Source: Haus of Decline

  • Jo
    1 year ago

    That’s from Charlie Brown’s perspective. Lucy’s perspective was quite a different experience.

    Like hundreds of times before Lucy pulled the ball away at the last second. As Charlie Brown flew through the air Lucy thought how improbable it was that after all this time, this joke had not yet lost its ability to amuse her. She smiled as Charlie landed with that ever satisfying thud but this time the noise was a little peculiar. Did Charlie land on a branch? It must be her imagination, she thought. “Better luck next time Charlie Brown” Lucy said with an unusually hesitant smirk. No answer. “Charlie?” No answer. Lucy walks over and looks down on her smiling friend as a single tear falls down his eye. He repeats the same words “…my reward…my…reward…my…”. Lucy’s eyes open wide as she stares at the boy she’s secretly loved ever since they first met. Her friend’s blood flows over the small rock piercing the back of his head and starts to pool over the once green grass. Over an hour would pass before a grown up noticed the screaming little girl holding a football.