Reminds me of one of my favorite bits of wisdom but I can never remember where it’s from:
“Ritual purposes” means they have no idea what it’s actually for…unless they specify “fertility rituals” in which case, they know exactly what the artifact was used for, you just can’t print that in a highschool history textbook, even if it is an AP class.
Dude. We know nothing about Eostre, and barely know the highlights of the retconned holiday around it.
If future archaeologists can figure anything out, I’ll be convinced of their greater intellect.
Also, “religious whackadoos” is a good guess for why people do anything weird, these days (eg “Tennesseans vote to kill bills and laws that help them all” and similar weirdness), so I think that’s a good initial strategy.
When these are found ten million years in the future by archeologists in a sedimentary layer what will they attribute them to?
Religious rituals.
Not because they know anything about Easter. It’s just that religious rituals seem to be the catch all bucket.
Reminds me of one of my favorite bits of wisdom but I can never remember where it’s from:
Dude. We know nothing about Eostre, and barely know the highlights of the retconned holiday around it.
If future archaeologists can figure anything out, I’ll be convinced of their greater intellect.
Also, “religious whackadoos” is a good guess for why people do anything weird, these days (eg “Tennesseans vote to kill bills and laws that help them all” and similar weirdness), so I think that’s a good initial strategy.