Hopefully Orange Crush flavor
Hopefully Orange Crush flavor
Burry me with my ERA
Good thing about the setup and self updating router is you should have a VPN/(head/tail)scale connection enabled to it so you can still use the smart plug (plugged into the UPS) or send the WoL packet. Or PiKVM. Or if your breaker box is outside ask your neighbor to flip some switches until it comes back to life and come back to an online server and a fridge full of spoiled food.
Smart plug or WOL packet from router go BRRRRR
The framework 13 is around a grand pre built and around 900 if you have a spare SSD and SODIMM modules laying around.
I feel like an i3 or Celeron is not really a fair comparison. The framework machines are quite powerful and they’re targeting the prosumer/workstation market.
In the case of sustainability you do not have to trash the parts on upgrade. Framework sells cases to repurpose the main board as a PC/server. You could also buy a shell and create a second laptop. When it comes to throwing out parts on repair or upgrade you are throwing out less overall.
It’s also a fairly new company so between that and the market they’re targeting the products are fairly expensive. Further down the line they could become much more affordable as the company scales. But yeah it does not sound like Framework laptops are a good fit for you right now.
I know I went back to some older lighter titles on the steamdeck. People might just be wanting to experience Hades and Isaac on a handheld.
There’s a degree of meta progression to the enjoyable part of the game which is creating crazy joker combos, unlocking interesting decks, and watching the numbers go up. It only happens a little while into the game after what is essentially an extended tutorial. At first I thought it was too hard and kinda sucked until I unlocked more stuff and it clicked, now I have 60 hours in the game.
Thank God, Google focuses on the most inane bullshit.
PEBKAC problem exists between kids and cup
The SSD is super easy to replace if you ever feel like 64gb is too small.
Yup, this one was ISIS flavored.
Have some roasted edamame, unfortunately they taste a bit shit though.
Ok, I also run Alacritty on Arch but I’m using KDE and tmux so it might be a bit different.
Do you have save_to_clipboard = true under [selection]?
I think I may have had an issue like this in the past where the clipboard wasn’t working at all. I believe I resolved it by installing wl-clipboard. There are also a few issues related to alacritty and clipboards in their GitHub from a while back so it might be version dependent as well.
Sharing your distro may be helpful to resolving this issue.
We could get all diplomatic issues twerked out
F-22’real. Roger, Roger.
But on the other hand if chemicals in the water make the friggen frogs gay maybe the same applies to mermaids. Maybe all that’s left are a handful of super gay mermaids.
I also had this problem but after setting my current location which requests location permissions it works. I think there’s a slight bug where it doesn’t ask for location permissions on launch. Similarly, the rain notification was failing because it only asked for location permissions while using the app not constantly.
Hey at least you showed her your vim and not your nano or micro
Wayland fractional scaling issues mean they windows look best when rendered at 200%