Mine is Sympathy For The Devil Song by The Rolling Stones
I could not take the background singers and it would enrage me!
hoo hooo hoo hooo hoo hooo for 6 solid minutes!.
I studied the song and the story behind it and became at piece with it eventually.
I just heard it on a YouTube channel and realized I like it now.
The Cranberries’ Zombie.
I just didn’t get it, probably hadn’t learned about The Troubles yet. It was also pretty inescapable for a time when I was a kid. I just found the chorus to be irksome.
It was actually an Elizabeth Zaharoff video that opened my eyes to it again. She’s done that for a few songs that I either didn’t like, or completely missed out on.
It’s a really bloody weird experience as an Irish child of the 80s to be on a dancefloor in Kuala Lumpur and suddenly loads of Asians are moshing to a song about how your parents’ generation are going to get everyone killed for pointless hatred. “Why are you crying? Don’t you like Halloween?”
I love Charismatic Voice! Her channel has introduced me to a lot of really awesome music that I’d never heard of before, and has gotten me to really study some other songs I’ve already known and discover new things to love about them. I’ve been watching her for a few years now, and it’s been really fun watching her evolve into a true metalhead.
I’ve literally teared up from songs I didn’t care about before after her analysis.
I worked at a restaurant when this first came out that had a jukebox with a “Play most popular” button. The thing was plays that came from that button counted toward which song was “most popular” so I basically ended up listening to that song on a near constant loop every day of every shift. It was maddening.
The big boy band hits from the late 90s/00’s. I was pulling some edgy crap as a teenager and despised them at the time.
Look, they’re catchy by design and denying it is futile.
Yesterday I didn’t change the channel when I was listening to some personal high school nostalgia music and Bye Bye Bye came on after. It’s enjoyable and I wish I wasn’t such a cringey dramatic weirdo in high school even though we all pretty much are at that time in life.
I hated that crap then and I still do now. In the summer of 1997 I switched exclusively to the Oldies station. If we’re doing boy bands, I’d rather listen to the Dave Clark 5 than Hansen!
I didn’t like Float On when Modest Mouse first released the single, but it’s grown on me.
I feel that way about pretty much all Modest Mouse. Its definitely an acquired taste, but once you get it, chef’s kiss
Basically the entire eurodance genre, when I grew up in the 90s/00s I absolutely hated the genre, it was just mindless annoyance to me, I enjoyed classic rock, but tastes change, and now half of my phone’s music library consists of eurodance, Aqua, Alcazar, Caramell, Dr. Bombay, Erasure, Fast Food Rockers, Gina G, Ian Van Dahl, Infernal, Las Ketchup, Los Del Rio, Me & My, Milk Inc, Mr President, Captain Jack, Nakaromi, O-Zone, Sunstroke Project, Paradisio, Rednex, Sash!, Solid Base, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sqeezer, Steps, A Touch of Class, Toy-Box, Vengaboys and Whigfield are all artists I either found or would have found increadibly annoying back then, now all of these are on my phone
You seem to be missing 2 Unlimited and Ace of Base.
All That She Wants will always remind me fondly of being driven to high school by my older sister in 1993 with that song on repeat
And Real McCoy
Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel. I have no idea why I used to hate it so viscerally. I have no idea why I now like it.
Is the answer to both 7/4?
Beautiful Life by Ace of Base
‘Faith of the heart’ from the Enterprise intro. It’s a fairly controversial topic among Trekkies.
It gets stuck in my head. Wriggling around my brain and corrupting my thoughts. It eats. It devours. It consumes. Less and less of me remains, until there is no thought but to have faith that I can do anything, to get through the fire and the rain, that I can touch the sky and reach any star. My corruption is complete. Please turn it off.
Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime I used to hate it when I was little, now whenever I hear it I can’t help but smile because it brings back so many great memories!
I didn’t like Chandelier by Sia, was annoyed when it came on the radio all the time, didn’t really pay close attention to the lyrics.
And then a TV show I was watching, Selfie, with Karen Gillan and John Cho, and the whole plot of the show was this attractive, vain, party girl becoming someone that other people could take seriously, and at the end after taking a… well, without spoilers, a confidence hit, she sings a slowed down version of Chandelier, and I not only heard and understood the lyrics, but had spent a series watching and caring about someone who was the posterchild for the song… and it just immediately changed my outlook on the song. It was deep, and painful, and far more meaningful than a song about swinging from a chandelier.
Also that show was surprisingly good and didn’t get nearly the recognition it deserved.
There’s a decent amount of guilty pleasure pop music out there that I like now before I hated it. Tons of Katy Perry songs. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. Stronger by Kelly Clarkson.
Of artists I normally like White Dress by Lana Del Rey went from “I can’t listen to this” to one of my favs of hers. Found a Job and Slippery People by Talking Heads are the same way.
I used to despise a lot of stuff by David Bowie, David Byrne, Sting, Led Zeppelin. Then I grew up.
James Bond by Iggy Pop
It annoys the shit out of my wife so I’d just let it play, then I started actually liking it
Incidentally, she did the same thing to herself with Chinese Man’s “Get Up”
Please Do Not Go by Violent Femmes.
When I was first introduced to Pink Floyd by my father, the song he played was “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”.
Younger me had a bias against really long tracks, this went on for like 7 minutes, most of it was just instrumental with no lyrics until about minute 4.
But after a few years it really, and I mean REALLY grew on me, and I started to appreciate the hard rock genre a lot more for it’s slow but eventually anthemic build-up, and nowadays, it makes up a sixth of what I listen to nowadays.
I also didn’t like Bob Marley back in the day, but now I kinda vibe with that guy’s tunes.
Sleigh Bells - Bitter Rivals. I mostly listen to soul, R&B, and hip hop but have friends who are super into punk rock (or whatever subgenre of punk Sleigh Bells are). The song just sort of annoyed me when it came out but now it gets me fired up because my friends played it enough when we were getting rowdy.