest Temple is just as good at twisting you up and making you miss keys
Tip for upcoming water temple btw - The animation does not show it in the original game, but a platform at the bottom of the central tower floats up and reveals a hidden passage. This one spot trips up a TON of people
God I hope so. A literal one taking him out would be wonderful
Google is different!
They’d find a way to kill a great product at the same time as being charged!
Basically, Google trying to kill adblockers internet wide via containing addons in restrictive containers. Firefox and anything branched off of it are the only browsers not jumping on. Google apparently starting it up now with V3
Death by bone cancer
So lick the non stick pans to sterilize myself?
When it tells me I am successful and wanted
Plus if Windows did have that kind of AI, then we’d want to be using it due to the whole possibility of Roko’s Basilisk
Wait, the lines indicate the channels!?
Still healthier than Nintendo owning the handheld gaming market
Mind, a VERY low bar to clear
My brother at 13 was killed by a train
What my mother did was start a campaign to get people to practice common sense and safety around trains. Our family doesn’t blame the train at all - We instead got better crossing safety put in place and helped get more awareness that train tracks are stabilized in cities to minimize noise and that horns are directed outwards, so a train is quieter head on than you think, ie look both ways before you cross
Like, if my own family can get that, then why can’t these anti train fucks?
Makes sense, with how Nintendo has been especially bad lately, may as well keep constantly updating before the inevitable C&D comes