The elf reich huh? I knew those long eared bastards were up to something. Goddamn thalmor.
Makes sense. The original fey creatures were often way more terrifying than what currently comes to mind when we say “fairy”.
Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
I’ve been reading through Disc world as a pallette cleanser between heavier fantasy, and you’ve just reminded me it’s time for the next one. Terry Pratchett is wonderful
Any movies that go that route? Like hell boy and the like. I love original scary fairy tails.
Pan’s Labryinth comes to mind.
I love me some fairy tails too.
It’s a TV show, but Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is worth the watch
I read the book but I never watched the show - is it worth?
Yes. But this is coming from someone who never read the book. I enjoyed the show.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I think I remember it being pretty faithful. It’s definitely a good TV show in its own right
Read the book and watched the show. Both are fantastic in their own rights, very different ways to consume the story with some differences that fit well for their medium.
The Other Mother in Coraline is patterned after classic fae, especially in the book.
Grimm was a somewhat cheesy cop drama along these lines…
Alternatively, people’s “real” accounts of Fey encounters are equally terrifying if taken at the perspective of reality.
Honestly unshocking. Eldritch horrors and fey are basically the same thing anyway; a powerful entity with alien intentions and motivations, not good or evil particularly, just unknowable.
I think you a word.
I could see Chuthulu as a Fey Neptune of sorts…
The Warlocks were all Pact of the Fey all along.
Shadow court.
Though could “Eldritch horror” mean “something horrifying to the Eldritch” rather than “a horror that is Eldritch”?
Though I’ve never read Lovecraft, so I don’t know the full context of how he uses the term.