Is that a LAW? Never heard it called an M-80. Or is this some other ordnance I’m unfamiliar with?
Is that a LAW? Never heard it called an M-80. Or is this some other ordnance I’m unfamiliar with?
Such a cool show! I discovered it via another comment a year or two ago(maybe yours? If so, thanks!). Hopefully I can get my daughter to watch it eventually without resorting to some Ludovico-style shenanigans.
I wouldn’t say that. But I do think 90% of society probably isn’t worth interacting with through the medium of current social media.
I agree that it’s only really the low-information undecided voters who will be swayed by a bad debate performance. Happily, we still have 5 months until the election, and I doubt that many people will be thinking about this by the time they get to the ballot box.
Now there’s a tort that needs reforms!
I used to live in GA, and there was a one-way street that google maps was constantly telling me to turn the wrong direction onto. It really bugs me that I switched to Waze because it was better than google maps, then google just bought them. Long past time to bring antitrust suits against big tech. At least we have an FTC chair at the moment who’s trying to make some progress.
Just wanted to echo what Maggoty said: please don’t hesitate to push for the care and resources that you’re entitled to. I spent years doing that after I got out—thinking that others deserved it more, and I shouldn’t be taking a slot that ought to go to them. I think lots of vets get into that mindset. Everyone has buddies that had worse luck than them. But the people you served with would want you to get the care and benefits that are your due. You deserve it.
I’m pretty sure it’s a big truck, that you can just dump things on.
Maybe not directly, but if those who are running for office are held to a higher standard of truth, it’s going to reduce the sphere of influence of Farage and others like him, who deal almost exclusively in falsehoods. He won’t be able to get these people to come on his podcast, or whatever platform he has, and agree with his lies if they’re afraid of being held liable for it. He’d be pushed out of the mainstream political sphere.
Thanks for the Moving Out tip! I’m always looking for couch co-op stuff to play with my daughter, and this looks right up our alley.
Hah, like the Chinese version of Fight Club, where they throw some text up on screen at the end to explain that the authorities handled everything.
It’s frankly laughable that you pretend your firehose of anti-Biden posting is somehow not pro-Trump, despite the reality of our binary system. The only logical conclusions are that you’re an idiot—which you don’t appear to be, based on what I’ve seen—or that you’re a cryptofash.
Would you care to expand on this? My impression is that he did what he did out of ethical concerns, and has paid a high price for it.
I picked up “Yakuza 0” on sale not too long ago, and I’m enjoying it so much that I picked up the rest of the remastered series while it was on sale. Based on how long I’m spending mucking around in the first one, It may take me the rest of my life to get through them all. I don’t know how “Like a Dragon” compares to the earlier games, but I really enjoy the narrative, combat, sub-stories, and mini-games in “0”.
As an aside, I really enjoy a well-done pool mini-game. I probably spent more time playing pool in the various space stations in “Rebel Galaxy Outlaw” than doing anything else. Likewise, Kiryu spends a lot of time in the pool hall, as well as hanging around the batting cages, and fine-tuning his pocket racers.
Bilbo (Bilbo!) Bilbo Tabbins,
He loves to click and scroll!
Bilbo (Bilbo!) Bilbo Tabbins,
Greatest little hobbit of them all!
Sorry to take so long to respond! It’s a novel set in a plausible near-future in which existing power structures have been fragmented by the effects of climate change. It follows a handful of disparate characters in the western US, and talks a lot about the water politics of the Colorado river. It’s very well-written (claims random internet guy, but hey—you asked!). Can also recommend The Windup Girl by the same author. Same eco-dystopian timeline, set in Thailand. Delves more into issues surrounding AI and genetic engineering.
That sounds interesting. It looks like you’re right, though; I couldn’t find an English translation, at any rate. Luckily, the search reminded me how much I loved The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi, and now I’m planning to hit the bookstore when it opens.
Yeah, I was a big fan of lotr and the hobbit growing up (the books). I thought the lotr films were excellent, overall. Of course, they couldn’t include everything, and there were some minor deviations, but pretty damned good.
The Hobbit movies were hot garbage, imo. They diverge wildly from the book, and are very often indistinguishable from video game cut scenes.
Yes, that’s what I’m planning on. Big adventure at 50, find a magic ring that slows the aging process, hang around home living large on my riches and telling tales of my exploits for another ~60 years, then skip town on my eleventy-first birthday to go chill with some elves until it’s time to sail for Valinor!
Thanks! My search was too cursory, it seems.