• Carlo@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    I definitely knew some NCO’s like that. Luckily never had any contact with the military prison system, outside of pulling a three month rotation doing perimeter security at Abu Ghraib (post-torture scandal). I enlisted mainly to pay for college, but also because I felt guilty about poor grades in high school, and thought I needed discipline and structure (untreated ADHD ftw). 9/11 happened when I was in basic, and things obviously went to shit. Got out after my 4 years as an 11B, 2 of which were spent in Iraq. Went to college, but couldn’t hack it, due to aforementioned ADHD (now with new, improved PTSD!). Came to the conclusion that I wasn’t good for anything else and re-enlisted. Institutionalization is a bitch.