Breezy Weather is a free and open-source Android weather app, forked from Geometric Weather, adding new features, sources, modernizing code, fixing bugs, updating dependencies for security reasons, etc., while keep having a smooth user and developer experience in mind.
Weather data
- Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days
- Temperature
- Air quality
- Wind
- UV index
- Precipitation
- Feels like temperature
- Hourly forecasts
- Humidity / Dew point
- Pressure
- Cloud cover
- Visibility
- Precipitation in the next hour
- Air quality
- Pollen & Mold
- Ephemeris (Sun & Moon)
- Severe weather and precipitation alerts
- Real-time weather conditions
- Temperature
- Feels like
- Wind
- UV index
- Humidity
- Dew point
- Atmospheric pressure
- Visibility
- Cloud cover
- Ceiling
- Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days
Multiple weather sources
Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information
Live wallpaper
Custom icon packs
- Geometric Weather icon packs
- Chronus Weather icon packs
Automatic dark mode
Looking for radar? Check out this document
Free and Open Source
- No proprietary blobs/dependencies (versions 5.0.0-alpha and later)
- Releases generated by GitHub actions, guaranteeing it matches the source code
- Fully works with Open-Meteo (FOSS source)
- No personal data collected by the app (link to app privacy policy)
- Multiple sources are available, with links to their privacy policies for transparency
- Current location is optional and not added by default
- If using current location, an IP location service can be used instead of GPS to send less accurate coordinates to weather source
- No trackers/automatic crash reporters
Note: If the link isn’t working for you or if you can’t find the app, update the default F-Droid repository in your F-Droid client.
I love it.
I had to disable most of it to have only the basics and that’s great :) you can choosr what you want
Installed. Looka really good!
The cards don’t seem to be chsnging for me when I rearrange them. Otherwise I’m really liking it.
Thanks! I hadn’t gotten around to finding a GW replacement yet, super happy this came up!
Very nice. Searched some time for a GW replacement but none fullfilled my needs like this!
Couldn’t find in FDroid or using GDroid, had to download from website.
Didn’t matter, location search is completely broken. Can’t find any location.
New York? Nope. LA? Nope. Berlin? Nope. None. 😕
I also had this problem but after setting my current location which requests location permissions it works. I think there’s a slight bug where it doesn’t ask for location permissions on launch. Similarly, the rain notification was failing because it only asked for location permissions while using the app not constantly.
Works fine for me
Yea, who knows - these things happen.
I’m just disappointed - looks promising.
Hrm, I can’t find that on my FDroid install. Anyone else having that same issue?
I can. Have you tried updating the repository information in your app?
Ahh that did it. Well, more accurately it led me to the problem - I had installed fdroid on a now deleted alternate profile. Uninstall and reinstall fixed it.
It’s on the IzzyOnDroid repo!
But also on the main F-Droid repository. I can see both results when I search (see screenshot in my other reply).
Thanks for this, switched from Weather Underground
I love this, but I wish it would display both F and C simultaneously.
Any idea why:
I can’t find it on the F-Droid app?
The Droid-ify app says it could not validate?
Had to unselect then reselect the repository to update F-Droid. Version 5.1.8_FDROID showed up and installed without an issue.
Droid-ify was trying to install 4.??-beta even after updating the Droid-ify app. Maybe that was the issue. Uninstalled Droid-ify.
Had related issues and not only with Breezy. Had to switch back to the F-Droid app. Too bad.
I use my own API keys with it and it is great. Highly recommend. All that is missing is Radar. I use a different app for that.
You need to add the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repo.
I’ve been using Breezy since it replaced Geometric Weather. It’s a fantastic app.
I sends notifications for weather warnings and has a lot of info depending on the meteorological data provider.
I use OSS Weather also as a complement.
deleted by creator
I’ve been very impressed with Weawow
Nice! Been missing GW!
Why is this in privacy? It has like a million unnecessary permissions
Really? Such as?
obviously a weather app couldn’t possibly use your location for anything, must be spyware
- read the contents of your shared storage
- run foreground service
- ask to ignore battery optimization.
- view network connections.
- view Wi-Fi connections.
- run at startup.
- set an alarm.
- expand/collapse status bar.
- run foreground service with the type “specialUse”
- run foreground service with the type “dataSync”
None of these are used in my other weather app =\
Most of those are optional lol The only ones that aren’t are the network ones, and after looking at the source code, it’s mostly used for error messages